96 •


Cook \f. F.—Appointcd C021-stable, 350

Cook 7’. Jf.—PrGmotcd Scrgt.

3rd gin es, 3IW

Coombcr A. K.—Qu:tliłicd for Sorgoiuit, 239

Conmbs K. U.—Appointcd to Pro. Constablc, 17i>; dis-chargcd, 356 Cooinbca H.—1'romnted to Sgt., 2n<l Cl£H», 557 Cooper ,T. P.—.ApptmitiHl Con-stublc, 262

Coppin O. 8.— Qualifted for Constuble lst ('lass, 565 CosteLlo    J.—Pronmted <n>n-

skibie JHl (Mass. 39K Uoulf.ęr W. ,1.—(^uali/iod for Scrgoant, 47ii

CoupUmd C. H.—Apptd. Pro. CoiiKlabJc, 413

Oox f>. L.—Appoinred Pro. (Jon stuliło, 179

Cmdoek O. E.—Quulifunl for Inapcctor, 207 ; Promoiod to Aetiug Tnspeelur, 18.1; cur.-firmed, 379

Craig W. .1.—Kromotod to (Jni.-stoblo Iet Ciass, 36.H Cramp A. J..'—Prom. to Cor.-stablc, 1 ?»t Class^ 163 Craustom !'/.—Qualific«i for (\>n-atable lst (.'lass, '--IV Oorigiui R. M.—Apptd. Cor.-stable, 179

Creascy G. 31.—Appoiuieil Pro. Cmiatablc, 202

Orommoliu T. J.—Apptd. Pro. Const al>U\ 523

Cronin G. F.—Pcnsioit ftranted, 180

Crwbiu A. J. II.—Apptd. On-stablr, 356

Cross P. Tl.--Kromotod Con-Htabto lal Omm. 398 CrotluTS S. C.— Q»a1tflod fur Cotistnlilc 1*1 Glass, 565 Croitr AV. R.—Prom. Constahlc lst' Cta. :m

Crotioh H.—Appointcd Con Slabie, 262

Crołier IV. (5.—Appointcd Oon-slabie, 523

Onnunius I*. II. — Proniotcd to On&toblo, lst OIftkm, 103 Cunnbiglintii K. -Quuliflod for Rcigoant, 230

Citnninghnm K.— Appt.. Pro. Constabto, 170

Currnn .1. T.—Appointcil Pro. Or.slablc. 011

Cmtuis P. 11.— Prom. Inspoctor 2nd ClftW, 463

Cuth(‘l .T.—Apptd. C<i«stal)I«, 611

Ot moro A. W.—Apptd. T'ro. Con.'da Ido. 170

Cuttriss L. T.—Apptd. Pru. Const Mile* 262

Dnkors <\ .1— (£ual. Coiifit. lst Obr-s. 415

I>ak*v C. 11. A. Qufil. for RugN,


Dallas J>. <■. - Apptd. Vr«, <’nii-stfiblc, 179

Daniel 0. -Appbt. Pm. Coli* stablc. 523

T>nvc*v i(. W.—Apptd. Pro. Con* stuliło, 350

I>nvis E. <*.—Proiu. tn l;«u. Ist Claftft, 163

Davi3 1. I*. J. - Appt d. Onst., GJ L

Daria J. II.-Apptd. Cmi-L. 118

Pary H. W.—Pm. Coi.nI : rc-sig-nalion of, 611

Dftwson A. A’. Apptd. Pro. Coustnble, 350

D.iw«<m .1. P.—Appfil. Conti , 202

Dean .r. M.-—Apptd. Pro. Cou-atablc, 170

Doanu .1. II.—Prom. tu Sgt. 3rd Class, 162

Dciii C. A.—Qual. for S»*rg;*ant, 23

Drlrtncy Qual. for iilspr., 537

Deiup^cy J.—Cuu>t. Lst (Mass; priision of. 4IH

Dcnaiiy K.—Apptd. Pro. Oon-stalik. 356

Dcuais O. Al.—l*roui. to OiV t. lst (.Muss, 687

T)ovdin —Ptom. Tnspai-t.. 4>.t (Mass, 463

l)id; \V.—-Constablc; reftignat. uf, on

Dicksou 1. C.—Apptd. Ccui*t.. 523

Dimmof k C. S. li.- -Q«al. for Coust. Ist Olnss, 565 Dimmock T^. P.-•Dct.-Constblc lst Clńss: rcsig. of, 418 Diimnock M. H.—Apptd. Pm. Cuijstabtc, 252

Dimond W. V.—Prom. f.o lir-15. 7:-st Cliiss, 185

f)ix»n V. W. H.—%t. 3rd (‘lass; ponsioii, 528 Moak 11. ,1.—Apptd ('oiislnble, 523

l><jak li. (V—Apptd. Const., L79

TpdibU* Mrs. Af. A.—A Uo w nitce, 180

Dnlicrtr J- Qnal. Coust. lst Cla.U, 11 f>

Donolitu K. If. C.—Ap}«td. Con-stablo, 611

PonuoMy .1,—fyt. Srd ('lass; 011 ponsioii, 418

llpnohoc W. ti.—Qual. for Con-sfnblc lst Clnss, 653 Duris —Police ponsioner; dcritli of, Gil

Dostino IV II.—Pro. Constable; disc.hnr^ctl, 051

DoWiila?! L. I.. • Prom. to Con* stfltdc ist Cla$ft, 557 Douglnss J. \Vf.—Prom. Cunst. lst Olass, 398

Downie J.— Apptd. Oonst., 611 l).»v.\4*tt C.    O. Apptd. Pro.

ConsfalZ-e, 179

l>f»y!e U. P.—Qunl. fur Const. ist (Mass. 337

]>r‘•i-i 11 A. G. Const., rosignrd. 350

1 )nIT«»:i T. a.—Qual. fur Tn spcctor, 653

Duggan \f. F.- -Quali6cil for J^crgt.. 415

Ihmbiir J.—Qurtlifv Ooii.stnbic, Pt (Maw, 361

Pmicaii ,1. J,—Apptd. Pro. Con stablc, 523

Pnnlop T. I*. — 1st CliWfł: pciision, 523

Hnmi A. li.- Apptd. Coiistublc, 262

lbum T. -Prom. fcgt. 3rd Olson*. 398

Pumie >f. K.—<jual. for Tu«p.t


Dimnc P. d.—Prom. Aetiug Tn s:u-rh»r. 379; :ior»iit. Tiispac-tói 3r«l (Mass. 627 Darli o tn C. H.—Qd:if. Cond. -•I st Clnss. 53 7 Dntfon .7. II.—Apptd. Pro. Ci:». sfaldt’, 179

Pu yor F,. ,1- Appt u. Pro. C011-siablf', 523

Dy co A. A. • Prom. ‘o Sgt. lst (Mas*, 162

I>v«* W. H.—Proin. to %t. 3rd "(Mass. 103

tv.iifloton Mrs. (I.—4'rnhtitr. 1n(»

K*',di«’ A. - TVns5unęr; dcatIi of,


Kddle Afrs. M. A.—AUouancc, 180

Edmunda A. W.—Apprd. Pro.

Const., 179

fkhrarils <J. E.—Prom. to Dc-ftiCyfce-fctcrgt. 2nd (Mass, 687 Edwarda li. W.—Prom. to Coli-stablc ist Clusa, 507 Eggins C. T—Apptd. Pru. Constablc, 179

Filia ll.—l’rom. <0 Sjft. 2«;l CMaw, 162

Elliotr W. H.—Apptd. Coiut.y 611

Eininett O. A.—Prom. to Sgt. 3rd Cła w, 687

Kndacutt J. V.—Qnul. for Con-stublc Ist Chls.s, 653 Fun-s W. J.—Pru. lo Sgt. lsl Cla^s, 557

Emight J.— Qual. Const. ls»ł Class. 415

Ensor II. F.—Constablr: ro-stgncd, 262

Ev;ms A.—Qual. Const. lst ditas, 415

Ev:ms A. C.—rro. Con«table; resjgned, 179

Erans H. G.—Const. lst Class pensiou to, 356

Ercraon A. TT. Apptd. Pro. CouKtablc. 356

FaCcr F. W.— Proiu. to Const. ;.->t (Mass, 687

FahcY T. J.—Apptd. CcmstabiO. 179

Tallon .T. F.—Const.; rosigned. 356

Fnrłej H. V.—Apptd. Consi., 262

Fartów II.—Apptd. Pro. Coust, 179

Kanar .T.—Prom. to Constnblc lst (Mass, 163

lYrrior JT. II.- Qual. fur Oon-at.iblc lst Cl.Oxs, 239; prom. ł<> ConsUiblO lat Clans, 557 Kmris TT. C. .T,--Prom. k« Sgt. 2nd (Mass, f.87

i-,>i:ri\s M. W.—Apptd. Consf., 611

Kil !M W. II.—Qual. for Sgt., 56 a

Kincti E. C—Prom. to Const. IM Ol.iss, 557

Kiiidlar A. 11. (Vii't.; roign r 1. 856

l''islior Mr?„ E. C\ -Gratuite, IKO

F islu-r G. O—Apptd. Pro. (•onsfnlile, 262

Kishcr T. W.- Prom. t<> (’<>nst. lst Cluai, 687

P‘|y.oernlH C. E —Onal. for (1.»nst. lst Cla«<, 565 Kilsefforald 1*\ Ib—Apptd. (\n»-stalile. 262

Fitzgcrald d. E. L>.—fur Const. lst Class. 575 Filzsiiiiums I(. d.—Const ribl:%;

n-N gmal. 262 IM sfng O. S. (^ual. f;*r 267

KI •jrdrig C. II.—Q:ial. for Cm-st-ildo Id (Mass, 475 Klełchcr K    H.—Appt.    Pro.

Cnnsiflldo. 179

Flic-k 1T.—Appld. Pro. Const ,

•f 1.8

Flint d J.— Oi;a.1. for ('unit. lst (Mns^. 537

Ktord E, K -Prom. to C n r(. Ist Ctnss, 163

I'nrlH*M A. A. A.- -Appld. Kro. Constłdde, 179

Folii'y Mrs. A. P. -Widu*- M * Const a Idu lat Ol.iss G. K. Fuller -Oratuitr t«>. 357 !•' 'Pev (I.    K.* -Conslnbl4-* IM

Clona; death of. 268. 3'7 l*'urd E, S. A ftp Ul. Pro. Con stablc, 179

Fordrec C. S.—Apptd. Conit, 179

Porula.n M. LL.—Krom. to Coa* utaldtf lat Cla99, 557 Por rent W. S.—Anptil. Cou»t., bil

Forsyth ,T. E.—Qual. for (Jon* atablo lat Ciosa, 207 Poster T.    —ĆguaUfy Conat.

lst 01;iks, 361

Frankish (j. E.—Prom. to Con-.stablc lat Cksa, 557 Frater A. E. B.~Apptd. Con-atablc, 523

Freebodj L. W.—Prom. Const. lst Cfass, 3S8

Frcenittu E. W. -Prom. to Con-stablc lat Ola33, 557 Frwinan J. W.—t^ual. for 8gt., 475; prom. to Ncrgcant 3rd Class, 557

Fuller K. A. Qual. for Const Ist Ci a aa, 475; prom. to Con-atnblf l«t Ciaas, 557 Cailnghcr W. M.—Pront to Scrgont 3rci C’.a3R, 102

Galliran D.—(^ualilicd for Ser* goant, 475

Gairiu R. G.—Oualificd for Gurt sta bki lat Cinss, 565 Gearsido (-. R.—Appcinted Cotv stablc, bil

Gcddur F. Van (acc "Vas Goldcr*)

Gongi*. J.—Promoted to Ser-•Scrgoaiifc 3r<l Cła es, 557

Gilbert A. K.—(^ualificd for Cu u stablc lst Claas, 475; łbom. to Det.-Const, Jst CImw, 557

Gilbert    V.—Prom. Constablu

lat CLiss, 398

Gillam G. -(^ualificd for Sar* geant, 23; Prom. to Scrgt. 8nl Cluss, 398

Gillis J. H. A.— Quuli£ed for rScrgeant, 5H7

ciunrillc T. T. -l>roniotod C011* slabie; diacliargetl, p56 G lassu J*.—P/omoted to Ser-gennt 2nd Class, 162 Godwiu C. E.—Promotnd Cou* ftlnhlc Ut CkiS6, 398 Cooeli C. A.—Sergcant 2ml r Mass—Fonslon to, 611 GiMidsidl D. C.—‘Promoted to Ker grant. 2nd Claas, 162

Goodwin W.—(^ualilied for In-spis tor, 653

Gorluim F. R.—-Promotcd Con-s'.*iidij lst Claas, 398 Gran- W.—Promoted to (Jon* slaldc lst OIhss, 163 Graham it.—Procnoted Acticg Tnspector, 4S7

Graham W.—Appointcd Con-Hbjblo, 179

Grannall J.—Promotcd Sergeanfc 3r<l Claas, 398

Grant A. L.—Promotcd to Const u Ido lst Class, 1C3 Gra tir. <J.—Qualificd for (J.m-.Htable lst Ola38, 475 Grunt »I. 0.—Appointcd Pro. Coiistable, 2G2; dischargisl, 356

Gray 0. TT.—Appointcd IVo. Const:ih .72:5

Grav M. p. I-I lb*jisio:i gran-tJd, 186

Gr-agg P. K.—(^uulif.-d for (A/nst;.ld • ! 6 <M;*xk, 47-“

G/eem» W. M.--A;»p<iiiltod Pry. OoMStnbU-, 8;*6

CJreenbaJgh A. K. N.—(l>ccd.)-• •/.'.* :d!f;i\łii:»i- lo diildmi of, 523

Gr*»r.<-łijf(-r A. K. tt. Appointcd Pro. Couatabłe. 179 GrilTm V*. ś. . c^ri.'i)1(ied for Kergcanl, 239

GriOitlis Nb H.—Appointcd Cou-stablc, 611


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