Uosscr II. L.—Nuval doserlcr, 437, 0C7
Roa*/ A., alia* V. CarnpPguolo. —Larcciiy; dbchgd., 477; broili, enter, and Steni, 575; rcceivi»g, 6$4
ItoaHington I>. T>.—Carnally
known, 587
Russie gt.cn F.—On maiły k«ow-big, 587
Rossitor K. Watc-h Gtoler, 366 Ro*&8odcn G.—Buli dog stolon, 382
Fortran E.—Ponoil and suu* sbado fitoleii, 579 Rortrcm J.—Ring stolon, 438 Ro Tayt Limited, 340 Rothbury B. li.—Cul mb'os Molcn, 38fi
Botbcry U. A.—Shcq> 3Upposcd stolon, 12
liorbory W. II. C.—AUoraplcd nuirdcr, 232, 409 R«tl:wc)l B. E.—Btoal motor ryci o, &c-.} 101
Romiiroo J. M. (or M. Wilson) — (,'iiild deserter, 72 Rywe (J.—AssauRerl and roblicd, 274; raport- fielitions, 283 Iłowe J.. uliaH A. J. Itawmr.n, —Falńc pretcDCCS, 54, 31, J46, 423
Rywc Ii. H.—Break, ciitor, and Łtoal — DiwUurgod, 284; luwikiirg nr.d mtrring, 30C; l»rouk, riit.sr, and stoal, 310 Kowe K. 11.—lS«.nbcz2lCJnent.; 510 Howe V.— Ring stolon, 102 Ilrwiand F.—Diaobey magister ial order, 522 Ra w land T. G.—SloaHng, F.O., disebarged, 387
Row ands 1). A.—Sfccaling, 525, 632
Row-.ands P. J.—Arson, 12 Rowlandy ,T., Alias 0*Biń*n, alias lfcmliings, alias Turner Sf'‘al from person, 424 UovyUm IN.—Fal 50 protor.oca, 232
Itowloy J.—Emfcczzlcuienf, 74
ltowloy .T.—oufpeelud asseidt.-Ing eon slabie, 176 llowley R. J.—Waichca stokm, 680
Rowley V/.—Break, enter, and Steal, 250, 370
R*>w A*y W.—R.mpccted a ssault-ing eona tobie, 170 ‘‘Rowlnięs,” olma .f. Rowtand?,
&c.-Steal from perfion,
Rou?.r> B. T.—En-.brszloinonl, 303
Rcrwsc B. T. - Chlhl deserrer, 247
KnwswHl U.—Maro stolon, 5 ”6 Koy (j. 8.—Oonspiraey; dis charged, 67
Boyal Agricultural Koeiety‘s Śliowgryands, Sydney, 393 Koval Alesandra 1 los pi tal for ÓhLldren, 444
Royal O.—Sloevt*.Hnk« stolon, 464. 480
Rcyftl Kseh.inge Hotel, Ternom, i<j8
Royal Holci, Batlnrst, G8 Kcyal Hotel, lii u nawa y, 539 Ryynl Hotel, Bo u r ko, 3IH Koral llotel, Brablwood, 281 Koral Hotel, Cooiiabarabran, 26ft, £98, 440
Koral Ilotel, (torowa, 313
Koral Hotel, Gtlgaudru, 503 Ik.yal Hotel, Ilatlield, 187 Royal llotel, Molong, 63 Koyał Hotel, Muswc-llbrock, 458
Rov?.l Hotel, Parramalta, 337 Koyal Oak Hotel, Cootanumdra, 11
Roval Oak llotel, Double Buy, 479, 491
Royai fcUandartł ilotcl, TJurrywn, 104
Itoyui Sydney Golf Club, 282 Royk* A.—D/sobcy magislonril order, 292
ltorlo G. U.—Shopbrcaking óu, 675
Royle P.—Complt. Moakng. 358 Royloslon U oCHvbe, 247 Uoymston St-ire Hoiiu*. 219 Rozier 1>., alias 1>. H. Riley, icr..—Oflensirc beimiour;
discbnrgeil, 241
Ruble i’.—Filii ntUnd as
witness, 495
Itudd F. —Gili r.bscondcr (sec "Norman”)
Kndd F., alias L. Rudd, alias L. lilae.k, alias L. Dolby, alias i). b'oree—iStonling. 330 Rudd I.—Girl abseolider, 341 liudd L., alias F. Rudd, iU*.— Slealiag, 330
jtibldor V. J.—(Jomplt. rofuso jmy for mealu r-.nd rocoiu iuodalu>/i, •195 lJuddcrs Limited, 618 "Rugg” I Vftsbev.st—Registered lei ter stolcu, 018 Kulo A.— -Ciolliing ftlolei;, 198 Rumbie W. II.- - Money stolon, 170
Rimi:u-y W. J., nlias E. F. Oar-innifer, A-e.—>Sliop-l>;oa.iUig; por jury, 72, J58, 10 i. 277, 509
Ruiulle E. W.»—Wate.ln*H and jewdlery atobn, 268, 332 RundJc L. M. (and N.)—Indc-eently a^anltod, 90 Pural Bank, Kowrr, 115
Buiib A, —AMsnult oeca>;i««*
ing bodily ltarni, 18:> ‘■Ruwhbroolł," alias .1. A. Fam-hum. &c.—Falua pretoncos. 32
••Rnssoir’ ]Musm:ui—Regt.skecd 1etter stolen, Cl7 Russell A., alias IT. J. Cutting (sec Gorton F.)
Russell C.? alias W. II. Russell, de.—B;enk, entcr, and »tcal; łammy; discharged on lic* eiiee, 500
Uusfleli C.—Dlrobey magist-crial order, 432
Jtu5seb E. H.—Snspectcd slcal* ing, 187
Russell E. P. Aasuulted m-Umt robborj^ 483
R usnęli F.—Lr.rireny ; rooGring. 1$9
L';uw-il F., siHujs J\ F. C-o.itello, ali.is W. Ander.;o/», uliu j IV. RiiiHh, aliun- R. Allu-lirll, R. Aisuorson—Break and cnlrr ;,v.t<:iir st*n1; drs ehr.rger! en lieense, 595 Rus.-wli F. A., alias F. A. J. Coebrtłiłc, fdins F. Coc brane, «'dl:is P. «loan—.frijoalijig; r coivirtg: diacbaiged, 201 RusaaK J<\ E.— Wifo" desorter, 43
Russell G.—-Sle.aling, 270
Russell O. .1., alitu; E. J. iSŁorhonson, alias J. Murray, alias Tl. .fnekson, alias F. J. Pc.lk^r, nlian .T. .Tohu.?o», alias 7. O'3b»e.rke•—L:irceny ; digebarged, 555
RiiascP G. R., alias P. O. Tan-ner, &v.—Fulse protences, 145; fe.lsr protoncot?; break, euter, r.nd Mcr.l, 331; rccc:v-log, 408
Russell (}. V. T.—Naval deser-ter, 4?0
Russell G. W.—Aflsaulted. 303 Russell Ii.—Wat (di, fco., stolon, 514
Russell II., alias B. Smith, &iv. Break and enter intm:t stanl, 497, 518
Russell H.—Watch stolon, £20 Russell H. K., alias B. fśmitb. A-e.—Break atul enter iiiLiut steal, 497, 518
Russeil II. W. Di3obey magisteria 1 order, 200 Russell J.—Ring stolcu, 528 Russell .1.—Ring stolon, 185 Rii^eil J.. aliaw .7. L. ltussoll —Disobey M.O., 598 Rsoli J. \,.y alias .1. Hussell Disoboy M.O., 5‘ks Russell .1. X.—Munslangbtcr, 007
Russell E. E. • Brooch atolcn, 210
Russell U.—Sell liijiior with-ont lieenso. 2ib\, 4SI tb.ićśsell K. (or M:usey)—D-s-o>»cy M.O., GiH
Russell S.—Refuje to pay for iiioAln Aii(l ftceoimnodation, -1S], 510
Russell S. t\—Break, euter and steal. L73
Russell W., alias W. II. Russell. &o.—DrOnk, cii lor nml Kloni; larcctiy; disnuirgod on lirensc. WO
Riiź-sell \V. A.—Pfrlury, 5^.
107; nisehaigotT. 2Ś4 Russell W. II., alias W. Russell, Alias P. Murphy, alias W. MeConriiio, alias O. Russell—Break, putoi* mul aieal; larceny; disehmged on lieeiisc, 5(k>
Russon A.—Fulse preteuees on. iiT-1
Rutherford J.—False me-
teiM<łs. 007
Rłil.herford (1.—Molo? car stolcu, 337
RutUerford Ki. A.—DrcuKlug and onterinię. 201 PkUlfilunil T.—lUissinsr. 81 Rutliledge ,1.—Clothing stolon, 270
Rntter G.—Wtilfli stolon, 538 Jtuticr O.—Wat eh stolon. 57.8 Rui ter W.—Evade taxi liire. 97
“Jtynn”—Uisobey M.O. (i-cc W. G. Reld i
“Ryan,” alias W. A. Morrisom *~tOvfide paymeut trnin f«re. 074
‘‘Ryan,’ aiia3 G. Owen, &c.— Attompt fulse prctcnccb'. 203
Kyan A. L.~Mncul doseilor;
wf. emieolled, 110 Ryan A. T., alias W. Murplsy, &e.—Steal ing: steal from
tho person. 484. 507. 032 Ifyan B.—Menlal imtUuif.
esi apeo. 455, 480 Kyao. E.. alias V. Ryan At-(eini/t sieni im dwoi ling; ontfumm osnuli; roceiv»int; iRseluirged on iKOiise. 555: ‘•tenilng: broach eondns. re-U*nso. <« 1.2
Ryan (’. <4.- - Fulse preleiiee^ on, 559
Ryan “Daiky,” k1I;:k (’. l.e-s-lle. $r\---E.se/me eustody. (ii) Ryan 15.. nHas T). H. Rih y, &/•.■—Of?;*Hsiv<* beha*ionr ;
dlsobnrge<7. 24!
Ryan E. Assnulted. intent rob. S3
Ryan 10. or R.—Girl es-nper Jndnslrhii Seliool. Pamumntta. .108 Hyan E.—&»*., atolen, 36 Kyan E.. alias E. J. Ryan— Indecent langnage; assault poliee; resist pollee: a.ssanit and ro Obory; discharged. 201
Ryan 20. J., a Has E. Ryan— Indecent lnnguage; ASSAult I>oIice; rnsist iglice; assawlt and robUuy; disduuged, 201
Ry/m Ki., alias G. lAilf(ju— Steni ing. 074
Ryan G., alias (J. Owen, &c. —Atlcmpt falsc im-leiKcs, 203, 245
Ryan G., alias G. Wilson, &e.
—SłiopbreakJng, 17, 32 Ryan 11., alias .7. I?. Burgess, alias R. J. Watson, alias E. G. Brynnt. alias H, Mc-Gregor, alias E. Smith, nlias Hani.1,, nlhis .7. ITam-ley—False pretenee*; uis-charged on liccr.sc, 64(5 Ryan II. .J., aliis ,8. 0‘Slieu, —A.ssnu'1 iii tent rob; discharged om liccnse, 408 Rymu u. T. - Misslng. 256 Ryan ,1.—Assaulted and. robbed. 283
1 lynn ,1.—Re Cash bu.v, &e., missing froim storn u sod us IK)St oillee sit Bemhoka. 7S R\nn J.—Wattli stolcu, 22f> Ryan J.-*-Es‘ apod prlsoncr (Auier.), G05
Ryan J.—Fsdso pretencos. (»07 Ryan J.—Break and enter siaro mul steal. 3iH>: rctolr-ing, .371 ; disohurged on Ihensc, (572
Kyon J„ alias L. Newton. &o. —Fuuml at ulghi im uwal-ling willi intent, 13 Rjsn ,f. I’"1.—False pro len ces on, 7 78
Ryan J. II. B. Gomidt. ;ib-duelion, 382
Ryan J. J.—Wife deser ter, 124
Ryan .1. .1,—Feli liqiu»r- >vith* out a litcnfT. 58S Ry;ui K.—Complr. fulse pre-teiues, 353
Ryan I..-»-Palse prefenees on, 3Ch4
Ryan !..—8'.ealing. F.O., 121 Ryan 51Wnleli sŁoleu, 452 Ryan M.—Wafli stoi en. 423 Ryan M.— Alwconder, 3.85 Ryan M. Sheep suppossiti
Slolen. 50
Ry«n M.-- Money and spam* ner stolcu, 281 Iłyrtti M.—Fulse prelemes
on, 50
Ryan M.. alias A. 8. FloMier —Chlkl desorter. 232, 201; rilsoboy M O., 411 Ryan N.—Wnleli stolon, 60 i Ryan O. <1.—Abdueted. 3.82, 476
Ryan I'., aleis P. J. L>udt. &:% -•Break, cnnir and sieni; diseiiarged. 37 6 Rynu 1’.. uliui-- II. II. W Mus sey. alias II. liayes—FaLe pretenM-y; d?s* linvged on lieonse. 5S2
Ryan ik, nli.is U. Yałes As-sault and robbrry, 547 ; ro-ceninc:. 684
Ryan P. 1\ Wifo de.^rii*>». 508
Iły a u P. F.—Eir.b^loracnt,
i) i
Rynu P. M.—Re dentb of. 131 Ryan H. or K.- Gid r.ve»i|łc<! from Indestcinl Schonl, lbu-ra maila. 108 Ryun 8., ulins G. Grant, &c. (X.Z.)—Wouniling inlcnt cctiml bodily imitn. 131 Itjnn T.—Mlsfilng, 581; loco (od, (HO
Rynu T.—Fnlvc protcnrc.s, (133 Ryan 'I'., alias W. Mmiihy. &e. --Sieaiing from tho person, 4S4, 507, fk32