

Peacock A.    R.—Jewcllery,

mcuey, &i\.t stolen, 281 Pcftcock U.—MLssmg. 131 Pcaeock ti. AL—UncontrollaWo Child, 240, 030

Pefteoek N.—Falso protcuices, 290; A.-O. dcclincii proc.oed, 344; arquiU.'.‘d, 408 rcaey li. E. (oj- Porcy)-— Fruudutenlty cvadc tax! hirc, 314

Pcad L. E.-- Money stolcu. 84 Pcakcr F. J., Alias O. »T. Russell, &*.—Larecny;    diacharged,


Pearee A., alias A. gmith, alias L\ Robert s-— Muliciows wound-ing, 133; Assanlt oocaaioning actuul bodily kami, 481 Peareu A. W.—Missing, 95 Peftrec Bros., Wahroonga— Namc iiscd in conneetlon falset prctcuccg, 597 Pfturcu! D.—Bicyclc stolon, 115

Pcare* B.—Jcwullery .stolon, 63, 389

Pearce E. V.—Disoboy magisteria! order, 112 1’carec il.-—Pisobey magisterial urcler, 55; ueglcct eotnply order, 424

Pcareu Ił.—Tlisubcy magisterial order, 432

Pcarcc 11. B.—Bicyclc stolon,


Pc?.tco J.—Unnatural offenco, 96, 231

Pcarcc J. (J.—Indeceuiljr aasaultcd, 587

Foareo L. A.—Indoeczrtly nssauUod, 573

Foarco R. A.—lYrjiiry, 145; no bill fi Jod, 423

Pearce R. C.— .Saddlo and bridle htolen, 164

Prarcc W.—Break, en ter, and atcal j rccciving, 3ó4

Prarcc W. Break, ontrr, and. Htcal, 547, 570

Pearee W.—Break, entor, and stonl, 343

Pcarl Ij.—JDiarnoud in claw aetting stolcu, 300

rcarl L.—tSkins, fara, ehokes, &c., stolon (Vi«.), 323 Pe.irlman R.—Waf.chos, chain, elething, &c., stolon, 670

Poars R.—Fillsc ptct-cncc*, 612 PearscR $. J. A.—Chile! deser -ter, 120

Pcarson O.—Disohey magisteria] order, 436 Pcarson —Misa ing,    52-t;

located, 544

Pcarson    C.—Attompt    ahop-

breaking, 39

Pcarson <’. E. Disobcy magisteria] order, 109 Pearaon G. W,—Workshops of brokcu and ontornd, 599 Pcarson J, 'Perjury, 83, 391 Pearaon J. E. O.—Asaaultod and act of indcec.ncy on, 472

Pcn.vsrm N.-—Indocent assault on, 192

Person W., alias IL Fanlliu, &e.—Suspeeted person; steil-i«g; ditsobey magisteria] order, 43, 03, 7fi, 82 Pcormn W. Ib—FaJse prolenccs on, 623

Penty P, L.—Embezzlomcnt, 675

"Pcckliatn.” alia3 A. NY.wdajn, 4.C.—J.areeny. 122, 232

Pr.eTckrim A., allns A. Knrdecn, &r.—Mul ller, C79 Pec.kiiam A. W., alias A. Nor-deen, &<*..—Murdcr, 679 Pecblca M. C.—Assaultcd, 149

Petch F., alias F. Pnae.b, <Łe.— Larccny; break, cuior, and steul; diuehargcd on liccnso, 419

Puck II. II.-—Fnlsti prolenccs cm, 11H, 146

Poci U.—Nawal deser ter, 497 Poci W. E.—Stcaling, F.O.,; 073; stealing, 039

Poorlcss Unr.age and Engiucęr->»g Co-, IHo

Pccrless G., alias II. rani lin,

&<t.—Suspcctcd fctcaling; dis-

obey magisteria! order, 43, 03, 78, 82

Pcglcr L,—Coat and skirt stolon, 515

Pogram B.~~StcaUng (s<?o ł,R. A. Pcgrum")

Pogram H. A. (or Pcgram) — fttoaling, 390; wife deserUr, 432

Poiło M. A.—False pretcnc.cs cm, 588

Peisley G. F. -BtoaUng, 599;

assault a ml robbery,_ 063;

assault iiiŁunt rob, 685 *

Peitzker O.—Disoboy magis-lorial order, 355, 430 Pclaco Limited, 182 Pelmotbo D.—J owe Mory stolcu, •139

Pomborlon J. W.— Motor rycie stolon, -16

Pemkgast K. B. (or R. Hullasl —False prot(Mio(»s, 55 Pcndoll (I.—Missing, 015 !Vndr rgorłt M.—BLraling. F.O., 673

Ponfold A. S.—Break, entor, and stoal, 307

Pengilley K. <b—Fnlsa pro* leaoos on, 570

PcngiUy K. J. -Chilri dosoitcr, 72

Pojiinlon A. IJ.—Watoó, aMjort, and ring stolon, 178 Penney !•’. Disoboy magisteria 1 order, 661

Fouuitigron C.—iJisobey niugis-l.rrinl order, 572 i^łiiiington M.—Missirig; lo-oated. 57

Półsny A. T.—Fftlge proton o os (son W. F. Roborts)

Poimy K. E.—Money slolcn, .! II

Poimy W. II.- -Pisobcy magis-forial cud«*r, 260 Pe,nprasę Bros., 236 Penroso W. K.- Namc iorged to (beouo, 280 PeiitMnd N.—MM>igf 7S

Peuplea Dniry ani: Mannfac-turiiig As^icrration, Glon 31uirav, ! iii, 23ó Poo))bis LPalaco, Sydney, 323, 5 ł .*i

Peppcr (t. A.—Assaulted and robbed, 615

CV.»al>o P. ~ Hor.se roeovcrcd, 12 Poronni E. L.—Fraudulcnt ouiission to pny to, 44 4 I‘oTey (sec li. E. Peacy)— Frandubmtly ovado Łaxi iiiro,

Pcrdi irtu ltubber Co. Ltd., 562 Ford riair W. Wal eh, coc., Stolcu, 180, 389 Porfoct, M.— Brooeh stolcu, 538 Perki na A. E.—Fnl.sc pret.ences, 532

Perkins J.    V.— Nowspripcrs

stolon, 59(5

Perkins, Btevenson and Co., 168 Perkins W. ii.—Naval deserter, 81

Porlcs A. S.—Wri>:t wntch, Le., Atole it, 129

Pcrlstine M. (or M. Ukean)— Frocks, <kc.y stolon, 115, 235 “Pcrmuntto'* ($oc G. Fiorij

Pcmall W. 1L, alias W. B. Cioasiugliam , &c.—Laroeny; stoal iu dwoi ling; duHcburgcd on liconse, 467, 519; break, on tor, and stoal, 524 Poniż M.— Camel killed, 136

Pęrrott L.—Disoboy ningistcrial order; wariant oxc.hu:(od, 623 1’errcrte (.1. W. JJ.--I3jgan;y403; ae<;uittod, 559

l>0rrijn (».—Acaaultcd and rab-lH.'d, 686

Ponimnn O., alias CL Brown, &c.—-Make faho atutomeut, 17, 173

Penin C.—Attomptod murdcr, 23, 175

Pcrrin E.—In company with M. M. Wado, w.ifc dcsorlor, 220

Pcrrin l‘\ P.—Naval drsurter, 81

Pcrrin AI. —Money stolcu, G18

Porriu N. M.-*-Ito dcatb of, at Al bury, 68

Pcrry A., alias A. Airken, &t., -Falac protences; uiscliargutl on licer.se, 493 Peny A. li. (S.M.), 193 Perry R. A.—Wafoli, &o., stolon, 465, 491

Perry E. V.—Wntcb, Ac., stolon, 140

Perry F. B.—Missing, 415

Porry CL—Motor car stolen (iv-c:overo.«i), (22

Perry (b, alias O. E. Price.— Assault; indeccnt language, 39

Perry G. 11.—Watch stolen, Gil Perry 11. H.—Articlos stolen, 688

Perry H. 3.—Marc stolcu, 493, 511

Perry J., alias I’. Kennedy, Ac. —Sloaling, 675

Pen y L.—Missing, J 21, 142 Porry Al.—Inquiry re uiis.dng uran, 249

Perry R. Missing, 31 Porry R. M.— ITncon trollu b!a diild, 201

Pony w. E.—Occnpant of cr.-t-tnge dostroyed by fire, 239

Porryman G. (or Porriman), alias G. Brown.—Make tnl»o statement, 17, 173 l\‘r*wiii A.    degorter,


"1'eshnwi.r/’ s.s., 15H, 239 Polnin J. Wfttehcs, &«., stolon, 168

Peter E. E.— lndcoentlv .lasAiil-Ud, 330

Peters & Company, 318 Potem A. (“Sp/iggy”).—Von* paynu ut costs upon M.O, 134, 332

Peters E.—Miasiiiig, 573 Peters F.—Pt ter forged e.hcqne, 30

Peters F. T.—Carnally knowing, 67.5

Peters H.. alias H. H. Peters. - Deser ter; Prohib. Immig., nneslerl, dischgd. on license, 342, 611, 672

Peters H. H., alias II. Peteis. —Depcrter, prohib. immlg,. 342; rirrested, 6i 1 ; disehnrgod <m liconso, 672

Peters fb, alias 6>. M. Preston, alias P». Jones, alias >S. Me-Donald.---Btoił ling, 136 Peters W. D.—Dwollir.g liousc a tłom płód brokeu and .u-tero cl, 459

“PetovsenM (or F. Baimuina) — Forgery, 674

Tctcrsou li.1—Etcaliiig; sce O.

Petcrson ahaa Davis rotergen M.—Jcwcllory, &<., stolon, 214

Pete.isbam Railway Stu tira. 130, 323

Pcteraon A.—Dwclliag eatered,


PeWrsou D. G.—Arson, 113,


Poterson E.—Brooch stolca,


Poterson F. A.—Mulic, wouu-ilcd, 472

Pctcmm <b, alias Davis (or l)u\idKim, or H. Petetwcn)— Steiliug, 384, 585, 651 Petersem J.-—Break, entor, and stea), 41, 73

Petcr&on J. Wifc deserier;

war rant cancdlcd, 27 Pol.eir.on J.—Falsc pictcncos, 232

Peterson J. P. O.—Fa)$e pi-e-tences on, 472

Pet era on P. A.—Disobev M.U., .140, 432

Poterson 9.—Mouse firc<l, 313, 189    *

Poterson 8. B. (‘‘Moneysarer*’).’ —Money etolcn, 357*

Potie J. E.—Missing. 66 TYlilh J.—Iloifcr sl.olon, 423 Po.frakis ,T.—Occnpanf. preinisc* damaged by firc, 151 Petriu J. 8uj']JO«wl in Com-par.y missing friend, 6-5 Pelrio S.—Ex;x)se person; F.O., diflclinrgod, 338 Petric W.-—Adiclos stolon, 574

Pottcrg W’. T.—Eorgcry and ut-tering; discharge-d, 230 Pettenjon W., alias W. II. Kingston, alias W. Kingston, alias W. A. Pfitt.urson.—Breacli exmc;ns. rcJcase, 68 Tettit E. Watcłi, &c., stole^ 416

Pottitt A.—Fail proyide prclim. exes., 55

Pcttit II.—Ring stolon, 88 Pcttit JL—Bicyclc: stolen, 276 Iłetts H. (kiiown w Alick PeD.s) Disobey M.O., 26, 1H7, 310. 470

Pelta ‘Mirk’’.—8eo II. Prtta JYvy W. 3L-—Bifiobey Af.O., 194 Pcyton A.—Emlłezzlement. 482, 511, 633

“Pfei^er” (soo 0. L. Fifer) Pfeiffer C.—Watch atolcn, 609

Pliarmacy Board, Sydney, 202 Pl»ee W. I). (or W. BWon).— D-.sobcy M.O., 70 Pholin J.—Bicyclc stolen, 18 Pliolm M.—Harncss atolcn, 544, 600

PlnOan Tl. W.—Jewełlery, &c., stolen, 490

Phclan T. E.—Bicyclc stolen, 629

Phelps B. 8.—Clothing, to., stolen, 130, 389 Phelps F.—Oainally knowing, 510; aequitted, 633 Phelps M.--Absconder (girl), 432

Phi lip W.—Complt., breflk, en-ter with intent .slcal, 331 lłluJipr>e 8. C.—Wifc deserlion, 571

i*J>hillips’’— T,areeny ns o bailco, J32

Phillips A.—^AVatcb stolen, 410 Phillip3 A. J.—Complt., steal ns scrvant, 58

Phdiips C., alias T. Jlart, »tc.— Stealing, 51)T

Phillips E.—Watch stolen, 404 Phillips E.—Fnlso prctene.es, 331; no bill /Red, 358


Podobne podstrony:
26 NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GA2ETTE INDEX—1925. Emanuel M.—Appcaring to Ktperancc Bay Steamship, 375
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAZETTE IN 1)EX — 1U 25.43 Jojich G. M«D.—Anton, 382; Jones T.— Arsen, $82;
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23NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAJ5KTTJS INDEX—1925. Daj S.—Kit bng, &c., stolcu, 46ó DazcH Chomkul
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