Mr.Neill T. J.—Wife dcscrtcr. 086

McNeilly A.—Susprr.tod per

son, 193

MeNieul B.—Arson on. 379 MrNicol J. S.—Cluth stolon, ló i McNicol R.- -Maro stolcu, 29P; rwovered, 352

McNiml W.—Arion on. 379 MkNiywi A.—Dwtlliug enterod, 148

MePhcc A.—Carnally kuowing, 412; ac*quitted, 570 MePhee D.—Cltoqiic draivu by stolon, 2.13

iie.Phec Jt. J.-Building do atroyed by liro, 18.1 McPtohmicy B., alias A. *T.

Grccn—False preteniTs, 4:19 McPherson A.—Llousebiioakiug on, (5J2

MePhersoti A.—Kinga and ncarf-pin stolcu, 055 Me.Pheraou alias F. U. Crawford, Jće. Stcaling, 110; diflcbaiged, 339

McPherson IX—Stcaling, F.O., 437

McPhłisoii D. J.—1 rui oceniły flftsaultcd, 330

MePher&on J.—Dwelling en-tered, 45

McPlwrson J. (J., u lina F. O. O&wfnrri, —Etealiug, 110: di&churgcd, 339

MePiieison L.—Il.iuglc stolcu, /254

MePlicrson K. C.—Usm thront-cning worda, 14 MfFliusyn N. F.—Tlueateniiig wiirda used to, 14 Mc.Fherson P.—Itiquiriug Tor miasing friend, 391)

MePlioison 11.—False preton-ct-a, 083

.McPherson li. H.— Fal w.* pro-tcneca, 574

Mr.PherłJon T., alias T. MeCinle, &c.—Btealing; dischargcd, 257

MePhcrson T. A.—Sbop-break-ing on, 234

McPhie N.—Ohequr dmwn by stolcu, 540

4fMcQna(3o"—DIsoboy    magia-

tarlul order (sw .1. Barry) McC^urule T.—Fnil nttond roni-[lulsory drili, 409 "Melfae,” uiiaa A. fcperring. &e.—Ilonie stealii.fi; iarceiiy; disrliargcA on liceum*, 040 Mcłtac H. and IX—Gcldiug ntoku, 338; rccovored; 35*1

McRae R., alias R. Webb, &e. —Assault intent conimit rape, 428; indcccnc assault, 558 MeRitchic N., alias J. l)oolev, alius J. MeLaughlan, alias J. K. Doolcy, alias M. l>oolcy, alias M. Byrnes, alias W. Mr.ftitehie—A ssani r occ-Mniou-ing aclual bodily liann, 596 MoRitchic W., aiiae N. Mc-Eiwhie, &e.—Assault ocea-sif.ning artu.il bodily lnu ni,

McRostic G. False prctcnces en, 307

McSbano F. A.—Disoboy mgiataml order, 457 Mc.Sweeney J. C.—ScU liquor without- lieensc, 203

McSwecnoy W. P.—Watr Ilasto-len. 102

MeTackctt. T. W.—Break, en ter, and steal, 036

MeTaggart S. .T.—Chorju:* sto-len. 90

MeTague J.—Kfissl. g, 420; loeatcd, 433

McTavish A.—Ooaiplt. falac

prctoiices; 600

McVcan J. .1.—Watah,    sto-

len, 438

AlcYcigh G.—C'he<5i2c drawn by

stolcu, 018

MeVi(>s, Caierers T.ulv Wuob

lahra, 170

MeWhirtcr <’.    N.— Cxio*juc

druwn by siólen, 340


Nftdcbanm W. J.—.Steal i u g, 599

Naim W. R. & Company, 313

Nnne.arrow J. T.— Bv wanton


ncglcet do bodilv hanu, 357. No bill, 435, 442

Nance C. D.—Nawal dosert -r,


Naplor C.—Albert,    sloUm,

«) . -1

Napicr E.—.lewdlery stohn, 410

Napicr J. M. (Judgc, B.A.), 94

Napicr K. H.—Di«obev M.O., r, 32

TCnppcr A. - -Bicyclo stolon, 405

Nap per E. W.—Serge slolen, 540

‘•Narkunda” s.s., 673

Nash . i<\—Ifirtisebreaking on, 502

Nash lt., alias H. Trembalh, alias 11. T. Nash, alias F. Florey, alias T. Nash, alias II. N.    Trcmbath.—Ilayc

coimtcrfcit eoins in posaes-siim; offer and uttor counter fcir. eoins, 050, 005

Nasli H. T., alias H. Trcnibatb, &e.-—Rcrciying, 1S

Nash H. T.; alias II. Nash, &c. —Iłavc eounterfeit coms in possossion; <iffer and uttor eounterfeit e.oins, 050. 005 Nash O. W. J.—N:ival d^erlcr. 382

Nash T., alina II. Nasil, &c.— Ilavc eounterfeit eoins in poa-\8C8Słon; offer and uttor eoun-torfeit eoins, 050, 00.5 Nash T., alias 11. Trombalłi, &C.—Ifceciring, 13 NasJi V.— Falsc pretenees on, 388

N»8bu Khan.—Assault occnsion-ing bodily harm. 181, 202 Nat.han A. F.—Jewellery slolen, 604

Kuthnn C. F.—King stolca, 2i54, 331

Nalioual Bank of Australia, Melbourne, 275, 4S4-

National Bank of AiiRtmlasin, Ltil., 515, 599

National Bank of Auslralnmn, Gcorgc strect Briinch. 507 National Bank of Qucensland.

^ 3.57

National Cash Orilers, 385 Nution.łf Hotel, Ge<*rgc-str<el, Sydney, 213

National lvou<ls Molors A^oc.ln tiuu, 388

Naughton E.—Ewcs stolon, 530 NłUighton H.—Money stolcu under arms, 507 Nava D.—Stcrding, F.O., 583 N:ival Depot, Newcastle, 394

Noyloi O.—Olotlrng, &c., slolen, 434

Naylor K. F„ alias F. Taylor, &«.—Brcach bcense; falso pretenons, 91,148; diseharged, 492; false pretences, 511 Naylor F, alias F. Taylor, &e. —Brcach lieense; false pro-len ces, 91, 148; discharged, 492 ; fal80 preteur.es, 51 I Naylor W. (deccased), impor-ecmated, 33

Nead Mahomed.—Breach Immi-grfttion licstric. Act.—sec G. Mftliomed

Ncal, 'Dr.,'* alias IX Glceson, &e.—Falso preteiwcs, 176, 221 Nenl J.—■Carnally knowiug, 675 Ncal L. A., alias I1. Gleeaml, &c.

—False pretences, 176, 221 Ncal W.—ilorso stolon, 91, 202 Neal W. E.—Disobey M.O., 473, C22

Nenie A.—Break and enter gar-ago and steal motor car (rc-cooorcd), 122

Ncal o F. J.—Break aml enter garago and steal motor car, 122,    302; dischurgcri on

licciiH *, 477

Nyary .1.—Ciothiag stolon, 130 Ncituman A., alias A. Newman —Slcaling, 482, 588; ncrpiit-ted, C85

Niv«.vc A. F.—l)isobev M.O.,


Necdham D. M.—Complt. fali providc prdini. exos., 586 Nocdliam E. A.—A8s:iulte<l, 314 Needliuni M. J.—Wife deserter, 355

Necdham 1(. O., 31 Nccley R. J., alias li. Thomas, kt.—Arlsault intent rob, 1H3, 558

Nees G. II.—Assaultcd, 263, 303

Negus O. ił.—Biiopbrc.aking, on, 33

Negus II. W.—FrnudMy omit to pny money to, 634 Neieh J. R.—r>isol>cy M.O., 46, 220

Ncil F.—Watr.h stolca, 628 Ncil T. --Steal ing, 674 Nelll A. II., alias H. Walsh, &c. —Forgory and uttciing; dis-rbnrged, 244

NeiLsen G. F. (ur Neilson).— Conspiracy to rłieat .and dc-fruud, 235; larceny and rc-ceiv;ng, 371; diseharged on Ik-cuse, C83

Ncilson D. C.—Diaoboy M.O., 305

Neilson (1. F.-— Łammy and re-eeiving (sec *,Ncilsen") Neilsou J.—iMi85ing person inny Ih* i a company of, 455 Ncil.<,011 ,T.—Bicyelc stolon, 417 Ncil son W. H.—Steni i ng, 307 Nebii ic r M.—In docent assault on girl im dci 16 ycnrs; dm-chargcd on liceuae, 419 Nelson A.—Bungie stolon, (543

Nelson A. F.—Disober M.O., ■>oo

Nelson A. .1.—Wr;»t watah stolcu, 140, 236

Nelson C.—Brooch lost, 637 Nelson D.— Break, onter, and steal, 422; nccjuittod, 518 Nclyoii E., alias E. S. Nelson.— Break, onter, and stoal, 422; ae.fjnitted, 518

Nelson E. S.f alias E. Nelson.— Break, enter, and steal, 122; acijuitlcd, 518

Nelson F. (X, alias F. Bnth, &c.

—False prctanr.es, 132, 308 Nelson G. A,—False profc.ur.es on, 41

Nelson li. (America). Eseap-i wg from Auburn Piisoti Hond Oamp, 431

Nelson J.—Staniing, 32, 131 Nelson 0.—Assigncd estnta of lato, materiał, 3tolen, 454

Nelson J., alias L. Nolnon, alias J. H. Nelson.—Falso proton-ces, 623

Nelson J. II., alias J. Nelson, &c.—False prctcnces, 623

Nelson L., alias J. Nelson, &c.

False pretenccs, 623 Nelson M.—Forgcd £10 notes uttered to, 18 Nelson R.—Missing, G*i t Nelson li., alias U. Ń. Frcomnn, ulias K. Frcemnn.—Reeciv-ing; di.seharged on hcensi', 429; revoked, 033 Nelson £>.. alias S. J. Nelson, alias r.oadboatrr, alias S. Graham, alias S. Randnll.— Assault and rohhery; dis-clmrged on lioen.se, 141; steal-Sng, 524, 032

Nelson S. C.—Ktealing; fals? :u et.em»f-s; <liRrharged, 042; larccuy; mulic, injurr, 636 673

Nelson .S. J., alias S. Nelson, &c.—Assault and robbery ; dischnrged ou lic^nse, HI; stan ling, 524, 632 Nelson T. V,—Btealing, G57 Nelson V, O. -Mill;nerv, stolon, 405, 197 Nelson W.—Break, enter, and steal, 675, 089

Nelson W. A.—R^bbcry willi vi(jlcncc; disebarged, 67 Nenbett. J., uliiu A. .1. i)wyer, iLe.—Break, enter, and steal; disebarged on lie.ensc, 556; break, t-nler, and steal, 599; dtealityg; bror.e.b crmditioas of rclcasc, 663; sten ling, 675; acrpntted, 664

Nesldtt J., alias A. J. Dwyer, &e.—Break, enter and steal; dischnrged on Htunne, 556; break, enter, and afcal, 599; stculing; brcach coudns. ro-Joaac, 663; sten ling, C75; ar-qnittcd, 684

Nesbltt Ij.—Jewellcro etolcn, 503

Nesbitł. W. II.-—Wit> iK^ertlun, 572

"Ncstlos,” Bydncy.—llcg. Ictter stolcu, 61S

Nclthieni G.—Ring stolon, 312 Nett Ir ton A.—Jowcllory stolcu. 5H8

Neutone P. M.. alias M. M«-Aliater, &e.—Stcaling, 374 Novc J. ?ć, alias J. J)ixon, &c. -•Sodomy; dischurged, 272 Nevoll H.—Wal eh and wallct slolen, 281

Nos*en L. —Jewollery stolon, -i26 “Novlllc" man nanicd.—False wet cne es; sco "J. Poolo” oville”—Wonmn named m.e-,sing, 544

NcYilic E.—Maro stolen, 542; rcrovercd, 508

Nevillc G., alias II. Pnntlin, &r.—.Sns3)ected stcaling: dis obcy M.O., 43, 63, 78, 82 '

No v! lic JT. .T.—Wiło de ser ter, 27

Nrvillc J. False proteneos on, 034

Xovi)lc M.—Jewoltery stolen,



Nevins i*.—Fail providr prclrm.

exrs., war rant cancellcd, 44 Xow A.—Gelding stoten, 3H9 New Englnnrl Girls’ Brlmol, Ar-midnlo, 341

New En fil and Hotel, Walcha. C4S

New ITuntor River Hotel, Bur-sex-st., Sydney, 214 Now J., alias S. Marshall, alias -T. Williams, alias W. J. New, nl.As W. .T. "Robijis, alias CorkJicy Joc.—Robbery willi violonce; wife raaintenance; disoharge-d on liecnae, 383; disobey M.O., 532; assault, 584, G43


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a m OtNEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE UAZETTE IN DEK —1025, "Hclcimeh" alias N. Hogan, Hhnry IX
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N EW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZET! E 1N1> EX—1025.9 Boweu S.—3 u Ulu g materia! drabin O. A. alias O
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
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