Landgron 11.—Ilandbag stolon, 37; uu fiirlhcr actioi' dooired, 78
Laudrigun V.—Assaulted a ml robbed, 310
Landrigan W. J., alias 5. W. O. Ilarbnnd, alias W. Harbuml, alias W. .7. Harba)id—Ltoab i:ig; H'mbi;z‘zlemc>il; dis-olinrgod, 325
Land« ikp.ntmcut, 036, 676 Lano A. B. Wotci) stolon, 628 T.aiio A. K.—Ckctpu, sigiK-,1 in na me of, 145, 291 Latu: A. T. alias T. Thiwthornc, &e.—Fnlse proton 201, 003: disebgd. on license, 672 T^ano Go w Motors f.iinr(ed,,520
IjOIic (’. F.—Watek, aibert, mrmoy, &o... slolon, 453 Lane “Dr” alias P. (ikeson. &<?.- •• Fa) **• prel eiieos, 17 6, 221
Lanc Fk--Watch stolon, +78 T#ane V.- l\»nv gokling skdon, 352. 476
Lnm* 11. alia^ II. R. T/orcjoy -Forgrry ant! niterin^; fa;I appea v, 59, 301. liłiuo J.—Wifr deser ter, 55
Ia«o ,L alias .1. F. Lano, &c.— Altemptod break nntl <?nfcr-i:ig. 562: no bill, 637, 681 Laur J. F., alias J. [jano, alias V. Edmonrl, alias V. Emom!— Attempted break and en Ter-ing, 502; no bill. 637, 684 Lane W. FI.—Bre.ak, ontor and Mt«.»l; bieak and ontor xrit.li intmifc ło słoni, 122, 158, 418 Lang A. (.'.—Wife deserter, 146
A. ]>.- T)«3obev M.O., 65!),
Lang I*’. — Fnlawfully )i«m?
motorem- fft.A.), 2+0, 315 Lanff J. W. I>.—W i fu di-esrlcr. 643
Lan«i ,\U(i.—Di:łobf*v M.O.,
Ling \\T.- (Kolking ytolei?, -123 King W. Ił.—Wife desertion. 30.1
Langby R.—Skopbroaking, &e. —98, 3 74, 204
Langdoji and r.nng<lo)i, Annan-dale, 055
T.angdon A. B. Slieep stolon. OIO
T^nig<7nn F.—CliUd desoitor, 110. 150
de K. («<‘e de Lange)
tangeDbftfkpr (i. L*. H —
Break, en ter and stenl: ille-gal ensloily. 1K1. 317 Lnngerlow H. W.—Clolhirig.
&c., stoi en. X2X .IMS T.angford IL—False preten-Ces on, 450
J^nglnuu .1.— r^cajK-d menfal palient. 75
Langley A. L.—IDisnboy M.G., 5.ŚO. (125
Lnngley IL -Afotoi* cnr stolon < reerwemn. 1.15. 140 Langley II. I.fmited. 211 Tmngiey S.—W.dches. .'llbeits, stolon, 207
T.nnaiuiin r. T.—Wfo dwerJor, 5ł», 270
Lsmgnmrk II. — Alleinp[c;l steiilłiiK fron: persum <if. ::2
f.miknri) W. II,—,1 owe Hery stolon, 281
f ansbury J.- -Mlssing. 534. 500 Liudbam ,T. Ti., alias W. Fur-ncll. &Cv-rdeon?e teioked, 1*57
“Li Parlnlunnę’* (soe E. Grec-n
Lupkum E. T.--I)lsobey M.O, 40
Lagcftie F.—Cornpt. ahduction, 7«, 171
Lagettif! M.—Abdueted, 75, 171 Lujifo B. E.—Miasing, 236 LaliHY fi—Attempt i u flirt
gviev. boddy hnrin, 524, 558; common nasilili t, C73 Łnhtff E. M.—Attempted gucv.
bodily hurm o u, 524 Łni Ohong (ser Ohong Lai) Laidlaw T. alias 2\ Mitchell. &c. -Assaulf: fon w; in yard for imlawful purposc, 445 Łaigk M. (or Lut jrlcr or LeiglcA—Unrontrollnblł* child, 11)5, 221)
Laigler M. (sco M. Laigle) Lning H\—liidccently nssauHea 303
Luin^ J. Cr. -v(Tr ustce)—Materiał, &c.f stolcn. 45-1 Laishley K.—FramHly. otnit to pay to7 547
Lnkemlm Pn*! Office- *KnhlłOry at, considcrcd łictiuous, 10 Łaker &. -DwcUuigłumgc en tered, 374-
Łnkhcrc U;—Break, rnter and steab 230, 301, .102. 370 Lalor J.—Wite deserter, 287 La lor M.—Wntfth stolon, 35 ljnmara Byothers—Premisea on-te rod, 201
La Mnri U.—Pendant wato.b stolen, 427
La ml) E.—Watcli stolon, 401 La mb C.—Indecentlv asnuhod, 111
Lamb G. O. T.’ J.—Shooting vrith iutent, 33 Lamb H.—Pearls lost, 407
Lnmb .T. <4.—(loods stolon, 1.S7; coniplt. lumeny a« bulkę: false prrtcnr.es on, 372, 123 La mb P.—Skop broken and en-toml, 300
“Lambert,'’ nllns M. J. Colviu —Ligamy, 157, 285
Lambert A. U.—Disobcy M.O., 135
Laml>er(. G. K.—Bijamy on, 157
Lambert J, A.—Fraudt. misap propn. on, 93
Lambert .T. W.—Motor oyclo stoku, 37, 201
Lambert M. T.—Breaking and catering, 25)1
Lnmhkhi B.—False pretenoes, (U 8
I* Merto V. Y., ulns V F. .Lmmschksky—Break. en tor
and stcal, 388, 518
Lnmgebflcld G. — Attempted inurdor uf »ml grjcy. bodily karm on, 000
Lamming j.—Shophreaking r,nf 32, 121
Lam on t I>.—Watch and nlbcrt •stolcu, HO
Lamołit G. nil as ,T. C. fkdcoiiun —Stoalilig, 27(>
Ramotit J. O.—Oomplt. frnmlt. omtssion, 618
Lnniout- W. J. D.—D isoln/y M.O,. 407
"Laniplugh” a lina D. McLaren, &<*.—Stealing; st-cal in dwel-1 biję, 182, 231, 301 Lanugano Tl.—K*(\ape frmn
prison (Auu'i.1, 422 Lancaster E. M. - Complt. Hi i ki deser I ion, 610
Ljiłieaster S.—Watcli stolon, 464
LaJK-.efield A. D., alias A. T). McDonald — Htcoling; faLsr pFOfenpes, 587, 5S8 Lcndan C. alias S. Skukarmrui, &<?.—FhIsu protences; dis-chgd. on liceum?, 595 Lkn<kr's Pawn Offi.ee, Syduov,
L/i])i>in It. C.—Wat eh stolon. 115
Lardner J.. aH.is C. Smwl* stroni, &s.—Ui)«ld)ecy; dis* eharged mi łlcense, 407 L;i Leen M. (’. U.—Cnrnaliy kiiown. 90. 1S2
Lar mi S.—Disobey M.O., 622 Larkins F.-*-Mom.‘>r stolon, 37 Uirkins 1L—(Jrlev. bodily hanu, 030
T,arsen Tk—Motor rycie sto
len, 3l3
Larson O.—Dtsoboy M.O., 452, 409
Lnrsmi A - (dothing. &<_*.. s{o len. 503. 085
Larsson F. Ij., alias F. f’ol-lii;s. --Dfsobcy M.O.. 232 Luscosto lor Laroste) B., or Sully- Sten ling. 352; false protenee* 4<H). 553
Lasso ller P. & ('o.. I.ld.. 97, 0.10
IgiKscder tGenoral) —Brooeb
stolcu. 213
Lost l.— Watek M olen, 464, 47S
I/:itkain F. A. -- Proniiscs eu-terefl. 291
Jauor.a K. •aProj^rty stolon. Ul
Lrtirobo alias T. Mitchell.
&o.--As$giu!i; tomid iu yard lor imkiuTii) purpose, 445
Latta A. mr A. )>.)_ Falso piTleneeri on, U4, 650
Latia A. Tk—l*\ile-o protenees on <see A. l.allu)
LtUtilitore B. (or W.)--Clilkl dcscvl ion, 560, 573 LaUlmore W.- ( bibl devi non (ve*> It. iomimore)
Lnudlcn l*.—Hre.-ił!i immig. Hes. Aet. J3I
1-nnghtm) a. K.~ Bing stokn. 479. 548
Lfuireme H.— ^loalbeg: di,<* < Isirgcd. 072
Laurenee L. W.—-Break, enter and stenl. 202
Lniirenre 1L 1L—Obi-d deser* ter (see R. U. Lnwrenee’) T.aurie U. T.—Wallet stolcu frum person of, 57 Lnvendev A.—riisobev Al,O,, 533
Li cen de r Bny. Port Jackson — Body foiin<l in. 391 I.aw G.- Lnibex/Jement, 2-S5, enneellcd, 385
Law r. .7.—ro»spiiacv, 97, no Mil. 430
Law 15.. alias F. A. Law.— AssiinM < o!isi:ible: disclmrg-ed. 5-12: assinut and rob-b<*i*.v, (Ń‘t(>
Lany R A., alias E. Rnv—\s-walili censtfddc; iliseka rged, ■512: assmilt au-l rołiberc. 036
Liw J. —T>is.dH*y M.O, .*VH I/dw R. I..-—Hvt>u<:li slolen, 479
Law S. Hol) schron king. 85. 175. 204
Lnu W —-Assjmll inłeiil ruye, 5t:t. (552
Law W— KrumU. ooriYersIon
on. 050
Lawerenee A., alias J. Powell, —Sieni froni ]K*rs*on. 32 Lnwford G.. alins .7. Ilnmll-tou. aliflft T. Lowford. alias T. North. nlin« T. North-bridge.—False pretoace?,
Jjawford T.. alias G. T/awford, &e.—False pretences, 076 Luwler B. U.—Boblxry bting arniecl, 1S1>
La\vk*r L. J.—Eva<lc taxi lilre, *32
laiwler Mi. {'.—‘Steni furnl-lore. 40
Riwier W.—Money stolon, 37 “Lawrenco.” alias It. Hardy. 3cc. Break u ud enterug,
497, (533
Luwroiieo G.—Slculing. 4‘22 lg\wre?uee I. .1.—A&sanlted willi iłUent rai*e, 521 La wrenee J.—Honsobrcaking on, 103
Lawrencc L.. alias l\ II. L. Jgiwronce.—Fraudu. mit«ap-prnpnliou, 3F2
Lawrencc M.—Wateh siolcu, 4SS
Lawceneo Al.—Włlfully mur-derotl, kul
T.nwronee N.—Hieyelo ^tr;k-i), 57
Igtwrenee X.— S<iiieit imiuonU purimse; F.O., MO Tg)\vreiico I*. II. L.. alias L. Lawre.nco.—1’i niuln, mis op-p rop ciur. i on. 372 Lawrencc R. H.—Bicrclc stolca, 5.10
Lawrence (nr I.uurcneo) R. R.
—Ol lilii, deserter, 44, 639 Lawreiwo S. aiiaa J. Dent— Si.ealiug, 290; a-^oult. ao'l robhory, 6G3, 685 Lr.wrenee W.—Pony stiiPiou sT.olen, 5.11, 5+1 Liuwonce W., alias W. Hcn-drickson, dl'C.—Stealing iu dwelling; diseliarged, 106 Ławr i e J. A.—Oomplt. f ramii).
conversion, 397 •:
Rawa A. O. S.- Forging signa-turo to elerrlnfil Ha im, F.O., OiKchjirged, 387
I, n.\rs R—TUeiding, F.O., 073 Laws I’. H.—False pretenses
on, 588, 051
ł4vws K.—OarunUy knowiag, 675
Laws W. II.—Dlsobey M.O., 342
Tiawsou A.-— Wkeaf. destroyed by «rc, 87
Lawśnn A. 0.— -Wifc (Icsarter, 261, 318
Lniv$on O. F.—y-acnl deser lor, 70
Ijłiwsnn IT. alias L. Orani — Assault and robbery, 611; Rtealing, robberv, assault, 633
Lawson .T., alias A. Morrissey, &c.—Break, enter and stcal, 173
Ltiwson L. Tt.—Shcop supposcd Hokn, 110; not atokn, 233 Jjaw&on M. C.—Furniturc, &e., stoku, 275
La-wscm M. O.—FrftucH. ami?-si«>u, 600; no bill. 621 Lawson 1\, :łlla§ P. J. Lawson, alias B. Ferg-nsim—Break, on-ter and stoal, 192, H02
J. awson P. J.. alias i'. Lawson, &o.— Break, enler and «teuł. 192 3il2
Lnwson W. alias W. T\ell> — Break, enter and steat, +00, fi 18
La>: B.—Wutch, .stokn, 180
l4lv Lim—False pretences on, 5+1, 588
Lnyard B.—Disobey M.O., 328
Rtyton F., alias F. Tl. Le5gV ton, iJcc.—At.tempt sieni troni person: (lischorged, 477 Lnyton L.—Bieycle htolen, 553
Layton M.—W‘ałch wtolcn, 488