Prontor II. E.—Cheques, Set.,    Ptirsehouso O. (knowu    iis    Q:iinn    J.—Be.Ntinlity, 58, 175    Kalnsford    I'1.—Dnelliiig    hoa$o

stolcu from person of, 233    Swecney)—Fail provirie    prę*    Quiim    .T.—Ohild deserter, 2*30    entered,    370

Proc-toi- J. K.—Fait pay coste    liwinary osp mus, 002    Quiim    .!. F.—Albert imd motUl    Roinafurd    F. SteaUng,    F.O.,

en magistcrlai order, 15; dis- Purtou U. W.—Naval (leser lec,    f-tolcn, 417    H

_o!>cy magisteria! order, 27, <j-i    Quiim J. IV. JC.—Disobey M.O, ltalph II. II. (Railway l>crt.),

82    Fortem .T. B.—Forgei’; cherjiu4    074

Produce.rs and Cirizcns Co. of    jmrportcd signed by, 012    Qaiim    M.—AssanHed and rob-    JłaM. Wr»^'Rrfiute pav taxi

Pioos P. and accoimno

Prosaer 1). Indeoently nssaul- _ iug,_71    Onimi W.-Sten lit.s. -Iłu    J.—Miasinfr, 1S)2

,—Lr-ii-ony as buPe.',

i* ann urizcus '--o. ot purponcu signctl uy,    bi:i    Qmim    M.—Assiinltcd and    rob.    Ralpli klr*.—Ttefuso pay Liw

iha Limited, 047    P»rv1<s 14. F.—Cheqr.c    utleni    bert,    476, 498, 518    cali Mrc, 4!>ó, 496, .571

. Hefuse pay for jiiwiIh Ol). 344    Q:inm    li.—Wateli sinica,    i 03,    Ralston U.- Drcsgco stolon,

seoimnodAtion,    Purns^W. R.—Carnally k»h»w- 050    6U; shoplneaking on, 675

Fryce W. T.—Piso boy magi.v 175

—Rak a pretenees, - Misappropri-—Earriug*. Scv., ‘ifciindk',** ulius A. Ttfliulall, Set.

ryku A. V.—LurcoaiY ______,    . ...... -

G84    Cłumg Quoiig) *    Jlamsry JI.—Rmg ufoicii, 1/3

Public*. Scliool, Bftrtiam, 295 Pywell A. F.— Falso pralcnccb *'• Attempt buggory, 210, liaiosay J. 1>. Ńnvrd deserter, Public JSo.liool, lSurwood, 307 'on, 107    370    “3 r    ,    , . ..

Public Sowlcu A&scc!atiou ot    Murucicu, J43

N.8.W., 396    /    liamsay W. łJ. K\, niiast A. K.

Public Trustcc, 388, 018    n    R    fhx.—Oblało motor car by

Public Works -Department,    **    .    falso proteneea, 17

Nf.ft w oa    Rneklyeft A.--wutłdi. Set., s:o ••Ronec.''• Palne pwfrwas. 30

ehnrgoO on liconse, 403

Pi,g7i R. A—Jeivellcrv,    &e.,    nigher Bank, Liets of, 2;;,    Uncontroll. child,    008

.stolon, 108

Pugh li. L.- Misitpprop:


Pugli W.—"Wateli and    jQwellorv    Quau)    Io,if 4"2    Paku orctcuoc.s, 1507

stolon, 128    ' C^uartor Sessiona (kcc Court* r.t p;,dfonl J|.—xVuvrtl cPuerlcr, RanduHO. K.-^touhn^: ilic-

Pulion .1.—Disobcy magistorinl Quurtor Sess;ons)    gnHv noo motor .00r, 241)

order, 376    Qourto,- Sr^ious niid Circuit    alias A. Appa, & 1*.— Ramluil 1T.    B.—KcUer sio-

Pullhi -W.—Sten ling, 590    ''r    Oourts, List of    yiLtings, 5 Fnige oretouoea; forgery :md    Jen, 2*3

Puls ford O. E.—fftutch stolcu, ^uc;:Jiboya.» 8tatioił, romancy nt, uUering; discliargod rai lir- Tiundnll 8., alias S. Nelson, Set.

502, 525    335, 370    eusc, 006    —Asccmlt and robberyj dis-

Pulsford L. M.—Riugs and    Quce)»’s    Club, Sydney,    561    R.™ j. A.—(bnnplt. embezr.lo    rharged oa WCtW,    441;

l-rooch c-tolcn, 101    ^ueenalaud Hotel, Erskiiic-r-1.,    ntctlff ^4}, ,*>25    ut nilirp.    524. 632

Pulwood E.    A.—Armie* skden,    Sydney, 303    Tła{y a., aHna MafTcrly.—Mur*    miler alias A Eandnll, (i*-.

592    Qup(nistai)d Probatc IsisnrAnuc    4R.r (Amer.), 491    —SlWll    fnuu pcUNOtr;    ri:s-

Lunęli E. G.—Glotluiig,    Set..    Ce., Lid., 32    ‘■Rn/re;,tv,,‘ ulins A. R.af?—Mar-    eburged    on lirpiiso,    493

stelcn. JOS    Qucsnc    II. Le    fsce Le Q«eane,    ,kT (AiumĄ, 401    Rn.ndi.‘    A.—Jey-cllcry    stolcu.

Pimeli F.—Clothing atoleu, 103    U.)    Ru^crt’,* II W_Stenlin<' 382    514

Lunęli II. A.—Joweilery stolen, Qucssy P—Bicyclo stolen, 18    604 "    Itoadalob B.-Fiandlt. convcr-

n n # .    .    ,,    J'*» n}\aJ h- '^^n—F^eHYP.-Stenl from person;    mon/253, 202

p,U>li V    -Sr°r,,; U ^ UnS9 1 un r«. disrl.arged ou liecuso. 658    J$awiolph R.—Kulse prdcnws,

luiavct O. AVantcd m Franco Qmg:cy K -Disoboy M.O., 049 i{j.n,    rr inissina <sv;- R. (łamlall)

fur awm,lilii", 140 •    ^uigley J.- F«l«c protenc*.?, „uin, 31    ' ttnmlow .T., nlias J. Keinnald.

Purecll C.    J.—Eiubrazlcment,    *    Raftos J.— Aranulted. 584, 013    — !>isol»?y M.O., 200

182, 301;    fj>i! npp ir, 14onr.li    Quik1ov    J„ alias    O.    fetewarr,    r.,ujw; j .-..n^r-boY M.O, 456,    “Mnuji,” afins G. Owen,    Ar —

warmnt, 033    alias C. E.    MeKie, alins 'Hrir-    5jo    Atirmpt fnlse j»retcnccs, 203,

Purecll H., alias *T. 8ullivan,    good,    a»ias f.i/llina,    alias    fuy •    J{-ilnn;in T.—Motor en"    utoleii

Set(—StOttl iii cłweJling. 122    lor.    Oatlier^    alms    liy    fab»e    }nił-| juj^e/pirr.C.c found    burnt    BanKin    U.    A.-—7)iso?:cy    M.O.,

Parceli Ii., alias L. W. Parceli, pret-cnces, 464    .,ł Korthbriilge,' 101    *    260

&r—Tlei*i>.iving;    dlseliarged Quil!:m 8. - Wat cli, &c., stolrtft, „ f, . . v e w R.utkn <!.—Bncor.trolliildc cliild,

1    Jlly    Ił/7%    *    ' ..rj><inn    ł,-l\ •

130, 230, 267, 321, 361, -175, ‘Radford £.—Premises ontoied, Erł/jdull A. )>.—Orldijig stolcu,

riation. ^7» ^ ^    20J    Ol, 105

Quun William (sec wr.lniui Rmlfynl JtJ. W.—JiweUery sh.- R:md:.ll 11. (or RnndolplF.—

Purdy II. R. •• Stcallng, 307    Solieiting, *    , ....... n uj.ł*i, ^Ann u;.    ......»— •

Purdy J.—Bollowd livlng wlth Ing; break condics. rrleaso, Hn nthotp D* ^atfl1 8tokn' ‘ ’ l^nst A.—Wafel) mul albert sto wife deserter, 649    445    Rainer O.—Wr.teb 8to*on, 8S len, 366

Pnrimll M.—Dwrlling nntrred, Ouinn aEllo (scc 0. Quin:i) Kai nos W.— -WafoJi and ehnin "RatlrbonriJO E.—Watek stolcu, 98    Quinlan E. C. (also Juiown ns stolon, 404, 460    420

PorwgloYe ■ M.—Coroplt. steai- T. Hand).—Fulse pretenccB; Rainford S. R.—Falsc pro- RnUifield A.—Wristkd waleb iug; 374    stealing, 000    tenses on, 458    stolcu, 312


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54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
NEW SOUTH WALKS POLICE GAZETTE TNF>TCX—1925 CoIIcy W. Futoc prctcnccs on, Collins <J. T. V.—E
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NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE rNDEX—1933. % y.>2 Hule 8. J.—Neglwt nay amoutU due on M.O.,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAZETTE IN 1)EX — 1U 25.43 Jojich G. M«D.—Anton, 382; Jones T.— Arsen, $82;
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NEW SOUTH WALUS POLICE GA ZET TE IXT>KX~-102?. Palmer S. J.—Misstog, 06 Pal ni er T. W.—Korso
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTJS IN DE A.—1933. Jhaird J, ii.- Watek, &C., stolcn, B&llnntyn
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE .TKDRJC—173 Kiro W. li. J.—NnvaJ desertor, Richmond J. W., alias J.
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy
82 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE TNDEX—1925. Slickney M*.    (girl)—Break, oondns.
ClNEW SOUTH WALEM POLICE GAZETTE )M)EX~1925. Mc-Uoughair R., alias ii, Me-Dougall, &c.—Stcnling,
G6 NEW SOUTH W AL ES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 0’Conuor E. J.—Tic phi stolcu, 0 GiHtly P.

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