Lewis M. J.—Indecently H3 saulted, 276

Lewis N., alias J. X. Hoarst, 9u&.—Prawdy On mula. 103 I^ewls O. A.—-Stealing, 41 Lewis S. (see S. Lazaras) Lewis S„ alias F. Robinson. &t\—Solieit for imiuoral pur-pose; dischnrged, 451 Lewis T.—Bioyclo stolon, 3011 I«w(s T.—indcoent nssatilt, G40; ftcquitte<l, 0S5 Lewis W.—Aftempted hostia -Utv; disrhargcd on luumse, 360

Ijcwls W., alias W. Ford, Ac. —Break, onter, and st.onl; illegahy oso hovse and eart, 140, 164, 801, 850 Lewis W., alias W. H. Lewis, &c.-- Horse stealing ; steal-ing; larceny; disoharged on Hcense, 477

Lewis W. K —Assanlt occa-siouing bodily U«nn; assault willi fiitotif to rob, 343. 44$, 51S

J^ewis W. IL, alias II. W. Fyewis, alias .1. Williams, alias W. Lewis, alias H. Lewis, nlias T. Turner; horse-stealing; stos ling; Jawny; disehyrged ou Ueeiise, 477 lewi s- W i 11 i u in s W.—A asa u 11 (/cCiisioning Inni. hanu, HO, 202

Lewlie I).—CiKoiit. oliild (sec D. Leslie)

F.ewtas J. C.—Dwoi ling of. en-tered, 422

Lcyton J., alias F. H. Leigh-ton, &c.—Attcmpt stenl from person: ilscbnrged. 477 Liii tu;    Wotijj (sec Womr


Llbow    W.~Optlctil Instru

ment*. Ac., stolen. S<) Llochmliii A - -Ear-ring sLdcn, 206

Liceiisos Insiructioiia tu jki-lice respeetlng. i Lidcombe and District Trąd-ing 0o-»>p. Sodety Ltd., 520, 575

Ucicombe sute lloepitai, Lid codJ be. 270

“Llddell,’' nllas H. S. Colo, Ac. —False pretenceH; breaeh conditions reloftfco. 000 Llddell F., alias F, Malley, Ac.

—Fulsw preleuceK. 42 Llddell G.—IHisobey M.O.. 110 Liddle W. J.—Break, onter and steal, 40

Liclwtll G. E.—.Tewołlery sto len. 270

Lidwell M. C.~Ghc<pie dra w a by stolen, 64

Tdebmann L.—False protonce* on, 353

Licbumnn M.—Fnlśe pręt en-ces on. 353

Life Rnver*s Australasia Liii., 407

Li Fook - IloRCrt fthip, 221

Lightbodv W. J.—-Wrist watch stolen. 241. 202

Lightfoot .T.—Marę stolon. <100 Llgbtfoot U.—IMissing. ffcl T/llloy G.—Dlsobey M.O.. 50. 70

Lillyinan F.—Mteflllng. 72 Lim Lny—FaHo preteners on (sec Lay Lim)'

Limhless Snldlors’ Art Polon. 5S0

Lina I*.—WnłCli stolen. 070 Linabery I-—Watch and dotli-ing stolen. 240

Ltnane J—Olioqne bonk and elieąue stolent 507 Idnay. 0. W. L.—Inquired for ; locatcd, 412

Lind R. P.- Wfttch, &c.. stolon, 028

Llnrton A. G. F. (may a^ume natne fCerswell)—Disol>ey M.O., 354

I/inderman M.— W atoli mnl jewellory stolen, 570 Lindley O. V. (we C. V. M<»r-rdt, biga my)

Idndley V.—Bigamy on, lis UiKlley Walker (’o o|?enitivo Sowiety I.imitrd, 181 Lindner K.—Fal«v prel eucos, 45

“Llndsay” alias F. U. Linton. &e. -Tndcccnt ossault on inalo; dlsehargod, 257 Lindsay A.—litdeeunl assault, 472. 558

Lindsay Brothers. 430 Lindsay G. G.—Jewellery stolen, 372. 3$0

T/indsay J., alias Black, alias T. Btack<-R, alias Osborne— ('onspirnoy, 440. 558 I/indsay M. H.—Jndeocntly as-saulted. oS

T.indsay P.—Wntcli stolen, 511 J.lnegar M. (Inspector)— Ap~ poinlod qł aa assossor on I’o lico Ap[>eal Board. 067 Linklnlcr W.—Walcli slolen. 608

Llnloft. E.—-False pretenren on, 307

T.intui) F. H.. alias F. Tdnton. alias /ifndsay. alias A. Grif-fttbs—Indecont assanlt. on małe; diseharged, 257

Linton II. G.. alias H, Gordon, Ac.—Break, enter and steal; discluirged on iicense. 410; st on ling. 483. 558 Liom*l lt.. alias P. Glccaon, &e.

—False pretences, 17G, 221 Llppimtni) J.—Bing stolon. 174 I inscombe M.--Broni li stolen, 266

LUpii*r Aft. 1612 Noticc* rc. 207

Lisie .1. 8. -(.'Urniue iu fux nur of, stolen. 236

fńsmoie Hotel, ritl-st., Sydney, 1G8

fńsinore Nor tli Police Btation - Vnoajjcy al. 6 I/isntore Police Stutinn—Va« cancy at: III leci, 151. 267

Lister H. (or Lester) -Break, onter <md steaJ: recching; dlscłiargtsl. 157 r.is;ton Mrs.—Imjnirtitg rr mis-sing ma u. 761

F.iston T. -dnHiot bodily harm. 40 -

l.itbgmy Police 8mU<»n.—Va-eancy at. 267. 300 Li tli go w Supply ('o. Ltd., 337 I.ittle A.—Shop ontered. eloth-ing stolon. 317

Liftle •!. E.- Dwclling liousc of, broken nnd entered. 407 Liftle IL II.—Missing. HO Littlefair T.—Break and catering on. 330

Littlciolin H.—Proport.y stolon, 374

Litller C.—Go w stolen. 83

l.iftlcwood J>.—Wat oh and Albert stolon. 502 Lin Tsnng—Breacb limnig.

"Rosi rię. Aet, 440 f.irerpooi. — Proporty M.

rbristianson. 270 Licet .T, B. L.—Banglos stolon. 02

I.ivett F. it.-Wife deserter. 387, 424

f-lringstojie D.—Slieep stolon. 171. ftl#

Iiivlngstoiift II —Premiaes en-

tered, 2B1

Livingstone II., alias J. Le llarte, &c.—Assanlt und robbery, 123, 231 Iilewellyn A.—Jewellery sto-len, tibo

Llcwellyn C. Jl. - In dcc. lun-guage, 41

Lloyd A.—li rug supplied to, .32

Lloyd A. O.—Indeceut assnult, 3J, 174

Lloyd K.. -Imlecent aswmlt, 1SJ. 251, 277, 302 Lloyd K.— Dwelling onlered. 182, 251

l.K»yd V. L.—Disobey M.O., 550

Lloyd H. G—Argon on; aid-ing and abetting, 391 ; jio bill, 450

Lloyd L.—Assault. inteut rob;

disclmrge<}, 244 r.loyd T..—.lewellery stolen. 302

f.loyd N*.. alias ,J. Robertson. Ac.—Fa Ise prereaces. 430, 544. 561, 601

Llovd B.—Miasing, 494; lo-Cftted. 063

Idoyd S. -Falso prctencos on, 54, 81. 146

f.loyd 8.—Misslng frlend, 288 Lioyd-mn (J.—WrisHet wafch lost or stolen (see G. L. Ifill)

lobo F.—Watcb stolen. 227 T.orb —Forged chcque ul-tered on, 408

F,ock A.—Gcldiug stolen, 2,80 Ix>ok F. H.—Trombone stolen, 400

Tioek P. A.—Mlssing, 57 lx>ck P. .T.—-Inflict bodily harm, 412

F-ock W. H.—rasę, clotbing. *fcc., stolen. 455

I,ock«» A. V. M.—<*omp1. rr ffólure proc ido prelim. cx penses. li?

Lodcett T.—Fal*' prętom es on. G00

Lockhard G.—Susper.ted person : F.O.. disebnreed. reckie, and Wcbb, 688 l/ockle r>.—Watek stolen. 420 Lockwood H. R.—Nucili de-sorter, 271

r^ickwood IL W.—Golding stolon. 407

Lockyer F. M.—Stenllng. F.f>., 457

Lockycr <L J.. nlins (1. James — Oonspirary; misaptn.. Ili, 232. 277

Locoinoiivi» Hotel. Juiuh*. «#{SJ6 T.ocomotices Limitpd. 200. 400

TiOdcr O. E.—SUopbreaking ou, 250

T-odor F.—Wntcli, &c„ stolen. 452

I.oenn 10. K.- Broof.h stolcu. 438

I/Ogan G.. alias G. I-nton. &c.

—8hopbreaking. 84. 124 l/łgnn J.- Owner anil oecn-piłnt of hotel premises at Beckom destroyed by fire, 23

Logan ,T.    (Vi<>..)—Motor-eur

stolen, H82; rceocered, 553

Logau J. McG.—As-smilted a .'id robhed. 524

J#ogcbnnp>s P. de—Larccnv as l>nilec (sec “Da Snute G M fjoł.nn T.—Embotelemcnt, 327 I.ohman G.—Attcmpt commit siilcide. 270

T.oiimnn H.—Watcb, &c., stolca. 654

Lr>!s V. (may as«unn‘ 0. Younger)—Missiog. tf)4

Lokki J.—Watch and jeweł-lcry stolon, 227

Lolato G. P.—Watch and Jew-ellery stolen, 642 I^ollbaek J.—fyolding stolon, 210, 315

fjollis D.—Bicycle stolen, 349 Fx*ma.s G.—Indecent assauli, 39

La>mux A. K.—Assault and robbery, 524, 543, 596 '‘London." Itcdfern—-Reg. let-ter stolen, 613

London T). W., alias T. Gardi-ner—Break, entor, and ste^i!;

dischnrged, ioG

I>ondon Hotel, Ardletban, 136 Ja>ndon T. (see T. JO. 8., Lin-don)

London T. E. S.—Steni motor cyelH, &e., 104; horse-steal-ing; stealiug; embezzle-nient; disebarged, 4C8 Loiiciouderry Hotel, ColłLag-wood, Vic., 219

Lone II.—Assoiilt łnteut »ob, . 343, 443

Long E.—Men found on pre uiises of. lnteut. atenl, 525 T^ong W.—Property stulen, 17

Long W. (or W. F.)—False pretences, 14

I>.mg Wok—Brcaeh Iminig.

Restrlc. Act, 382 I4JI.K W. F. (or W.) —Falso pretences. 14

l^ngaborilic    K,—Money sto

lca, r$4

Longbottom II.—Wntches, jew-ellery, clotbing, &c., C50, 657 IxmgHeld M. R. (8tip. jMagls-tratę), 136

I^nghum J.—Disot»cv M.0^ Gfl9

T/łngworth W.—5kidd!e and hridle stolen, 397 Looncy G., ohaa lt. G. Smith, Ac.—Steni In dwelling, 83, 158

Ijooney lt.. nlins F{. G. Sniiih, &c.- Sieni in dwelling. 83. 108

Lopns 4.—Sell llquor without llcense, 204

Lr/rd A. F.—Break ing and en-tering: haring houaebreak-ing implcmentA in po-^cs-sipn; breocJł Gun Act; break-ing and ciilering, 291, 37n Lf>rd A. Vr.—Wife desertion, C09

I^ird G.—False pretences on. 375

T^>rd S. J.. alias F. Taylor, &e. —False    prelences:    dis-

cbarged. 492

Lnton G.. allos G. rx»gan. ftJiait ‘Jackson" —Shop-bmikiiig. 84, 124

lAitt G. L.—Wife deserter. 18, 34

f^>r/.e X.—Conspirc to cheet mnl defrnud. 203 Londeu W.—Wsitch, Ac., stolon. 416

Loudsni;i)t W. .T.—Watch, &c., stolen. 604

F^ongh 8.—Miss ing, 195

Loughlin B. A.—Cl Ot hi Uff stolon. 211

Loughman B. W.—Embezzle-mont. 525; misuippm.. 632 l/<ługbrini J.- - False pretenres, 30

I/łiurtiry .T. V. Wife deser-Gon. 470, 586 “F/onls"—Child descrler .Sfhnbiger)

T-onJh? J. - Foal stolen. 143 Lapis J. T.—*71 i tycie stolen, 18

T .ou is M.—Jo woli ery stolen, 114

"r/ousuhltti,” Melbonrne—Reg. letter stolen, 617


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