Lourit P. M.—Watek es stolon, 2G8

Lovc C. C., alias C. Anderson —Shopbroaking, 51 Lovo L>.—Break, witer and steal, 135; reoMylng, 808 Lorę J. L.—Sca.cs stolon, oH Lovcgrovo E— Cbequo in fa-vour of, stolon, 115 ŁoTuJoy H. lt., alias II. Lanc —Korgery and uttoring; fail appear, 50, 801 £iOveJock W. U—Break, enter and eteal, 235, 370 Lovely W. D.—Disobey M.O., 50

Lovnifosse J.—Watch, &c., stolon. 02S

Tx»vOtt A.—Maro stolon, 072 LoYett Ii. P.—AasawH & robiony. 144

Lovcrt W. R. - Ljsotcy M.O., 160

Low Yln P.—False prelcnces oij, 14

*Lovrc”—BeIievod in company of A. E. Uribble, &e., atual-ing, 2 U

Lowe A.—Money stolon, 574 Lowe E. A.—Wifc deserter. 320

Lowo 10. 11.—(X>n»i>t. ro non-payment of taxi hire, 21S Lowc (4.—Complt. ehlld de-scrlion. 329

Lowe J.—Money stolon, (13

i.owe U—lting stolcu, 502 Lowo P.—Pony maro stolon, 339

Lowc 11. W—Watoh stolen. 108

Lowe >S.—Stcalinsr, discligd., F.O., 338

Lowo*s Lim i I (Al, Syilney, S4 Loweuthal M.—Forgort order puriłorted signcd by. U48 Lowrlc JL, alias Johnson. nBas “Frankston**—Steullug, 03, 327

Trfiwrie IV.—Bic.yclo stolen, 116 ‘‘Lubcek,1’ German vessel—Dc-serlcrs from. 312, 330, Cli Lubv T.—HousebreaUiug ou, 33

Lucas A.—Wifc deserter, 021

Lucas A., alias N. Ford At-icmpt break and onter warc-house lntent stcal; dhwlnirg* od on Heen.se, 407 Luras A. II.—Wifc deser ter, 27, 57

Lucas G. V—Complt. ehlld »le-sertion, 099

Luca? L.—Stealing. 373. 442 Lucas lt J.—Break, enter and steal, 230, 302

Lucas V. U.—OainaUy known, 509, 075

Lucinno T.- -Frandt. appropn. on, S4

Lnckweli G. E.—Karał desor-ter, .127

Lucy lt (nr Jt. Ward)—Lar-ceny as bailoc, 570 Ltidlow T., alius T. Mitchell. &c.~AKRanlt.; fouml iirynrd for ualawful purpoue, 445 Ludowiei J. O. and Son Ltd., 459

Ludów id J. Limited, 473

Lnduig P.—Make false statc-jru*nt; aciputted, 171 Ludwig J —*Stealing. 37J Lubrs B. H.—Disobey M.O., 247

T.umby J.—Stenling (sec Lnm-ley)

Lutnicy (orLuuiby) J.-Steal-iner, 007

Luwsdeu T. 11.—Juwellery, dotbing, money &c.f stolen, C56. 070


Lun Chan (sec ('lian Tam) Luudbcrg T.—Disobcy M.U., 515, 540

"Limeberg/' <;j Lupaitb 1*.—Frocks stolon, 154 Lurwig K.—Endencour ludno* l^errton make false statement «>n oath, 331

Lusaloh M. A. (aoe Kod Echo CooikJłi Company, 571) f.Ftsaleh 3f. A.—Embey.7.k'ineiit on, 075

“Lusty,'’ A rn ii i tfu (nnme usod in contieefion false proton-ees), 507

l.iith F. 1!.—Bodliy liarm on. 107    .

Lutliy j. ,T.—A'av;il dosei-ter.

271; wurrant oancelied, 2S9 Lu v ford    a.—Houscbreaking

on, CSS

Lylo A. 1T. tor Loslie)—As-sntilt. intent rob. 27. 50. ^>2 Lyle J.—A ssani i w and act ia-decercy on, 075

Lylo L.—ikssault, intent rob (*ee A. H. Lyle)

Lyle P.—iHYdling-lioiise en-tered, 148

Lyn li.—indceent nssault, 158

Jiyndi A.—Siccye-liriks stolon, 2-54. 332

Lynch 1*. .1.—Chlld Oescrtbm. 49U, 5(«

Lynch t.l. J.— l‘Vlonioi'sly re-ooirijjg. 875

Lynch l\ -Wrist watoh stolon.


lancii G.—Disobcy 3f.O.» 1T7,


Lynch —Fraudtly ouiit ł>ay mtmoy, J.M). 23b Lynch J.—Ulngts stolon, 392 Lynch J.—Wife deser lor, 4S2, 050

Lynth J., nlias P. .T. Lynch. x<:e.—Break, enter and stoul; di.scharged, 310 Lynch K.—£nmpJt. cli i bl de-seićicm. 4tKi

i^yncli K,— Missing, (>C»3

Lynch P.- -,[>io<l result injurles roce&red lu nltercutlou, 440,


Lynch 1\ .T.. alias Lynch, alias ,1. rtiiMiiinu. alias •). >1. Barton, alias .T. 8mlth. nliiij? Ji. Bivtt, stlias P. Iiyan— Break, enter mul steal; dis-chai-ged. 310

Lynch U. ,1- CompH. slriiiiiK, 4 SD

Lynch T.- -Watch stolon. «16 Lynch W.—Afoney stolen, I1K8 (sliould resid IL D. Smber-land)

Lynch W. P.—Wife do serie r, 10 ^

T.yne P.—Twloceul nssaull, 31 Jjy&liam A. L MeL., alias L. A. Lynhnm, &c. — Btcaiing; brouch condns. rclcasc, 121

Lynhaiu L. A., alias A. Brown, alias M. SmUli—Absault; not p.av raił farc; steaUng; oreach condns. rclcasc; dis-chiuged, 058

Lynhmn L. A^nliaft A. T.. MeL. L.ynham, aliaj? V, Brown, nlina F. Paync, nlirts M. Smith—Stealing; breacli of rełeaso. 121

Tiytiton 11. G., aliaa II. Gordon, ’&c.—Break, enter and atoal; diwharged on litumse, 119; stealing, 488, 5.">8 Lyon nnri Miłling, 445

Lyon A. F.—Missing, 195 Lyon F. H.—Co maiły knowing, 58, 174

T>von F. M.—II neon troll ablc duld, 80, 061

T.yons C.—Couiplt. fruudi. om* ission, 510; complt larccny uii boilcc, 521

Lyons E.—Bicycle stolen, 111 r.yons E. P.—Brooeh stolcu, 393 Lyon« IT. J.—Disobey M.O., 95

Lyons J., alias Brown, and Newman—Burgery and nttering,


Lyons .1. J., alias ,T. Murray— Rcceiv.ing, break, enter and steal; di&cbargcd on license, 468

Lyon* M.--Fuisc pretencea on, 521

Lysaght J.— Watch stolen, 488 Lyuaught M.—Brooifli stołem 366


Maca lister E., alias M. McAlis-ter, &c.- -.Slealiiig, 374 Mue.Oalium M. L.—Ilouscbreak-ing on, 589

Macanek W. D.—Motor car stolcu, 175, 400

Macarluey C. A.—Wutcli stolcu, 197

Macnrtncy D. K., alias 1J. K. McCurtnoy—Iudecont assault on boy, 13

M.-icailney K.—Asaaitllcd in-tent rapc, 513

Macauley M.—Ka attempted ar-son on, 295

MacCalłum M. L.—Jewellery and u:«n»oy sLoleii, 427 “Macjiuley,” alias W. McAnley, x^c.—Break, enter and stcal; rccoiving, 4-16

MacDon.-dd F. F.—Wife deser t.i-r, 599

MacDonald G. W.—False prc-tcnccs, 511

Macihmald J.—Steal motor car, 110

MacDonaM ,T., aliaa* J. McDonald— Ikmeh wnrrant fail appear rcccivc scntcncc for false pretences; fulsc pretenccs, 634

Mardonald N.—Wsilrił and jew-<;ll< rv stolen, 579 Mace r\, rilias !•’. Mason, &<*.— ftuitpectcd x>crson, 45 Mace F. W., alias F. MasOh, &<•,.—iSnspeeteJ person, 45 -Mace G.—llisobey M.O., 599

AtacEnohin 21.—Matcli, stolcu, 128

MacGillcnuy A. S., alias S. M. M. K. Mru*,grt‘gor, &c.—Wil-fully Jiud ohsceiicJy cxposc perlon; broacli of liccnsc; discharged, 339

MacGtllomy A., alias S. M. M. K. Mncgregor, &c.—Wilfully and obsccncly espose person; brcach of liccnsc; disehargod, 339

Macgngor alias S. M. M. K. Maegregor, itc., wilfully and obj*c<*iu)ly cxposo person; breacli of lieónae; disebarged, 339

Macgrcgor S. M. M. K., alias Mnegrcgor, alias A. MacGil-•oray, alias A. MacGillerary —Wilfully an<l obsccnely cx-poso pe*son; breacli of liccnsc; (IiscJmrgcd, 339 Mnciułyrc W. D.- False preten-ccs; F.O., Cl

Mack C., alias C. McGeorgo— Refnsc pay for mcals and ac-coir.niCHlation, 123 ••MucknnW 9.3., 367 Mackay A. -L—Manslaugliter, acijuitted, GS5

Mackay D., alia« I. D. Maekay —Assaiilt, 680

Maekuy (4.—Money stolcu, 83 Mackay O. A.—Larceny a« bai-ico; F.O., 21S

Mackay i. D., aliaa D. Mackay —Assault., 689

Muekcime D. MeL.—Disobft}’ M.O., 395

Mackcnzię W. J.-Embezzk-went, 570, 571, 585 Maekev A. J.—MaiuslHUghtcr. 503 ’

Mackcy .T.—Money stolen from person of, 235

Mackcy J.— Cowplt. uneoutroU. child, 607

Mackcy R. J. - Assaultcd result-ing aelu.nl Lodily liarm, 380 Mackcy T. A.—Uncontrollablu chil.l, 607. 024

Macki# Jl.—False prctcnces, 261 Mackie D., alias D. McFarlaad, &c.—False prctcaces, 246, 562 Mackie J.—Waleli, albert, &e., stolen, 604

Mackinnon G.—False pretences on, 374

Maclciui Btealing as co-partner, 647

Macleay Iłiver    K^wKjOUtsc,

Kempscy, 396

Macico ii A.—Watch stolcu, 578

MacLood E.—Stcaling ae co-partner (Bris.), 410 kracleod J.—W'atch, &c., alolcn, 226

Mncnamara C.    J,—Disobey

M.O., 220

MacPheraon C.—^False preten-ccs o ii, 584

AJatrac E.—Watch, albert, &c.; stolcu. 478

Mucrcndy .7. E.—Dwelling on-tered, 460

Mad den A. I.—Pendant stolen,


Maddcn A. J.—Articles stolce,


Mudden "Darkoy,” alias 9. Mad-dn—-Assault, 202 MaddeJi F.—Tlireatening words iLscd to, 584

Madileii G.—Threutening words, 584

Mad den G. V. M—Carnally known, 388

Mftddcn M.— -.Dwclling entered. 122

Maddeu M.—Fn.udty. omit ac-counl for monor, 97. 231 Mudden M.—Asslmlted, 202

Ma (Men I*. A. — Indoccnt assault im fcmale, 92

Mudden S., alias ,,Darky” Mad-rlcn—AjfSfiulr, 202 Muddi?on E., alias R G. Mad-dison—Tudeccnt assaiilt, 192, 354

Maddison R.—Ring stolon, 6S0 Mn ild i son R. G., alias E Mad-<l‘n*(m— Tndeocnl nssault, 192.


Maddison W., alias G. Kemp— —ImpCTRonation, 17, 273 Maddocks G. E.—Assaulted, 433 Maddocks H. W. G.~-Break, eutur and steal, 547; F.O., dwbargcd, 583, 632 Maddo.s L,—Assaultcd and rob-bed, 4 45.

Maddroll II. O. C.— Mcrino wclhers stolen, 352 Madell’* Limited, 135 Madigan M.—Cherjuc drawn by,

stolcu, 104

Mndigftn M. .T, P.—Di3obcyinę M.O., 56

Magncy .T. R.—Banglc stolen, 438

Magnus D. E. (sec Allan and Company)

Magnus E.—Mifliaery    frocks

etolen, 515, 541


Podobne podstrony:
96 •NEW SOUTH WAL ES POLICE GAZETTE L^DEN—1925. Cook f. F.—Appointcd C021-stable, 350 Cook 7’.
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