Palmer S. J.—Misstog, 06 Pal ni er T. W.—Korso stolon, 117

Palmer V.—Girl nbscondor, 021

Palmer W., alias B, Bailcy, &e. —Break, outo.r, mul st.oril; gnods j rt custody; disoharged, 272

Polmon. (or Polman) F. J.— Fradnlent appropriation, 521 Palet ta M.—Watek, fce., stolon, ♦542

Paker A.—Jtfoncy stolcu, 42, 93

Falscy O.—Rupply druga witb intont proeuro abortion, 270 Pulwy V.—Siipply druga to ornenro nbortion, 270 Pawiment T. Wifc desorter,

10    79

Panaolicr »S., alias G. Poli-is— Attempt. to br«'nk and onter \vith intent to eoimuit rt felonr; (iisduirged on Heei.se, 620

Pantin E. J.—Couspiracy. 502 Panllin H., Alias G. Evai»3,

11    lina G. tfcYillc, alias G. Pccclm, alias W. Pearaon— Suspeelód stoaling; disobey M.O., 43, 03, 73, 82

PflhlHn W. 11.—Disohey M.O., 443

Ponton E. J.—Couspiracy, 035 Pap?AopnuVi N.—Cłothing, &c., stolcu, 331

Pnpnaryg S. A., alins S. A. iMiillips—Mimlcr, 243; r*c-qmttcd, 400

Popworth C.—Pvopcvtv stolcu,


Patrol tli Tl„ alins If. If. Pap-worlh — Conmioti assanlt; dischurgcd. .300

PapwórtU H. n., alias Jf. Pnp-worth •— Omnrnou assuull; discharged, 399

Papwortli U. U.—Watchca and jJeerc linka sto)en, 010 Pnr.imomit Slio? (..‘ompnnv, 540,

Płir«*!s Office, R:iilw*ny.square, Sydney, 400

Pnriah H. C.--Pa)sc piCleitses on, 357

Pnrislt J. A.— Oicmmt wid monoy stolon, 430 Park H.—Watek, clolMng, jew-o,Herv, &c.t atokn, 580 Park R. W.—Stcnllng, 240 Park W. 11Oon.fOr. fruulu-Icłit ernslon faxi liiro, 4 30 Patko J. A.—Marat desertor,


Parko R.—Pifioboy M.O., 022 Porker A.—Clothing, &«., stolon, 281, 375

Parker A.—A ssani r a ml rob* bery, 10, 40

Parker A.—Assflu.i: constał», 5S disclisrjjtul, 32 t Parker A.    P.—Malidunsly

wounding, 472, 558 Parker A. G.—Pal30 preUMOOs: ilis<'hurge<l, .117

Tar ker E. .7.—Rroouh stolon, 380

Parker G., alias C. Wilson, &?..

—Shop bronki ng, 17, 02 Parker U., alias II. Porter— Break, cnfor, and sferal; stcoling, 535, 50$, 583, 085 Parker II. O.—Fulao prctcnr.es, 12. 17

Parker II. V.—Eiięontrollablc* ehild; lriissing. 03, 00, 304 Parker J. B., alias J. Rpoiiror —Bronk, onter, and ateal. 4U, 41. 84, 124

Parker .T. E.—Non-pnjineiit costfl M.O.; disobey M.O.. 305, 332

Parker J.    W.—Molor-eyclo

stolcu. 313, 523

Parker .1. W.—Wilful nud <»1>-scene exposure, 502

Parker M. O.—Stealing, 193, 230

Parker T., ulbig G. Wulali, a Rus (i. A. Andu r son—Larceny; break, enter, :ut<l stoal; dis-'•liarged, 407; licenso re-vokcd. 045

Pi.rkes C. E.—Wife cltsorter, 273, 400

Parkeft 1>.—■"Watcb stolcu, 668

Parli*a E., alias E. J. Pnrkcs— Farso preteiicef;; discliargod,

P;.vkes E. .T.—Fjiltfc prc.tonecs; no furtbcT procccdingfl, 17

Pnrkes K. J.. nlin-J E. Parkes —V:iW protcućes; óis-tdmrgcd, 509

Pnrkes L. —Warek stolon, 426,



T. J.—Horac



Pa ••kes

W. E.—Bieyclo



Pai-kin M.—Gh«]ixf rlmwn by atolc-n, 453

Purkins A. TT., alias 1T. Thompson, &*\—Perjniy, 182 Parkins V.—Walcl> stolon, 0S0 Parkinson A., alias H. Tkotnp-son, &c.-—Perjury, 182 Parkinson A. B.—Paine pre-reiHTs, 138, 140 Parkinson A. H., alias Robinson—FttUc pretenees. 482 Pa:*kijiR(łii E.    G.—Camally

kii:*wijig, 83, 124, 3 74 "Parkinson E. W.-—Watr.h stolcu, 52

Parkinson C5. T), Rfcnl as co-puMnrr, 074

Prikiuston Tl., alias 7T Tłiomp-rtoji, Ac.—Per.iury, 182

Pa.rknmon T.—Fabe pretencos cn, 444, 41>S

Parkiuyon T. W.—Assuiltcd, (HI

‘‘Parkrnaii”- -Mail, larceny as błńleo of horse, 8:e., 12, 105, 233

Park* H.— Cheouo drawn ir.

faYOur cif, sUden. 250 Panr. ll M.—Impositieai on, 97

Parnell <!., nliaa O. T. Prute— DUofocy M.O., 43, 200 Parnell 31.—Ohecjuo drft-,r;i by Hfoien, 115

PmncH W. Ik, alias IV. fł. Crr^ftiiigbam, &?.■ I.arceny: stealing in dwellir.g; dis churged tm license, 407, 5.19; break, courr. and st.cn.1, 5'ki

Ponibnin J. A., alias ,T. Arir:-sircmg, “'Grahsun/' alias ivusiil»ro«»k-r— F.ntse israieMyes, 32

•'Pan" A'aviie on iiapUin oi abuudoned chiid, 440 Parć II.-—Forgcry and nttoring, 357; ae(jnittcd) 4-12 Parr R. M.—Motor c\’c\c stolon. 142

Parnunuttu Bowling Club, lid

Parramatla Purriers, Ryducy, 480

Purrmnuttft Men tal llospifal. 4(>3

Pm mi mat ta Rivor, nrnr Grocn-wiek wli:* v f—Budr found, 343

I\ivri* A. Jt'wel(erv stolca, 26 H

P;urv 10. M.—Miss!agj 05 Barry E. W.—TW.:*v M.O., 411

Parry H.—Bisobey M.O., 199 Parry J.—Wnlch, &e., slolcn, 24

Par: y R. J.—Disobey M.O., <V-1*., 222; 1ieeii.se ucyuked, 540,

»W 9

Parry W.—Ring atolon, s52 Pardon J> Uo«6cbrcnkiiig on, 012

Pursounge .T.—Eu.il ^uv preiimi-nary ex£»eases, 305, 499 Porsoiis A.—Asaaulf.ed, 202 Parsoiift C.—Refuso pny taxi fftic, 145

Parsnns C. P. G.—Fabo pro-ienees on, 430, 51*1 Parsons E. R.—-Narol deserter, 301

Parsons (1.—Suit sto-.en, GS 4, 58.1, 051

Parsons    K.—Assauf t    i n tent

rob, 472, 558

Parsons If. E.—Disobey M.O., 274 ; biga my, 413 Par,sous J.—Ilrcak, enicr, and »1c*al, 612

Parsons W., alias W. Cal cer4, Ac.—Larceny by trick, 4l

Pniu idgo -T. li.—Wito desciler, I II*, 233, 347

Tuaco II. W. -Rt.caling; oseape f rum <-ust ody; (\isehuvgcd on Hconse, C20

Paproć J. .T.—Mansbmgbter, 319; acuui(ted, 430 Pflttoc R.t alias B. lliil, Ae.— Break, onter, and ateat; dis-eharged, 196

]>aske W. T,.—MisKlng, 494 Pa^sficM Tl.—Mniiclous-Jy dam-rtgf to property of, 525

Pns.enoTC C., alias C. Williams - SeU Liejttor witliout licc.asje, 294

Pnw.nore G. P.—Wift* deserter,

1 "7

Pastnrcs Protcction lfoard, lvan!ioc, 231

nim A. Flnmlors, 4e.—-Rtralij.g, 17; disi-iiaigiil, 429

Pa te A.- Assnnlt fcnuLio witfc iadcorut aer, ISO

T*;i t<• :»<•;.’ C.—R«»p(*cU'd stoaliug, 197

Palcmostcr A. II—-Mutor-car slolcn, 357

Patcr^on A. II.—Indcccntly as-snnll jiimH’, 422, 519 Pal.ef.se> u (\    C.—WuUb, &c.t

ot o len, 213

Paiorson E.—Assanliod and rabbed, 119

Pakrson P*. C.—Watchcsi and ii.-isglo slolcn, 655

Pal-orson .J,Je\veUorv slolcn •112, 543

Pntmsoii J.—Wifc dcserlor, 35.i

Pat-rson J- JowellorY stolon. 102

Palcrsan, .T. A.— Wat cli,

sUdon, 529

Pa i er son S. G.—Wat\h, &<*., stolcu, 186

Pafino A. P. -Woleli and jr-wcllery stolon, 138 PtiHson R.—Wbitcb., &c., sto-l« n. 528

Pal moru M.— Bruocb stolon, 612

Jkiton A.—Mining, 249

PuK,u C.—Watek stolon (re* cororod'), 196

Paton E. C.—Watcb, &?., stolon. 8S

l’a1<nise A., alias A. Khnders, S:(.—Btcaling, 17; disc.hargcd, 421)

Patrlcks P.—Hat stolcu, 679, 024

1’attcrson A.—Wl£<? dosertor. 450

Putt<?rson A. (ar II.), alias W. I!. Briggs, &i*.—BroacJj con-difions release; stcal in dwoili ng, 68, 122

Pntrerson JC. A.—Bing and

bargle stolcu, 332 Paftcrsim 31. (sec. A. PuU^r-Soii)

Pa Gordon J. (Boy.)—Brooch oiid ring stolon, 504 Pallerśon L.—Wifo deserter, (110

PnUcrson L. .1.—OloHiir.g, re-vo1vur, Ac., stolca, -164, 496, 6)0, C37

T,nll«>rfM.m M.—Jcwellery stoleit, 322

Pitttcrson N.—SteaL froni person, F.O., 494

Patterson R. 0.—Btealiug, F.O., 4>/

Pftifnraon R> W.—Ealsc preten-<*cs on, 074

PnttursuJi T. J.—Compt. rc non-payment of taxi hirev 219 Pnttcrson W. (scc W. A. Pafc-tergon)

Pattcrsou W. A., alias W. II, Biiggs, Ser.—BrcucJi condi-tious rdca.se; ste.al in dwel-li.ig, 08, 322

Pntforeon W. C. — Wifc deser-lor, 421, 587

Paltinson J.—Gcldiau stolca, 505

PaUinson T.—Money stolon, 093

Piitdnson W.—Btculing, F.G.,


Paul A. II.—Pa) sc pretcnce* on (N.Z.), 397

Paul C. A.—Ccńld deser lian,


Pa.nl M.—Olotiiiug stolon, 604 Pani W.—Aid.ic.lcs st-olcn, O.Sd Panley W. T).—ifapc, 36;'), 519 Punll R. L.—Biiombrcaking on, 547

Paraj W.—T)isubi»v magisteria) order, 395

Pawicy W. D.— Rapc (scC Pauloy)

Pnwsey A.—Rtealing, F.O.,; di.seb.arged, 406

Pawscy 0.—Watclies, nlberl, &c., stolcu, 616

Paxron K. J.—Money stolon, 644

Paxton—Polico, r.latiou osłabli shed ut, C79

Puyuc B. II.—WiEo deserter, f»9 Puyrn? F.—Watek, &c., stolon, 539

Puytio F.—(JricYcmts    bod iły

imnn, C36

Parno F., alias I,. A. Lynłiam, —.Steuliiig; ?>reac.h comli-i.ions rclc;is<-, 121 PaYiic II.- Buyeic stolon, 14 Piiyac II. H,—Ar.son; bill uot> filcil, 295

Parne J.—Navul deserter, 315 Parne J.—Bioal motor car;

malio.ions dainago. 203, 233 Tajiic tt.; alias K. .Mań:c— Ftoal motor car; misrepro-Hentation, 146, 229, 235 Parne >S.—Comnlt. fruudulcnt ommission, C19

3'aync V-'.—Btcnl motor car, 203 Pcaeh C, A.—Fraudul<*nt cnn-reiflion on (B.A.), 246, 484 Praeb F., alias F. Peeeh, alias Rm iiiidc rs—Larceny;    break,

c-iitor, and steal; dlscbargcd om liconsc, 419

pooch W. E.—Wjfc dosertor, 3 3G; war rant oar.ccllcd, 623 Pcacbcr T.—Maral doaoitor. 615, 667

3’oacJiey A. AT.—l^orgcd chei)ae iittercd to, 498

Peacock A. E.—Naval deser* ter, 36


Podobne podstrony:
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• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
NEW SOUTH WALE* POLICE CAZETTE INDEX—1925. Marshall J. T.—Qualiftad for Constable lst Olaas,
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
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NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE rNDEX—1933. % y.>2 Hule 8. J.—Neglwt nay amoutU due on M.O.,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAZETTE IN 1)EX — 1U 25.43 Jojich G. M«D.—Anton, 382; Jones T.— Arsen, $82;
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZ KITO TNDEX—)92f>. 45 Kiluiisler Cr. W.—Camera, &o., •toleii, 107,
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48 NEW SOUTH WALEM POLICE GAZE7TE IN1)EX—1935. Lewis M. J.—Indecently H3 saulted, 276 Lewis N., alia

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