Phillips iS.—Girl ubseondcr, ii? a, m

Phillips E.—Mlssing, 213 Phillips E.-—Wifc deserlor, iOC, CHacolIcd, 002

Phillips E., alias II. Jaoc»l>s.—■ Havc stolcu gooda; break, ca ter, und steal; disoharged on license, 646

Phillips F.—Steal niotor car, .133, U9, 371, 409, 485 Ph ilips F., alias F. Bath, &c.— Fal.se prelences, 132, UW Phillips G., alias E. Thurstoii, &o.--Falsc pretenccs; łnr-ceny; disehai ged on lieeciB?, 646

Phillips) O. 7v—Wateh, albort and medal stolen, 663 Phillips U.-Wifc dcsc-ter (Vio.);    u*. * caiułellod, 27,


Phillips II., alias W. II. Phillips, alias ‘'Brown/'—UtL:r . forged SH> notes, 13, 40 Phillips II., alias G. C. Watsou. —Lrirceny as bailce; stc.rl-Ing; steal iu dwoi ling, 14 i Phillips J.—JYwcJlery fit.oBn, 478

Phillips —Kalać pretcnccs on, 675

Phillips «L-—Tc woliery stolon, G82

Phillips M.—Pulsu protences, 633, 634

Phdlips K.—Abacomler, 3 U, 330

Phillips P. O.—-Fraudt. coneer-don. 650

Phillips Tt.—Gnid medal stolon, 280

Phillips K. ll.--llńlcs stolon, 107, 124

Phillips K. A., alias S. A. Pip-pn rys—Mar der,    2-.* 3;    nc-

q«;ttod, 400

Phillips S. J.—Ring, brooe.Ji, stolcu, 628

Phillips Securities Limited.— 4«S2 048

Phillips T.f alias T. Hart, Sr.— ftte.illng, 507

Phillips T. C., alias T. Hart, (f-C..- -Steal ing, f>()7 Phillips T. J.—Conspiracy io defraud, 122, 204 Phillips W. E.—IinWent as-

SEuk, 158; dischargod iu U*.-

ense, C72

Phillips W. TI., nlir.s TT. Phii lip.., &c\—Lutr forged £10 notes. 13, 40

J’hi!lips W. J.—Walrh, «&e,, stolcu, 169

Philpatt J. K.— Ku i sc prctenaca, dischurgcd: forgery; utter-ing. ncgiutted. (Sen "J. E. Phiipotr)    ’ .

PbiljKdt J. F. (or POmpo! t>, alias J. PUib.inr., miss “Diwis” alias F. li. Pliilptdf.—Balso pre euces; disehargod. 07; forgery, 7.02; uttorlng, :u'<cuittcd, Cl7

Pliilpid .1., alias .7. TC. Pliilpol, &c.— Kalse prctcnr.es; d s chrirgod, 67; forgery, 502; uttcrinjr, aequitt<Ml. 647 Philpott F. B„ alias J. E. Pliil-•puU. &e.—Falsc p ref cne o*; disrhargcd, 67; forgery. 302; uttcrinjr. ar.cjuitttMl, 047 Fhippard E. K.—Wat eh, albort, mcdnls, <&c.. stolcu, 530 Phipps ,T.—Cltild deserter, 220

Phipps W. L.—.Tcwrllcry *:h)-len, 380

Fhimtaley, Limited, 270 rhvthian -1.—fcell I:quor witlt-out license. 548

Pifortoii CL— Break, cuter, and steal; attempt break, enter, 332, -108

Pickard II. 3.—Glothing, &c., Sto/<m, 381, 53:1

Piekard’*, T.irnlfcd, Pmrgo, 331 Piekę ring J. lt., alias 1L J. Pickcring.—Steni in a d\wl-ling; (liscltfirged, 300; st^al-nig; break condns. rcleas.*, 547

Pieko»ing »'•. *T., alias *ł. R. Pickoring.— Stj al i u :i dwol-•l.ug, distdiargcd, 300; st«al* ing; break comlns. rclcusc, 547

F^okeft H. T). (or TTnrry Fig-gutl).—Tłisobey M.O.; insult-ing \\'ords, 320 Pkkett R.— Mlssing, r.7 Piekłeś J. S<    Ó07

Pieluj’. E.—Make falsc statc-mimt, 164, 307

Pii-.ion K. J., alias W. J. Ash-by.—Chi Id deserter, 308 Pidcock Kros., Limited, 71 Pidgeon TT.- Break, enter, nad steal; break, Miler, and steal; stcsiling, 332, 405)

Piet W. O.—CotnpH. fulso ]»re-tenno.s. 326, 416

Bierce K J.— Kalse prctcncos

on, 485

Piorce .f., alias 12. MotiLs, --Break, enter, and su ul. 164, 302

Biorco M.-Jewel!rrv slolcn, i;68

Bierce S. M. Fabc »>rctc«cCR, 164, 103, 222

Bierce W.—Money stolon from person of, Cl

Piercy O. Steal ing; F.O.; disehnrgeil, 338

7*icrs 7i.- -Ballochs stolcu, 542 Bifforo 8. K.—Larecny on, 221, 307

Figom-.*, limning, dest rae!.io». to

be prcvcnfcd by Polica. 2 P-ggort Tf.--l)isobev Al.O.; in-^clting \v0i<ls (sec II. P. Piekett)

Piggoft lf.— Pools stolon, 32

Piggoli    Ib—łStealing*    5!) 6;

/ron: the person, 613 Pigrruu VI.-—Chcijiic diawu by, stolcu, 657

Piko Kros., Limilcd, 97 Piko r\ K. Curnally know liis pupil, 422

Bikc 1*’..- -\Vvi«stlel watek stolon,

ort o

Piko l'ł.—Lnicenv as bailcc, 202 Piko 11. A.—Assaiilted. 776 Pihc P.—C\>i«pt. rc    pre-

f ences on K. Yoss, 203 Płho 8.— Balsę pręt car es on, :*34

Piko K.—Bnnglc aad monęy .stolcu .80

Piko T.—\V;.|r h, Ac., atolen, 226

Piko W. A.. rJjr.A W. H. Pite— Break, oiter, and steal, 408, 520

J,ilclu*r M.. alias M. lt. Bilcher

—    Aasault iafciit rab; dts-cl arg-.d en Ir.-iaise, 42!)

Bik-l.cr M. Tl., alias M. Pilehcr

-    \hsaaU iuteut rob; dis-chargcd on Jicensc, 4-f>

Pif tan II. C. Preiik, enter, and neał. 181, 232; discharged Ml lioewse, 451

Pinder Tl. clias R. Binder —ITouscbren!-.ing i»n/.cmcnts Itt possesaion, 235, 37C Bine W. .T., alias W. .1. Gnff. ile. >—F.U*al in d\vcHing.l:on?o; disehrirged, 555; faLe pro* 1 en ces, 570

Bind A.—Watch, &,c., stolon, 11

Ping O.—Woggoneite, &t\, stolon, 105

1‘iiig, Ycc Kil (w?u A’ee Kit


P:nkcj to« 11.—Assault, 473 Ibjinot^k G.—Esęapc irom cujj-tody (Yictoria), 338

PitLson J.- A i cb ling stolon, 70


PJpor O.- Lt tter and rhotpje stsk-n, 417

Biper P. V.—liest ilu lian to be umde l«, 400

Bipj»e;i Jf.—Goods in pa&so.r Nitn», 071

Bijtpen lt., alias H. Pippen— AMcinpf; steal; vccciving. 172 Bjppin Jf., alias Ii. Pippen— Alfciiipt sieni; receiviiig, 172

PJtebe.' B.—Balsę prolcnces on, 51)7

1’itcher li.—Wifc deser ter, 040

Pite W. A.—Broakiug and enter ing, 200, 632 Bit? W. TI., nlins W. A. Piko — Break, enter, and steal, 40-S, 620

PithejM E. ftrnocU stolon, 488 Bitt O.—Horse stolon, 132, 171

Pitt Cr. W.—Wifc dezerter, 354, 4C0

Piti ii.— .Tcwellcry stoli-u, 439 Pitt I.--,Iewrllcry sfolc.n, 140 Pitt. W. G.—Assnult aml rob-bcrv, 275, 408

Pift W. T.—Balso protcncoa on, 201

P:Kw T. TT.—Arson, 101, 115 Pil*man V.—Goods in cu^tody: rintous beJiaviour; brcUc.h of lieense; dischargcd, 133 Pittnmn G.— Oomplt. larcc-ny n3 L-«iU*o, 400

T*:tt\*i:»l4'r-roa(T. Gołlaroy, pro-|k*t!,v of S*. iVter$on, T18 Plan: TT. Tłicycle stolcu, !8

Piasto .E. J.—Wateh, moiioy, &<*., atMeli, 282

Piasto L. P.—Kule.! prolenco.’* on. 430

I Wio U. W.— Olothcs stole n. 282, 38«ł

PlaKto T.— Money stolon, 282 PJator 8. W. <J.— Esc a po from K*gn 1 t islody; sfealing; dis-eharged oii licen.sc. C31 P!;;H ik—Wateh, &c., 9tolcn, 528

Piali: CA—Froudulout misappro-priution, 372

Player A.—Pisobcy M.O., 136, 572

Plcvcy rł. -Wr.tch, albcrf, lock et. <fce., stolon, 567 “Piot«.” nlins A. SjH*ori»łg, &c. —Tr-ir.sc Kłealing; larecay, diselirirged on licejise, C46 Piowtnnn P. K.—Fsthse pre-lin-a-s m:, 261

rinmb E —Gnmpt. chi Id deser-tion, Dii

Plomb 3. Tl.—Wateh stolon, 336

Fiumb 11.—Falsc j^reteuces on,


Blmnmer E.—Money Stolcu, 514. 585

Plummor O. N.—F.ilso pro-tenees on, 548

riunkett .T. F,.—P.ronrh coiidi-(ioits ; r-Ieat<e, 233

Pitni fcr-tf W. II. — Per jury nc-<iuittd, 285. 5ÓS 1’ob.ji C. -Getd ng stolcu, 441

PockJiugtou and \Y/idc—Motor-car Atolen, 657

Potuwk ('■■—Kmlic/rdemcnt. on,


Podmorc A.—Stcaling; licensa rcvokcd, 365

PcKltnore CA, a lino C. Hutchiuge*, alias C. Bodinoro, ałi.asr J. Tlul<*bin.s, alias W. J. D.-mp-scV—Ktenling, . disebnrged, 105; break nml enter intent sieni: break, enter, mul steal, 412, 518

Podmore F.—Sr.trf elolcn, 198, 376

Po inko E. IV—Contpll. cm-bc7./.lemcnt, 331 TVuitmg A. M.—.Stc-aling, 12 Point ing .1.—Kitbng, inuncy, tŁc., $toleu, 349

Point mg T.. alias T. Wntson, A-.c—Stcabng, 30, 32

Police Popartmcnt, clnims against, iiislrucliun Jo Police

, r‘» 2

Police HeimrŁuicnt, rc priuted forms used by, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Polico DepnrtmcHt, 600, 618, 658, 671, 683 1’olieLi Gojjot (sec Depot)

Pidie.e iujuied in ckecution of cłu ty, 591

Police lustruetinns, noliccs rc, 527

1‘olic.e Disti ic-hs, 77cw South Walca- List of staliom*, with Ofliccra-iii-ehargc, &e., 3, 4, 5

Police Regnhilion AH, 1899, and Kiijierunniintion Ae.t, 19015 (re a me u d ta. to Polico EuUrj). 013. 537, 591 Police Pegnlation (Appeala) Ae(, 1923, 667

Polico Rnlc'5 and Regnlnlions —Amendinent of. 49, «50. 101. 127, 239, 279, 415, 487, 013. 537, 391, 641

Balice Stnticns elosed, 6, 185

Pnlii-C! Ktations ontaldished, 185, 513, 079

1’olinghorne 11.— Jewetlory stolcu. 23U, 375 (sec PoBiing-horno)

Bolitis K. alias Pundoller— A11.cm pi. 1o br<*nk and enter with intent to commit n fclony: diachargcil on license, 620

rolkingliornc TT. — Jewellory stole u, 240, 375

Pollnck G. M.—DifjobcY M.O., 447

Polland y\.—■Tieldglnas«« and ciot ii big stolun. 445 Pnlle 1*5.—Je woliery stolon, 668

PolloeJc A.—Jcwoliery, ex>lthiDg, &c., stolcu, 593

Pollook W.— Attompt rape, 118 Bolman K. J.—Brandulent. ap-)>ropriation (sce Pal mon)

“Polscn*’— KrandnUnt ovusion payment f«xi hire, 532 I'i)fyglass >f.—Src.aling; B.O., 92

romroy T.~ AYatrłi stolcu, 528 1’oiul A.— Bicyclc stolon, .15'-, 799

Pouil S.— Motor-car stolcu, 670

Puiisford A.—-J cweli ery stolcu. 197, 389

Poniec W. .T.—--Brocch stolen, 62S

T*ool J., alias .7. G. Tool—F.ilse prcteucca, 634, 676 Ponl J. C!., alias J. Pool—Balso ]u-ele:ic:-s, 634, <576 Ponlo A. Ti. J.—Mouer stolcu, 660

Pocie H. M. -Compt. rc eliild clestuAion, 220


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