Kiley $.—Apptd. Pro. Con- Sharkcy W.—Appointed Pro.

słabło, 179; rraigned, 523    Con ślubie, 179

Riplev 11. A. H.—Appointed filia rp 8. 8.—Qualificd for Cnn-Pro. Constable, l2G2; diachgd., stable lst Class, *75 356    fihaw W. G.—Appointed Con-

Rtamann C. J.—Appointed Pro. stable, 179 Constable, 179    fihouror M. C. A.—tyiulified for

Roadley II.—Qualified for Con- Constable lst Uaw, 505 stable lst Ckiss, 23 ; Prom. 8heatber    (1.    W.—Appointed

to Constable lst Clas3, 163 Pro. Constable, 356 Robert* A. J. Promoted Con* Sheehy,    P.—Promoted    Her-

stabic; di&eharged, 356    goant 2ud Ciosa, 398

Roberta C. R.—Appointed Con- Shuer.s    Tl.—Promolcd    Constable, 179    stable; diacharged,    180

Robcrts W. G.~ Appointed Con- fihepherd J. R. - Qualiflcd foT slabie, 523    Constable lst Class, 239

Bose W. H.—Promoted Inspr. Shephord J. 8.—Appoiuiod Con-2nd Class, 403    slabie, 011

Roberta W. L.—Qualified for fihepherd P.—Qualificd for Constable lst Class,    23    fiergeant, 23

Robertson A. W.—Promoted to Shcrwood O.—Promoted Con-Constable lat Class, 103    stable; discharged, 418

Robinson C. A.—Qualified for Shorwood Mra. E. E.—AUoyt-Constablo lst Class, 23    aime, 262, 418

Robinson J, *1.—Promoted to Shcrwood M. Ii.—Apptd. Con Inspcctor 2nd Class, 185    stable, 611

Robinson .1. It.—CJualified for fiherwood T. J.—Pension gran-Cunstable lst Clasa, 053    ted, 180; death of, 202

Rognn A. G.—Appointed Pro. fiherwood W. D.—Inapcctot 2nd Constable, 179    Class; Pcnsion,    r>23

Rootes    8.—Appointed Con- Shirlcy H. C.—Qualified for

atabJo, 611    Constable lst Clasa, 475

Rusc C. A.—Appointed Pro. Sinmumds W. W. J.—Appointed ConstahU*, 41S    Constnble, 202

Rew K. b. 8.—Appointed Pro. ftimmons R.—Promoted to Ser-Coirstablc, 179    gennt 3rd Class.    262

Rowo 8. E.—Promoted to Ser- Sinclair TI.—Promoted to Ser gwint 3rd Cla9s, 557    geant 2nd Chists, 102

Roydand J. T.—(Jnalified for Bkiller F. T/.—Appointed Pro.

ćonstablc, lst Claas, 053    Constable, 523

Rufflcs i\ G.—Promoted to Slushcr M. B.—Bcrgcant 3rd SeTgeant 2nd Class, 087    Clnss; resigned, 180

Russo)] II. II.—Promoted to Smallwood G. A.—Promoted to ConsUblo lat Class, 103    Constable lst Class, 163

Russell    R.    E.—Promoted to    Smith    D. R.—Appointed    Con-

Constable Iwt Oto, 6S7    stable, 418

Ryaa E. J.—Appointed Con-    Smith    G.—Qua)ified for    Constable, 179    stable lst Claus,    475

Ryaa U. G.—Promoted to In- Smith G. 8.—Appointed Pro.

spector 2nd Clasa, 49    Constable,    3f>0

Savillc A. E.—Appointed Pro. Smith II. G.- Pro. Constable;

Constable, 418    resigned, 180

Sawteli G. H.—Constable lst Smitli H. L.—Appointed Con-Chm; pension to, 611    stable, 179

Sawt.-ll    J.    JE.1 (Peimoner)    Sm;L^    J.-^]Vomotcd to    Con

0?ath of, i<f.    stable lst Class, 557

Sawycr    O.    R. Quahfied for    } c._Appointed    Con

Constable lst Class, 23    stable 336

Siałby W R —Appointed Pro. $n;ith j ’F (Omst.)—Resigned,

Constable, 356


Bcarff G. Constable Jat Class; Smith j j.—Qualifiod Con

pensum, o23    . A . _ stable lst Class, 301

Sch&fer I., W, Appointed Con-    r,—Promoted to Ser

stable, 523    .    geaut lst Class, 162

Schnutter    O    J.—Appointed    ę„7ltll y.    L.—Appointed    Con

• Constable, 011    stable, 179

Fkdinobel O.    C.—Appointed Bmith W. A.—Appointed Con

Pro. Constable,    262    stable, 262

ScholU H. .T. Api>ointed C-on- Smyth M. F.—Promoted Con stable, 179    stuble Itrt Class, 398

Schrader W. E.—Promoted Ser- .Sn-tpe. F. R.—Appointed Pro geart 3rd Class, 398    Constable, 179

Sduocder    E.    J.—Appointed    Spedrling    II. K«—Apptd.    Pro

Pro. Constable,    179    Constable, 262

Schaback    T.    A.—Appointed    Spierr C.    D.—Appointed    Pro

Constable, 179    Constable, 2C2

Mamack E. II.—Qnalifiod for Spierr C. O.—Promoted to Con Constable. lat Chtssi, *”65    stable lat Class, 657

8eott P.—Appointed Pro. Con- Rpiccr W. F— Qnalified for stable, 179    Constable    lst    Class,    505

Scott J. O.— Appointed Con- śpitldll A. Ii.—Qu&lihed for stable, Gil    Constable    lst    Olass,    475

Seott J. P.—Appointed Aeling Hpronle G. M.—Pcnsion gran Inapeetor,    027    Ui\t jgp

.Seott .1. F.—rromoted to Ber- Squirc j. k.—Qi,alitled Con-geant 2«d Class, 162    Biubto lst Class, 415

S«ott L.    J.—Qualihed Con-    Stajtord    J. J.—■QuaUfied for

stsble, lst Class, 361    Constable lat Class, 665

Beroope V. J.—Qualifted for ftht-1 A. J.—Promoted to Con Constable, lst Olaaa, 2G7    stable lst Class, 163

Brlberg E.—Qualifted for Con Stoele I. W.—Appointed Constable lst    Class, 23    stable, 011

tttmmcr F. J.—Promotod to ConMnldc lst Class, 103 Stcvens O. H.—Appointed Prn. Constable, 623

StOYcnft O. V. II.—Appointed Constable, 350

Btovei>80h M. T.—Promoted tu Aeiing Inspector, 49 StCYonsou M. T. (kiiowr aa (!. S toveu son)—Appoin ted Act -ing Tnspcctor, 267 8t'.'vei)son W. C.—Appointed Pro. Constnhle, 356 Btewart A. W.—Appointed Pro. Const., 179; resigned, 1«0; appointed Pro. Constable, 202 Stewart 11. C. L.—Promoted ftorgeant 3rd Ciosa, 398 Stewart lł.—1’ronjoted to Ser-gennt 2ud Clnss, 557 Stopp W.—Qualified for Constable lst ClicsH 23; jtromoted Constable lst Class, 163 Stowe S. W.—Appointed Constable, Oli

Strcttlos N. J.—Appointed Cud stable, 011

Girom borg C. W.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 418 Stubbs W. A. - Promoted to Sorgeant 3rd Class, 687 Sukor W. E.—Promoted to Constable Isl- Clais, 557 Bullivan J. T.—Pension gran-ted, 180

Surridge A.—Promoted to Dct.-.Sergt. 3rd Class, 557 Guudiite L. M.—Appointed Pro. llfliinbiblc, 356

Sutlierland H. J. McC.—Appointed Constable, 523 Sykcs J.—Promoted to Scr-geant 3rd Class, 1C2 Toit C. W. E.—Promoted to Constable lst Class, 163 Taaner W. J.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179

Taylor F. L.—Quali6ed for Constable lst Claas, 475 Taylor J. A.—Appointed Con-stable, 262

Taylor R. V.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 262

Tebblc A. C.—Quałified for Constable lst Class, 239 Telford D. O.—Appointed Con-stable, 350

Thonipsoii A. I\—-QuaUfied {nr Constable lst Class, 505 Thompson C. E.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179 Thompson H. O.—Pro. Constable; refłignud, 180 Thompson R. *T.—Appointed ITo. Constable, 356 Thorp H. Tl.—Promoted Constable lat Claas, 398 Thorpe F.—Promoted to Ser-geant 2ad Class, 557 Ti tourne J. J).—Appointed Constable, 179

Tolnnd G. J.—Promoted to Constable lst Class, *557 Toohey J. M. (Ex.-Constablo lst Class)—Teraporary peu-wioń reuewed, 202 Toohey M.—Promoted to Bor-gonnt 3rd Class, 557 Toohey 1*. H.—Promoted to Bergen nt 2nd Class, 557

Toohey J’. J.—Promoted to Ser geant 3rd Class, 102 Trneey J. J.—Qualified for Ścrgcant, 475

Trneey P.—Promoted to Aeting lnspccfor, 185; qualihed for Inspector, 267; eonfirmed as inspeetor 3rd Class, 379 Tiat-ey T. J.-—Quu)Hied for C jus Labie lat Class, 475; pro-ino ted lo Constable lst Class, 557

Travis J. W.—<Jual»fied for Constable lat Class, 537 Trev:ii»iun (\ O.—<knstablc ro* signed. 523

Tnrbct. (?.—Promoted to Act-ing Superintcndcnt, 139; appointed $upt. 3rd Class, 627 Turner TT. R.—Appointed Con-stable, 202

Turner W.—Promoted to Ber-geanf 2nd Class, 162 Ty lor W. B. W.-—Appointed Pro. Coosluble, 523 Tyndall .T,—Promoted to Ser» gcant 3rd Class, 102 Unwiu II. W.—Promoted to Sergennt 3rd Class, 162 Val« B. L.—Qualilled for Co'i-utnble lst Class, 475 VsH»jos 3.—J^omutecl to Ser-gcant lst Class, 102 Van Gelder F.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 418

Yeigtd F. W.—Promoted Con stnblo lst Claas, 398 Yogrin C. S. L.—Appointed P/o. Constable, 41$

Yugclo G. P.—Scrgwmt 3rd Class; deatb of, 418 Yogolo M. a. (Mrs.)--Gra-tuity, 523

Wad (le 11 A.-—Appointed Constable, 179

Wad de 11 II. B—Qualifir«l for Constable lst Class, 653 Walker C. L.—Appointed Pro, Constable, 356

Walker E. R.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179

Walker J. w.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179

Wallace Mrs. P.—AUowaace, 180

WaRaee W. G.—Appointed

Constable, 523 '

Walali J.—Qualified for Ser-geant, 475

Walsh T. J.—Appointed Con-stable, 523

Warburton L. J.—Promoted to Constable lst Class, 087 Ward A. M.—Qualidcd for Constable lat Class, 475 Ward H.—Roduced to Const., 418; reduotioJi altered, 52.1 Watson J.—l^ualificd for Constable lst Claas, 23 \V:rtts Ć. J.—QualiRod Iuspec-tor, 361

Webb 1). A.-—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179

W'ebb F. W.—Rcduccd to Constable, 262; pension, 356

Webster A.—Qualifted for Inspeetor, 23; promoted to Aeting Inspeetor, 49; ap-pointment confirmed, 207 Weiss F. C-—Promoted to Constable lst Class, 163 Welby J. J. (Ex-Constable lst Class)—Ppnsion renewed, 262 Wellard A.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 356

Wells J. F.—Qualifted for Sor-geaiit, 475

Wenhain II. W.—Promoted to Bergeant 2nd Claas, 557 Wurner S. C.—Quali<icd for Bergcant, 475

West A. B.—Constable resigned,


Wetheriil J. F.—QuaH6cd for Constable lst Class, 23 WhrelaliAn B.—Appoiated Tro. Constable, 262

Whitc A. T.—Promoted Ser-gcant lst Class, 398 Whito G. E.—Appointcilf.-^Pró. Constable, 611

Whitc H. W.—Promoted to 8or gcant 2nd Class, 262j pen-

sion to, 523


Podobne podstrony:
a m OtNEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE UAZETTE IN DEK —1025, "Hclcimeh" alias N. Hogan, Hhnry IX
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZET! E IN DE X—191;.19- Coustns A.—$>a/ebh>wing u», Cradoek T.
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAZETTE IN 1)EX — 1U 25.43 Jojich G. M«D.—Anton, 382; Jones T.— Arsen, $82;
3$NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN.DEX—1925. Cyelcs—continued.    Muir J.—Man namod
NIC W SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE G A/JiTTE IN DEN—1925. Mr.Neill T. J.—Wife dcscrtcr. 086 McNeilly A.—Suspr
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTJS IN DE A.—1933. Jhaird J, ii.- Watek, &C., stolcn, B&llnntyn
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN DEK—1925. Waterhonso H. R. (or R. Water- Wnison J., alias T. Stew
91NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE IN DEK—10*25, Whitlock D. P.—Missing, 180 Wilki* Jack (sen A. Wil
9-2NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE IN DEX—1935. William?! .1. H.—Falac pretcncca, 34 Williams Ia. al
NEW SOUTH WALUS POLICE GA ZET TE IXT>KX~-102?. Palmer S. J.—Misstog, 06 Pal ni er T. W.—Korso
CDM5W SOUTH WAL ES POLICE OAZETTE IN J.)KX—1925. Phillips iS.—Girl ubseondcr, ii? a, m Phillips
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POJĄCE (1AZETTE IN DEX—1925.Police Promofcions, Itesigmiticms, Discliargcs,Deatlis,
59scramblers says Herman Brown, Green-ville, S. C., 1958 South-eastern Scrambles Champ. In o rwenl p
decorated with engaged łonie columns, had a vaulted entrance from the south. A door jamb, still
APPENDIX 12 REPORT OF THE YICE-PRESIDENT FOR SOUTH AMERICA, 1973-1977 In common with his colleagues
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
NEW SOUTH WALE* POLICE CAZETTE INDEX—1925. Marshall J. T.—Qualiftad for Constable lst Olaas,

więcej podobnych podstron