

0’Conuor E. J.—Tic phi stolcu, 0'GiHtly P. D.—Oonhplraoy, 0’Nbill <T.—Break, er. ter, mul Paekłiam H.—Watch, &c.. ato-352    faise preteuceą, 17, b4, 20*0; steul, 3G7, 5J8    len, 128

0’Cotmor i\—Drink uud enter, bo *>ill Jiled, i'2'A    OTfoill U.-~Assault and roh■ Pu-.lt u J. Ii. (America)—Kur*

iuteiit sieni. G75

0'G rady S.—Chile; deaoitc?, 191 ?>crv, 110, 231

der, 379

OConnor Jt\ J.—Sleevc linka 0*0! rudy W. (assmues W. 15. ONcill M.—Per jury. Attor^ey Taili cy li.—Jcwcllcry and mor.ey sfoiou, OH    Polny, Mooro, or 0'Grudy).— General decKuu procced fur*    stoicr., 501

0’Ouiiaor 1*\ 11.—Watnh, &r., Lfealing, *»44, ;>83    łluii, 344    Pjullpy K.—Ilouaebrcaking on,

stolcu, 110    0’t.rndy W. £.—Stcaling (sec 0'NciII P.—King stolen, 552    547*

O Comior O. H.—iGcMiug Stoicn, W. 0’Grady)    0’NciJl 11- DiaoOey M.O., 132 Pngc A. E.—Break, rmtor, and

1*13    O ilulloran    O., alias If.    JA    ONe.l.    T.-—Disobey M.O., MU stcal; discliarged on    liconae,

OCEnuor 0'. V.—Disobej* M.O.,    l>‘PaUor:m, alias J. Brown, 0’Neill W.—inijuirer for mit) 550

5S5    ‘    nliMM II.    Kennedy, alias <J.    sing person, 010    Pa go    A. R.—Assault and    rob-

0'Connor II., alias J. II. O‘Co u-    Rrowu, afian U. 0'JIallonn. 0’NciU W.—Fail to x>rovidi: pro- b-.ry, MG

nor.—W&utcd isi America for    —Fouml    iu yard for unlaw-    lim. cxes., 001    Pago    E.—Fulsc. protenccs    on,

assault wirli inteiil comimł,    ful purposo, 3J7    0’IUdIly II.—Diuoboy M.O., 20.1,    58S, Gol

murder and robbery, 133 CHstllorau 11., alias C. 0’JIul* 400    Page E. A.—Misstag, 53i*

0*Cv»»iior J., alias 3. J. 0<*on- lnrnn, Ac.—Fon ml in yard Cor 0’Reilly If.—Disobey M.O., 120, Pugc E. 1L.—Shop of broken nor.*—Soli Ihjuor withoul lic-    uular/Uuł purposc, 317    252    and enl.erod, 510

eu.se, (5*23    0'JJnllo/łin    11. IV, alias    O.    Oitciliy    J. K.—Błcevc linka    Pago J.—Marę and    gelding

0’Cbnjiof «l. 11., u) inn II. 0*Oon-    'f/ilallornn, (cc.—I'Y/uj>d in ot o Jen, 03    stolon, 477; m*ovcred, 404

nor.—Wnuk-ii jn America for yard for unJawful purposo, 0'Rcilly M.—Riug and Ce3u Page 3.—ltapc; discharged, 501 as.vi.ull willi i n tent coinmit    3.17    hIoIimi, 476, 541    Pftge    Tt.—Dwollii.g-bouse    of

murder and rob bery,    133    0’llallwau    J.—n: T>cui:i    of,    0'llcilly    R. V.—Assault eon- entered, .55)0

0’Oonr.or S..J„ uliius J. 0’Oon*

slabie; l^.O., discharged, 338 Pogc W. J.—Xvife dcacrtcr, 533

033    Pngett W. ^ JT.—Muliciously

(iiiau).—A&sault, 0'Rourkc j. J. A.—PisoLey    woiraling, 524, 590

M.O., 15, 526    * Pflggcndorff. M.-^Premitiea en-

sr.uleed, fiO    530

0’Co«nor M.—-Il iig stolcu, 213 "0’Kocft 0’Connur O.—Watch stolcu, Gol) I !>*, 354

/■\»/*ł    t\ ~r    .    , .    , '    ____ ✓*>•§>-    «>

firoavxs, alias V. O. Jł. slolen, 604    O Sbaimcssy X. T.—Ponury, PhiuC J. ii., alias J. 1‘oole, &<*

Bi’Cftvca, alias Sicadiuan— OTCrcfu .r.~-Bloove liuks stolon, 371    proton cos;    larcony;

SicaJing; sto a! iu dwHIing, 054    0’fthcj*. M., alias T. 0'ftbea, nlb.s /1,f,harG0^ ricfiwo, 36!>;

380,409    0’Kccfc M. T.-Torgcd clioquc U. J. Uyan.—Assault intont belicycd ldcnttcal «T. J. Nolan;

0‘Coitnor V. J.— Disobcv M.O.. utterod or, 500    rob; di.schorgcd on liceaso, lsc* prctcjcos, 3<2; falso

70    *    0’Keofe T.—CompU. forgery &    408    prctcmwi, 4».>

O’Dra, 'lXugg«‘t,” alias XV. E. uftrrir.g, 500    ' 0'Shca T., alias fi.    vV;o. 15”^am LlłK;>clc stuUm,

Broiigij (et Assault ocen- 0*Kx*cfc W. Start' piu stolcu, —Assault inlent rob; dis ; B -Embo^lumonl. 100

I.* J.f .. I....... ń / a .>aa */• . a    /»b o n/rr./l    liiiuVl(lń AI\H

..........—Supply drug to pro’

m.eapprn., 458, 511    OLoughlui D. Watcb stolon, tonees, -31    euro ylwsrriou; ac.iuilUod, 40,8

OT>our.ell E. J.—Golding atolcn.    0’Sull«van T. J. EmneŁzIcrucnt pni,łHV y—Watch and albcrt

: 43, 290    .    OTjmiphlm alias J. M«-    050    *    rn.j

—Steni in ilwelliug; rceeiv* c.ondns. relcnso, 000

0'Kullivan ,J. F., alias J. 0‘Bu!

*ng; disebarged, 15f>    OhMabey A.— Walcb, &«., stob'», ]ivnn— Rtcal in <hve!ling; d.s- pa)mcr & Company, Wallfud-

0’Donncll F. T B.—Complt. em- 165    charged on liccnge, 595    beon, 155

bcr/.lrmcnt, 482    O Maflcy F. C., alias F. Mulicy, CStiiUcun J. 1*. — Fraadlly. paimcr A.—Wri*t watch stolcu,

0'Dnmicll, Oriffin & Company.    «:<•.—Falsc prclcnron, 42    omit p»y momes, 148, 370    u.;;

306    , * ‘    k    O*Ma 1 ley L. M.—Bell )iqiw>r 0’ftullivan T.—Watch, &c., sto- painicr c. II.—Watę

0'Donn<*ll J.—Conspiracy oj;, without liecr.se, 250    len, 2S9    404

Watch stolon,

54, 440

O’Mara A. R-.iig stolon. 114 (VBiillivnn T. .T., alias .T. Arnu- paimcr V., alias V. P. Pabr.rr 0‘Doimel1. ,r., alias J. McDor.- 0'Mnra ,T.—Tnilict gvicv. bodily dale, &c.—Palws prctonces,    — Mnibeazlemei:t; dbe-hargrd

r.cll. &c.—Śtcalini!. 581-    hanu, 649    434    ot: licem*?. 451

0*Donovnn W. -Forgcry, 008 0‘Ncil A. J.—Disobcy M.O.; 0*Tnole O.—Wifn desci-ter, 52*2 abseonder, 273

OTJwyer M. J. MJssing, 161 r:oi>pftyt- costs, M.O., 610 0’Toole T.—Bell ]i<pior without Paimcr H.—Bioyclc stolon’, 367

0‘Farrell Cl. P.—Chlld deswrtion “0'Neill,” alias j. Robinson - - lie.cnsc, J23    ralmoi* H. V. & Co., Propric-

!>i2    Indocoat nssaulr on femab*;    p    tary I,td., Molbounie, 246

0’Oortnnn .7.—Abseondcr front dischftrgod on lironso, 419    Paimcr L. .T.—Anwiulted and

carc of. 335    O* Ne; 11 A.—Indcccnt assault Pacific Fur Company, 422    rob be cl, 516, 527

0’flrady A.- Murdcrcd, 317    (Seo A. Alt Sec)    Pacififjuc Hotel (kco Hotel    Pac:- Paimcr N.    J. R.Naval    d«tcr-

0*0 rady A. K._/r deuth    <»C, 0*Xoill C.—-Seal es tualie.    dam- firpie, Twe od Ileads)    ter, 524

253 ‘    siged, 584    Packnrd Limited, 263    Pal iw r R., nlias R. Bailoy, &c.

0’Grady D.—Cfirl esmpce, 56, O*Kalli J)r.% Sydney.—Reg. lot* Pachcr B. E.—Break, entor,    —Break, enter, and steul;

.r,', *    ter etolen, (118    and ateal, 472; acqnitted,    goods in custody; disebarged,

O'O rady FV—Assr.ult and rob- 0'Xeill E.*—hfmdered, 35    583

bery, 234, 409    0'NeSll E A.-—Biganty on, 118Pac.khnm A.

0'Grady J., alias J. C. Brown, 0’Ncdl O.—Uttering, 340    len, 657    ,    „ ^ ,

&c.—Stea! from person; dis 0'Ncil; TT.—Wifc dcacrtcr, 351,Packbam    C\—Clothmg,    &c., Paimcr S.—Fal*? prctenccs on,

cbargcrl, 451    57f»    .    stolon, 262, 339    634


i- i Si

Y.—BicycJe sto- Paimcr. S.—Watch a.»d al)>crt

stolon, 11-1


Podobne podstrony:
NEW SOUTH WAL ES POLICE GAZETCE INDEX_1923. 1 Uosscr II. L.—Nuval doserlcr, 437, 0C7 Roa*/ A., alia*
96 •NEW SOUTH WAL ES POLICE GAZETTE L^DEN—1925. Cook f. F.—Appointcd C021-stable, 350 Cook 7’.
40NEW SOUTH WAL ES POLICE GAZETTE 1KI>BX—1023. Lourit P. M.—Watek es stolon, 2G8 Lovc C. C., alia
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 31 GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925 Millincton D.—Break, enter and
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
12NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTK INDEX—1925. Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103 Burles, S. A,—
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
40NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—192$ Infanta—continuęd.    Irring Wr.—Goods
44NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml on
50NIOW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Magnus E.—Complfc. biga my, *295 Magnus X. J. (sec All
51NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man uuknowji (I)- ‘CGutUwol.Man unknown
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man unknnwn (I)—continucd. Słcal cash box containtog w
KEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313 McCann M.—CJiri absconder,
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McKcnsńc N.—Brcach Inunigra*. tion licstrietion Act,

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