Cn im da—eon i in uciL O. .1. Coieridge, Lhoft. i a Cnnuda, arrnsted, 304 (J. B. it. Bond wuuted iii, for bleuling, 19U; flfroBtodj 311.

Inquiry for J. B. Bulcher missing from, 524 W. Miirrell and G. E. (Pat.) Norton want od in, for murder and robbery while beiAg urmed, 344

CoDeuder (CbulJciuler) J. H. Campbell D. T.—Fatac prateji*

—Jeuellery stolcu, 489. OM cos on, 97 Cailcy li., alias II. .T. Oorliss, Oampbell E. II.— Fraudt. eonie.— Larceny as bailco; illc- verau»o, f>32 gaiły U3C motor car, 133, Campbell 1\ Jtt.—Wifc dezerter,

235; dtechargcd, 531    455

C&lHnan A. T.—Indeoent as- Campbell G. M. (Coimlable)— wił lir, GI1    Assnultrd,    135

Ca!Iow A.—Hrooeh stolon, 33S Campbell (K    M.—Duelliug-

Cnlrcrt E. A. --Wifc ilescrUou, house cnlercd, 118 470, 526    Campbell G. T.—Wifc tiosener,

Cttlrerl W,—Wiitclł stolon, 1.02    072

Calwrt IV,, alias W. Calms, flftinpboll TI.—Pnrgory    and C.mada Oyclc and Motor

alias W. Parsons, alias J.    ntleriiig, 190    Ageney, Brisbane, 03 4.

WAtsom—-Lnrccn.y l>y    trick,    Campbell    ii.—Wat cli stoien, 52, Canadn Cycle and Motor    Agcftcy

41    201    of Queenshuid Limited,    Long-

Camugo lV-Iuiiulry rc mis* Campbell    H.—Dwelluig-house    rcaidi, 200

sirig nnin, 215    of, bmkco and entcre.il, 407 "Caiuira” s.s., 021

Caruden W.—Chi Id desorlińn, CampbeH 11. A.—Cash Tcgistor ‘Canberra” s.s., 04 033    and    inoney    stoien,    388    (Janci C.— Assnult, 584

Camcll W. R., alias D. A. Dob- Camphcll H. R.—Money, cloth (Jandy R. (or Herman)—Boy son. &c.—Bob bery (Anieli-    ing, chorpie book, <&c., stolcu, *dvjcondpr, 95

<a),3‘.i7    C:-‘3* ;>88 tu . .    "Cauuimullah"—Assnulted, 181

Camera Dc (see 1)0 Camera) Campbell J.--Jewcllcry stoien, Camion H.—Watah, Ac., stolon, Cameron A.- Watch, &c., sto- 52

len, m    CampbeU J.—Bicyde stolcu, Cannon “Humptv” — Manier

Cameron A.—Watch, &o.,    sto-    655    ( \mcr ) 491 *

len, 250    . Campbell Włfa desertlon, Can'uou J/ Ł aliaa

Cameron A., alias A. Sparing, 4*0; caneelied, 062    Car. non - Mmdcr (Amoncn),

«c.—Horftc stealing;    lar- Campbell alias G. McLood, 4

ceny; dlscłiftrgud on itccnse. alias P. Brogan—Assault; at- Cannon T.—Compt. fxl«e pre-G4f.    tempt    stral from person;    tniros f»8

Cnnrron A. A., dins A. fipeer- dw-hgd., 32, 324    (Jonowimlra Polico Bt.atiou—

mg, &c.—llorse-stealing; Jer- Campbell J. C.'-Money, &:c., Vucanoy nt, 513, 551 ceny; disclmrgcrt on liccnso. stolcu, 243    ^    . _ To . ,

6iC    Canipbęll J. E.—Married whilo Com L.—Jewollery, &e., stolon,

Cameron A. M.—Fal*?o pretou- undor nge, 074    , .    ,

<y* <m,    Campbell J. H,A^ault policc; ^,ailt;    ^    n)x^ albort

Cameron <?. R—Futee nrełen- riotoua bc)iaviou8; indccent stolcu. 4.U>

0®), rn. m    )anCttfiK«, 135    c,l“ 0>’ -v- »>'ns M. Kculor -

Cameron D. C.Rlnga sfolum Campbell J. P.Wif$ desertion, Larcony; discbg(u on liccnsc,

esc    <170    41i)

Clnnirron F.—Neoklace stoien, Campbell M. and f!o.. I.t 1.,    V.ri ^V'ccs;

343    abscondcd    from    bail,    320

Cameron H. C., alias li. Mor- Campbell M. .T.—Fraudtly. Oanti B.—Steal ns eo-paitner, ton, &<\—Steni from the **v;u3e paynient tax» Jiire, *r>^, 98; larceny as a hailer,

570. 001, 013

310; frnudt. cOtiYCrsion, 471

person, 144 (i mn &c,

94    .

Cameron IC. H.—Bicyde Sto- klłls stolon, 312    stolon). 78

len, 37; rtoovpr/>d, C05 Campbell li.—Complt. frnndt. Cnl)el K—Kam stolon. 541 Cameron M.—Abdurtion, •!(>!    convorsion,    333    Capollo    E. L.—Lnrceuy as

Cameron K. (sce R. .T. Cntne- Camplndl Ii.—Fraudt. evHRion, hailcc. 40 w>n)    532    Oapollc    E. h.—Wlfe deserter,

Cameron R. J.. uliftg D. Mc- Cnntpboll K alias S. R. Gamp- C35 Laren. &iv—Stoaling; steul    beli—Awiul! eonstftblc: dis- Cappor 0. A.—Naval dcaerter,

In dwelling, 182, 231. 301    ehgd., 542    327

Cameron w. A.—Buggcry; ie* Camydiołl R. B—-Watcb, broocb, Capsdiek W. O. alias J. donos, deeent assaiiłt on mnie; db- clothing. &p„ stolon, 491    &c — Break, enter and sfral.

chnrged on Ji« enso, 517 Campbell II. V. alias V. I). fi. 5«2, 681 Cameron W. F.t alias A. F. Campbell—Break, enter and Carby V. II.—Wnrch stolcu, Jury. Faise pretenoes, «teyl, 123, 250. 301    76, 98

40; bigami-, 577. 084    Campbell S.—Bicyde stolon, Carelaw* isse of 5.o, notleca io,

Caminiti C. P.—Caune bodily 540    h 5-7

harm, 71, 371    ' Campbell S. R. alias R. Camp- Carów J.--»oot3, shoca, &c..

Carapagnolo V., nlias A. Rojs:;}. boli— Aswult constable; dis- stolon. 029 ’ Larceny: dischnrged, 477 ; ehgd.. 542    Carew John and Son—263, 629

break, mer and stcal’ 675; Campbell T.—Dfenbey M.O. -- “Caroy” alias W. TInrrM, Ac.— recelYinK. G84    69, 95    Suspoded jjerson,    122;    <3is-

“CampbeM.0—Eramltly. ov:ido Cswiphell V. D. II. olias R. V. cbgd.. 419 ‘psyment taxl birc (sec Nf. .T. Campbell—Bronk, on tor and Caręy E.—Watek stolon, 208 (ampbcll)    :i1 oaling, 123, 250, 301    Cnryy G.-—Breukiug, entering

“CamiM^ll,'1 Croydon—Rog. Campbell W.—Sicaliug, 344; and sfealing; Hr^nso vc-letter stoien, 018    acquitte<l, 442    vokcd,    305

“Campbeli.’1 alias H. Dnwsnn. Ca!”b1)c11    W^Wife    <-lesertcr,    Curoy    L. ,Tt—Naval deser ter,

. Ste.—Indeeent assault, 80, ^ oU\ „    ,Tr T    ,.rx    Bl    m ^ ,

94,203 CTłO    Campbell    W. J.    Wnstfet    Caroy    T.—Colding stoloa, 419;

Campbell' A—Albert stolon,wajch stoien, 336    rocovered, 630

' a    c.»™pb,-mo,wi Wk,,P-vacfl,,cv Carlflir, M ftIiM M (,oi:vou

Campbell A—Bioyele stoien, 155,»    don, allas M. Van Coervorden

Camphollfown Itailway CumD —Fraudt. uiisappm. — 173, Campbell A., alias A. Onrlo.    —    Yard, 153    357;    false    preto.no.es,    434,

* Break, enter and ateal, 343, Campion, J. E—Complt. fail 443, 558 442    .    „ piovide prelini. «xos, 470 Ca^lo A. alias A. Campbell -

Caaipbell A. A.-~Goods And Canadii—    Break, c*uler and stral, 343,

Tnoney stoien. 343    J. II. Robi and    R.    .T.    Priest    442

Canipb&ll A. RleV.^Stenlinc;    want od for falsc pretem-os    CarJcss T‘). B.—Disohey    M.O.,

> from person of, 122; assnult-    o ud f rand, 42, 177; Friest    15, 124

ed &nd rohM, 423    nrrested in America, 435    Carletoil F. J.—Digoboy    Al.O..

CjUBpbell B. P.—Rearf-pin    sto-    J. X. Hearat alias    N. Hirach,    022

len, G28    Ac., wanted in for frnud al    Oarloton .T.—Albert and    locket

Campł>ell C.—Mnre stoien, 595    Winnipc£,.108    stoien, 336

rrnn J., alias II. Dawscm, (-'amjibcl? N. aPas F. Leo, &«*. Canty «T. A. -Tnflict gricrous lndecent assnult, 80,    —Manslaiightcr, 185, 245 bodily li:mn, 192, 230

, 203. Of.O    Canifibell K.—Wat eh and ban- Capol lf. W —Ram found (not

Carlingford Jlome for Boys, 1") uj ul as, 328

Carlson li., alias C. E. Johnson, alius C. JS. .1 oH380u— 1’ttcr couutorfeit coina, 122, 301

Csulsoił N.—Offenślve bohavi-our (sec ‘•Caraon”)

Cnrlsson C. J. A. -Sodomy; discliarged, 201

Carlton llotyl. Sydney, 97, 353 Cadyk. 14, alias E. A. Windsor—St«alin£, 97; .stealing; harc gooda in custody pawn-broker, 511

Canr.iehael A.—Watch, &c., stolon, 18(5

Carmicbael II.—Disobcy M.O., 432, 171; sion pnyt. coatss, 686

Carmichacl J. alias J. Collins— Lar ceny; o.sr.app; diacligri. on lieensc, 477

Carmiehael R. W’.— Wifo deser tor, 199

Cormieliacl S.. aiia.s R. B. Car-miehnel, alias R. V. Cor-micbaol—GockU in custody; broaeb of lieon-:o; disduirged, 156; break, euter and steal, 337, 442

Cftrnuehacl fi. B. (ac<‘ fi. Car-niic.hael)

Carmichael S. V. (sec fi. Car-miebacJ)

Carmic-aaol fi. Y. aliin fi. CaT-uiieliael, S:c.—Goods in cug-tnrly; broach of license diis-chgd., 156; break, enter and sten], 357, 442

Cannięliael \v. T.—Ordors pnr-porłed signed by, 473 Caimoriy E.—AV«rr:lł stolon, 227

Cnnnodv Y. J.—Disober M.O., 220

Camey A. M.—Ring stolon, 392

Camey D. (Mrs.)—Jmjuiry ro inissing girl. 195 Camey J. alias J. Kearncy, &<».—fitealrng; bTonch condns. rei ca-w. 434

Carnry J.1 A.—Complt.. larceny na imilec, 384, 571 Garncy L. J.—Watc.li 3tolen from person of, 588 Cnrney T.—E^<ra[.c from prison (Amer.). 422

Curp H., nliag W. Turner, ulias A. 2f argrawfi—Falsc pre-tonee9, 399

Carpondor H\—Ring stolon, 502 Oarpeiider L.—Ring stolca, 36

Carponhrr E. F., aliag E. F. Golbom c, :dia3 W. J. Hu niscy, alias W. ,T. Rumsey-— fihop-brcmking; ponury, 72, 158, 164. 277, 509 Carponter G. Fropty of, stolcu, 400

Curponler O., alias J, fimitb.— Sliftpbreaking, 26, 72, 158 Carpcr.ter Y. W.—J)isobcv M.O., 199 473

"CarF (sec A. M. Wells)

Carr A. .1.—‘Disoboy M.O., 305 Curr A. .1.—Wifc deserter, 310. 311

Carr G. W.-—Sboot iutent grevi Of>» b.idiiy harin 290; aeouit-tocl. 4 OD

Carr J., alias A. J. Cody—Wifc deserter (fi.A.), 101, 221 Carr J. W.—Wife deser ter, 354, 457

Carr M.*—Munl('ro<l; 679 Carr M. A.—Ring stoien, 297

Carr E., aJias J. Smith, &c.—-Steni in dwellinjj liousc; break, enter, and steal; lar-ceny, discliaoged on license, 451


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