Brown W.—Jcwellery stolo:', Brunton W. W—Albert and Buckley <*.• '-Ki»lx‘zzle:neul. Bunkcr S.—Baję, glasses and
643 trasu pass stolon, SiH 372; F.O., 425 money stolen, 6G7
Brown W., nlias W. J. Rrown Bruuycc W.-— Ring *dnh»n, 380 Buckley 1.1. S.—Clii Id deser- Bunuel* E.—Fulse deilnrntian —Smpccted person, 4r> Braton II. .1.— Porgrry and tion, 359; non-pyyineut eoata re bfrth. &'H, 44*2
Brown W., uliaa A. Webster, uttering, 623 M.O., 373 Bunt J.—Prerioua occupftiit of
kc.—Stealing, 547 Biyan O. !\—Honaebreaking, Buckley J.—Wateh, &c., *to premise# destroyed by tir*.
Bruwn W., siliuią G-. Wilson, 192, 222, 391 leu, 464 23
—Shophreaking, 17, 02 Bryau T.. J. ((kmatiihlu)—Aa- ftticklcy .T., alias V. J. Ru«k- Bunt J—■‘Watek, &o.. stolen, Brown W. E.—Miasta g, 31 snultcd whiJst in e\ccution uf Icy. JŁe.—Woumliiu: willi ln <154
Brown W. B.—nieobcy M.O., daty, 471, J.72, 511 toni grlev. bodlly karm; <1U- Huraudt K.. aiius A. HymoS.
292 Bryun M. 1*.—Break, enter, and chargorl on lleense. 5^3 &o. -Break, enter, and stcal;
Brown W- F. I).—Win* deser- atuul, 573, 647 Buckley L. A. V.* -Wio doKor- di&cłklrged on liceum, 467
kcT, 395 Krynnt A.—Portrmintcau, &c., tor; wt. cancellod. 24S Burbitry M. C.—-Frock sroleu,
Brown W. H.--Wateh, &c., sto stolon, 53 Buckley M. • Fulat* protonce.* i:>o
len, 452 Bryant E. (?., alias IT. Byan, on, 308 Burdack O.—Jcwellcry and
Brown W. J. (or W.)—Sus Fnlsc pretenees; dla- Buokiey M.—Maro stolon, 020 rlothing stolon, 330
1),,.t,.d peT«on, <r, ebarged uu lii-on.o, M« BiiMry S. N\-Nui;-|.Mymc.it R,mt(,kiu B._Til,.)ltl & sto.
Brown W. M. N.—Clottmig, &c.# Bryant J.—Conspiracy, 563, of rosts on order. J(>U vu<> . 0rs
atolcn, 10 685 Buckley W.. Mins K. .1. RmU- £T—Emke^lemeiit
Bzownc A.—Falac prctonces, Bryant S., alias O. B. Smith, ehsrged on licwise, 3>3 K0 4 *
Browne 0. S.—False i)retences on, 42
Browne C. 8.—Disohry order; Bryant
wariant canecllcd, 120 bodily harm, 459, 481; dis lwi, (34 Bur^oes ('. K.-- .Missln^ lott
Browne H. E.—Kumlbug sto- clmrgcd, 030 Hiioknoll N. Mcrino v\etb- >vife witlioW utouits. 411
len, 255, 261 Bryant W.—Re atealin^ from ers stolon. 440 BuiTCOss J., alias W.
Browne J. R.—Break, cnler, person oi, 32 Budd K. A.—Wife dosoitor. &<*.—Break uiwl onter hitt-ut
and steal, 174 Bryants, Limited, 612 355 stoal, f»73, 632
Browne N. lt.—Falsc pretcncca Rryant W.—Ia^uiry for pftreuts Budd H. .1.—Broooh jślolon, Bnrgess J. E. alias W. 11. Bur* on, 5$8 of, 105, 143 ’ 240 K««, &c.— Assault inUirt car*
Browae V.—Shcop aupposed Brycu A.—Iting stolon, 213 Rudd VT. 1*1—Cho^ms Oraw u nnMy know— 663
stolon, 90, 110 Bryce L.—Siupected person; by, stolon, 553 Btiręesa J. H. alias II. Ryan,
Browne R. B.—Falsc prctcnccs break, enter, and stoal; di*-“Rudge” <may 1>0 TrAYoM)-- &o.—False preteneen; dis-on, 384 chArged on Iłceuse. 046 Suspoeted atoaliuj; from | er- ch^d. on lieense, 646
Bro\?ning F.—Goldln/j stolcn, Bryce T.- Asauult and rob- non, 401 Burgess R—Ar>on, 23, 167
505 berjs 445; acquitted, 519 Budgo .T. W. IV—ftunpUiiimnt HurKras R—Wntch, iic., sfcolcn,
Brownie/ T. J.—Oisnbey "W.O., Brydlt* A.—Ust* threateung larcony as Imileo. 514 «/^y
637 wurds, 0S7, 088 Brtfffiry W. Asstiult ^'CU^iOU- Burgoss K.—ł’a!sę protonces ou,
Brownlow L.—Waleh stolon, 36, Rrydirt M. — ThreateiiiułC iug bodlly hurm. 6t'-C <500
389 words uaftd ul. 038 BufToiy W. J.. alias .f. Brown Burgas W., aliaM A. Harris,
Brownlow X.—Ring .stolon, 380 Bryeu A — Stealinu. F.<9., 157 —Vngraiu-y, 250 -Łiias« .T. Harris, nliaa ,T. Bur-
Brownlow <V alias N. Bcvelle, “Buwluum” 42 Buggy A. .I— Bisamy ni, 267 Bri»nk and enter, in-
dc. (acc "M. Ounningham’') Fuchan p. J.—Rteuliug. o4d. Buhme.ver W. Llothtng sto- tent atoal, 073, 632
Bwrgess W. A.—Break and en* oni (sco W. Bur*
.—Wife desertion,
Bruce J., alias J. J. Śmith, «nd clothiog 8t<ilen, 54(b 444; StealiDR, 485 Burgess W. H., alias J. E. Bur*
alias B. Smith, alias *T. 507 T.—Na\al closerter. gess, alias A.. Williams—Aa*
Smith—Break, on ter, and lludutnan I. <1.—Bi CA my on. , ... , sault, intent carnally ku o w,
steal, 234, 302 47G, 6C7 ^ «• 0.--AtleiHpt cnfnalir m
Bruce J. S.—Jcwołlcry stolon, Buchanan -.T. l(Gonstablc).— know, .ww Burgmann, W.—Bicyctc stolon i
169 As&aultcd in oxec«ł.ion duły, Bulidog Englnurrliig Ck>ui|JHiiy rccovcred, 243, 270, 423
Bruce T*.—Carnally knowing, 495, 525 Limited, 630 Burgo/no J. E.—Money, jcwel-
459; acrpńtfęd, 633 Huchunan M.- Wntfh and Bu]livant F. G. W.—Włf* de- Jery, ićc,., stolon, 357
Bruce L., alias iJ. Gtccson, &c. Chain slotcn, 340 Werter. 33 Bmke C*.—Bicyclc atolcn. 78
—Falsc pretenees, 176, 221 Buck II. Proprletnry Lid., Hullock L. (or K. .T. 8.). alias ^ k G _Watch &c atolcn Bruce M. K.-Dwclling «n- Vie, 256, G05 T. Bank«.-Fulsc ^ woten, &cM atoien,
tered, 98 Buckingham M.-flfill liuuor 303, 314, 43*>; forgc-iy an<l f; ^niav assumo nnme
Bruce P.-—Watchcs, Jcwcllcry, wthout Uecuse. 02?1 _ . Georg* Bpenec)—Assault, in-
«e., stolon (yie.), o81 .Buekinghum s Ltd., Sydney, Bulloek L., alms Jiu k^on. font- comntit ntpc, 321
Bruce R. L., alias P. G ceson. 274 f>iR<)l)oyM.O., 53o Burko J.—Wife de sorter (sea
&c.—Falsc pretencos, 170, Blłł<klaIMj (; Ti.—Emluzzlc- Bullock Electric, 2.45 Bourke)
.. „ . . menton, 547 Bulloek E. .T Bmke J. (Ch,nst.)-AWuwHed,
Bruce V-IW pretcnccs; BuękIand R.—Broooh stolcu, <*f*s (see 10. Bullock ) *329
•teaUng, J74 rm Ho Rock H O.-Compt. renon- Burkc j. L. —Bicyclc stuien,
Ęroco W.-Wifc deserter, 3(3 X3uoklo E. MV—Bn»oth stolon, l«ayiDtaił for menie and AC-
Bruchhausor B. S.—Fulsu pro- 114 commodation, 123 Burkę K.—MUsing, 581, 598
teucos on, 58R . Buoklelon R. F.—Assłinll, j*or- Bullock 11. O.—Disohey M.O., Burko I*. F—\‘av;»l deserter,
Bruckard A. K.—Child deser- jury. 5S, 301 J(i5 304; arrested, 344, 350
ter. 120, 637 R noki et 011 V. J.—Assaullcd, Bullock M. Fnlso prclcucc^, Rurkę P. L. alias L. Biekinaon,
Brucll P.—False prctences, 376, 58 2i)S &c.—Atlempt stcal from per-
291; discharged, F.O., 387, Buckley A. A.—Fnnployer ot Bullock U. 1*.—Fruodl. eon- san; diseharged, 258 408 boy abseouder, 361 eersion as haiku. 'h«i Kurto K.—Oarcnlly knowu, 064
Bruff I). (eee B. Rrough) Buckloy Fonspirucy to Hnimcr 11.—Steni from per* rj..^ K F —r*łlrm>iv Bruha E. H.—Incjutrlug for -j>rocurr miscarriagc on »At, ^n. 632 ^ ^ LArnnl,ł
M.F., 350 7t, 2.'I2 Rulmcr H. If.—Break, enter, t> nr kr S— nn»tmir*ni m.
prundon J. S., alias II. Stewart, Buckley M.. alias F. J. Buck- flmi sieni, 2S1 G8 ‘ ' 1 P^eneca on,
&c.—Bigamy, 568 ley. &c.- Wounding intent Bundock C. W,—M<mu*v sioien, yjurk(ł o Wabdu'**
prjnrs L. M.—Couiplf. rhilil de griev. hodłly b*rm; dis- 445 643 v sU>Ielł*
fnmtngWn E. L.K.. miss- RlK.kl v v ,T.. a|i;ls .). JUulc- J*K 3« ,249
ŁŁr- r o T V . i'’1'. Hiias E. BucMcy, alias "B.mKęy.’—R«f..sv J>«y Burkc S. W. ulias S. W. 1
pnniung J. s—JeiłH.pry, t«- H-,no,, .|!1(,kson ailas> \y. »w*'» »>«<> n'<<«ijmoilnłu)U; _t.nta. prcłtwaaj
bMco, &«., stolen, 4.15 Uncklcy. hIIim !■’. Htitlf. wt. tan(plle0, a7o 517,681
Jbnaton M. -CloUiing, Alina Johnson.--Woimding Buiigey II.- Falsc prcteuccJt Burto S. W. alian S. Jones— ~ Jx., Btolcn, J4J, 155 witb tnterit grk‘v. łinibi.t (see “K. McFarlaue*') ^tealing, 544, 600
Prnnton W.—Money, &o., sto- harm; clischnrged on Hcvitsc Buuker G.—Jewellery stolcu. Burkc W. F.—Oheoue etolon, Jca, 358 to go lo W.A., :jW8 416 ' ' 115
sertion, 457 chargt d ou licousc. «s;t Huugo Australio Propcrty Burko> 8> w _ Talae „rctcacos
rlc- , 344 _ .249 ‘7
Bourke ; dischgd.,