Bcary W. O.—Shopbrcaking, te. (sec “O. W. Scary”) Scrtsh A. S. - Disubcy M.O.; ivt. canceJleil, 161
£eaton’s Sublcs, Randwiek, 10,
Seekcr W.—Tnols st.olrn, 32 * Scckohl C.—tihecp sjtnlcn, <507 ; miscount, 071
Secombe ii. A.—Wifo desertor, 545
Scdgwick TX, alias IX Smali— Break, enter, and skal; harc unliccnscd iovolvcr, 13.% 231, 203, 370
Scdglcy H. R.—Watch, stolon, 70
Sce Alfred Alt—Attemplcd lmg-gery; discharged on Iicensc, 031
Sceliiy G.—Fraudt. oinisaion, 510
"Boc-mcn”—Missing (see «1.
Segal TC.—Gslding atol en, 411 Hegal H.—Ring, &c., stolon, 028 Segenboc Hu Ud, A burd u en, 2 IR Scgcss IX M.—Money afcolcn, >4, 98
Segess 7,. G.~ Stcnliiig, 51, OS So.ide II. IV—Wife doserteT, 593 SeHTcrl F. R.—Inflict gricv*. bodily hnrni, 502; nrujmtted, r*s3
Solliy F. A.—T)jnobev M.O., 09 Self P. I£. W.—Steailng, F.O., 194
Bclff E.—Fnil profidc pud im. cxcs-. 640
G. S.- Ocliliag stolon. 428 SoHr R. R.—Tobacco, &c., stolon, 503
SolJrck L.—Wife des<»rU,r, 27 ScJlwood G., alias G. V. Selwom! —Assault police; break, enter and slcal; diselmrgcrt cn liucnse, 506
Solino* T). A.—Compt. ro non* paymonfc pretiminary rxpcn« sos, 177
Selmo* S. F.—Embczzlcincut; fraudtly. ointt puv elu‘qu<>s; tor góry, 122, 232 '
SeKcs R.—Ring stolcu, PR Schvood G. V., alias G. Rnll-wood—Aseault police; break, enter, and F.toal; (lischargod on licen.se, 006
Bcmmler M., alias R. Rewodcr— Stcaling; prostitution; ind o-cent languagc, 176 Sotnmlcr R., alias M. Semrrdcr— Sten ling; piuscitution; judo-cent langujLjye, 176 Semplc W—Disobcy M.O., 483, 536
Sender X.—Falsc prctcncca on, 421
Senn A. *T.—Missing, 445; lo-cated, 524
Sepple and Sons, Limited, 130 Scton A. E. K—Falsc pre-tences, 158, 318; acąuitfcul, 558; falsc prctences, 547, 685 Settree I.—Watah, &c., stolon, 528
JSetzer J. J.-—Tdle. and disor-dcrly with no mcans support, 664
8evenson H.—Eutering with in-tent ateul, 343, 442'
Bcward E. M.—Wat-chea, &e., stolon, 538
Sewell O. J.—Bicyelc stolon, 64, 307
Sewell C. J.-—Bicyelc stolen, W
Sewell 1^. A.—A&ftoultorl, 133 Scwctl R. A.—Fatac prctcnces;
dlscharged, ISO, 201 8extonvilie—Cattle dtp de*
atroyed by tire at, 229, 415
f?exty K.—Wat cli, 6cc., stolcu, 02
Seymour G. J.—I^opcrty set on tire, 167
Sev»nour J. J.—Propcrty stolen. 111
Seymour L.—Bteyclo stolen, 579 Slmftesbitry Inat itution for ln-cbriatos,* Vauduae, 455 Sbnkespeaic W.—W.atch, te.y stolca, 426
Slmkespenre W. .T.—Bic.ycln stoJen, 307
Sb a mu* y W. A.—Stealing, F.O., 157
Shnmmn J.t alias J. P. Shan-m>n—Steni from porson; dis-cbarged, 517
Sliatmon .1. 1’., alias .1. Shan-non—»Stcal from person; dis-cliargcd, 5.17
Sliaunon M.—Sten ling, F.O., 673
Shannon (X B.- -T-ncontudl.
ehild, 647
Shunnou P. T.— Steaiing, 274, 318
Shannon R., ali.as B. S. Simp* r.on, te.- -Fahu? prctences, 30, 112
Sliapfcr .T.—Watchos, albert, &c.f stolen, 580
Khnrland IX—Ring stolen, 438 Shftrman TO. K--Couspiracv,
Sluirman G. A., alias G. A. Whitr — Tndccent aa^ault; fltcaling, 58, 175 Sharp D. -Hreaking and enter ing on, 290
Sharp G. A.—Falsc* pretencog »n, 372, 430
Sharp H.—Bicycle stolon, 281, 213
Sharp .T. L.—Assaulted, iut.ent carnal kuowlcdgo of, 611
Sharp Tl.—TTtduncd wamc* n( one of ttvo mew, aasanlł. and rob G. Rono, 274 Sharp Dr. li.—Picture- stolen,
Sham W. TC —l)iHobev M.O., 586
Sharpe D.—linngle stolcu, 280
Sbarpo F.—JewcIlorY stolon, 404, 589
Shnrpp J.—Tiuleeent ussault, 111
ShaTpc N. L.—.Je\vellcTv stolen, 566
Slrjirpe R. B.—Bieyfie stolen, 540
Sharpc W. D.— Morse stolen 422
Slmu A.—Gelding stolen, 3i6,
Shaw A.—UJoięal use of pro-perty of, 141)
Shaw A. P.— Embczzlcmcnt,
525, 633
Shaw* B.—Atlonpt steal froin peraou, 249
Shaw C. E., n.lins A. Jonc-t*, &c.
.....Palsc pretcncc?, 290
Shaw D. IX—Watehes, chninn, «fce.( stolen, 567
Shaw E., alias F. Shaw—Sfeal-ing, 58; disebargod. 493 Shaw F., alias E. Shaw—Stoal-ing, 58: diwjhargcd, <193 Shaw G.—Compt. provi<b» prel. cvcs, 55
Shaw4 G.-—Lurc.eiw; disr.harged, 419
Shaw G.—'WntcU stolcu, 669
Shaw G., alias B. G. Ross, alias Broadhurst, alias IT. Mjsfcr-c. alias P. Fagam, albw C. fł. Angus — Suspectcd peTson, 172
Shaw H.—Shopbrcaking, 434
Shaw H. Fi.—Wnlch, clollung, &C.t stolon, 681
Shaw J. W. C.—Uisobcy M.O.,
Shaw M. D.—Compt. failurc pvn\Ulc prel. cxee„ 43 Shaw S.—Wifc de.scrler, 373, 483
Shaw W. ,1.—Stcallug, 235 Shaw W. J.—Watcli stolen, &c., 654
Shaw W. 8.—Falsc prctences, F.O., 218
Shawcrws K. McC.—Assault; *Coiiimit act of indooency, 148, 245
Shea E. K. G.—Missing, 573 Shca J-, abas L. J. Miller, &c —Ikwik, cntor, and eteal, 173 Shead T.—Suspccted hotel rob-beries, 440
Sheaicr R.—^Yatch, te,, stolcu, 296
SheargoUl G. II. E.—Nuval dc-serlor; wt. eancelled, 110 >Slu.-e<lv .1.—-Suspcetod stealing, r.7‘>'
Sh.eedy At.—Jc woliery stolen,
Sheehan A.—Ohlld deser tor, 339 SheeJr.ui A. K.—Afanslaughtcr,
Slłcchan O.—Maro atnlcn, 637 Sheehau 1). Sion ling <liaehgd., 369
Sheehan E.—Clic^ues in favour of stolen, 339
Shcchan E.—Oomplt., Rtoali.ug, 634
Shoehau E.—CompH., dtealing, 060
Sheclian E. M.—Forged chcqne utte.Tod on, 374 Sheehan, E. AT. — CSiequr.s;
inoncy, te., «tolen, 538, 540 Shoohan J.—AVut«h stolen, 668 Sheohan J., alias M. J, Leo, te.
—F;i!*e prefeiłce.*?, 663 Shcohan I’. (X—Assault and rob-bory, 121, 302
Shoelian R. R.~ - In doceniły as-flmilt girl (10 YT9.), 145*, 558 Rhtndnm W. R.—Carnally know-ing, 433, 633
Shechy K.—.Tewellery ytolen, 109
Shcen W.—Falsc Twctcr.eca on, 388
Shell F., alias V. P. Shiel.— Falsc pretenros, 39C, 436 Shelley F. — Ilonsebrcakirig (Vie.); BelicYcd identieal with man, boing armed, did rob W. Griflith at Goncord, 10, 223
Shelley P.—Ring, sleew links, te.} stolen, 668
SJioliy C. E.—Non-payt. costs M.O., 32!
Shelton R.-—Fal<ie pt^tcucus, 178
Shoplu-rd O.- - Compt. fail. pro-vidc prel. exes., 56 Shepherd C., Dr.—Watchos, jewcllery. &«- stolen. 393, 5S9
Shępherd D. M.—Disobcy M.O.; negleet pay costs on M.O., 149
Shephord F. J.—Wifo deserter, 355
Shephcrd (J.—Fa*sc prclcnecs on, 597, 676
Shepherd <4. S. (P.M.), 83, 148
Shephcrd J. A., alias .T. Tl. Shephęrd — Stoal in dwoiling, 249
Shcphenl J. If., aliae .7. A. Rhephord—Stcal in dwelling 249
Shcphcrd J. S. (Const.)—As-saulted, 41
Shepherd S. J.—Falgc profcnccs on, 663
Bhcpherd W. II.—I)isobcv M.O., o8C, 589
Shopi^ard J.—Oomplt. fraudt. uppropn.j 021
Sheppard P.—Preuńscs ontored, 291
Shcppard S. H. -Wrist. watch stolon, 114
Shoriffs Department, Sydney, 25
Shcrloek C. J. (Cons rabie)— Assaultod. 135
Sherloek II. O.—Falsc protencos, 574
Sherlod; ,T.—ProyuO-fv stolon, 1J1
Shcrrott R. R., alias E. Wal-laco—Fnlsc prctcnces; F.O., 457
Sherry V,, alias V. .T. Sherry —Steni from tho por3on; soli liquor without licensc, 422 Sherry. V. J., alias V. Sherry— Steni froui tlić [icrson; soli liquor without iic.enae, 422 “Bherwood’*-—Cheąuo in £avour of, stolon, 539
Sherwood, A. — Threatoning words, 501,
Sherwood W, Ti.--Watch, te.t etolcn, 114
Shiol F. P., alina F. Sheil— Falsc pretonws, .396, 436 Shiel .T.—Marc stolen, 517 Shiclcłs J.f alia.i J. W. flhiclds —Assuult iutont rob; dis-chgd. on liwnsc, 569 Sliiclds J. A., alias A. Ross, —Stonlijig; discharged,
Shiclda J. H.—(Jiothiag, te., sto len, 465
Shielda .1. W., alias J. Shiclde —Assault iutent rob; disdid. on Jiccitec, 50.9
Shidds M. J.—Fclonioualy re-Ceiving, 447 ; acquitted, 481 Shieids II., alias A. Ross, te.— Stealing; diseliargod, 272 Shielda H. W. G.—Oomplt. rc-fusc pay for meals and ac-commodn., 608
Sliilliug H.f alias W. Orr, alins II. Ifaills, alias W. Anderson—Baspeeted porsou, 574 Shillingford G. K.—Compt. ro fraudt. omission pay moncy. 159, 236
yhip Inn Holci, Pitt-strcet, Sydney, 198
Shipley IX Diaobcy M.O., 341
Shirkcy F.—Watch, albert, &c., stolon, 405, 427 Shirlaw A. E.—Prcuiiacs eu-tered, 291
“Shirley," alias C. E. Haysa, &c.—Falsc pretonees; ?ai! eomply coudns. releafic, 585 iShirley A.—Tndeeont assrmlt, 649
Shirley R. G. Pony and sulky stolen, 12
Shirrcr L. 8.—Watch stolon, 426
Sliivnam E. M.—-Child desertion. 456, 457
'‘Shoesmitlf*—Assault, 458 Shocsmith G.—Imlccent assault, 29
Shoesmith ,T.— Assault, 485
Shonthall L.—Stcaling; F.O., 673
Short C. Al.—Falsc prctences on, 521
Short G.—Mi.ssmg, 368 Short >S., alias S. V. Hhort, alias S. V. R. Short, alias n. Jones —Stealing; diaehargcd, 284; insufF. lawful means support, 484