N.S.W. Ambulancc Appeol Coni-mitteo, A 64, 202

N.S.W. Associated Quarries Ltd. CIO, 5 U

New South Walee Fire Couimis-sionerg, 574

New South Wal es Govermnent,

asa, go?

New South Walca Goveriimcnt Ruilways, 599, 008. 617, 018, 623, 624, 688

New South Walus Goecnunor.t (Soldicrs SelUct* Braiie.h of IaihIji Lept.), 17 N.S.W. Hosio.ry Dye Works, 017 New South W u Ich In v estru en t Fund, 208

N.S.W. Kailway Comtniggioners, (sec N.8.W. Govt. Kuilways) New W. J., alias J. New, &o.— Robbery writh yioleiice; wife maiutonaiice; difte.harged on liccnse, 383; disobcy M.O., 532; assault, 584, 613 New Zea/and Austmlinn Land Company, 132, 406, 440 New Zcalmd Farmers Co-opera ti\c Society, 531

New Zealand Trading Company, 353

Ncwberry C. II., alias C. H.

Newbrey.—Sconling, 193 Newberry i\, alias I*. NcwbtTy, &o.—Aasault and robbery; disehurged on license, 517

Nowi)ery I\, alias P. Newbewy, alias P. Newbury.—Assault and robUoy; diseharged on liceuse, 517

Newbrey Cl II., alias O. H. New-berry.—Stcaling, 103 Newbnrn T. -Kalitiously woun-ding, 203; ckelinctf file bill, 358

Newbury C. II. (not Rowbury). —fUeoling, 511, .525

Newbury V.. alias I*. Newbury, &e.—Assnutt and robbery; discharged on liccnsc, 517 Newby W. JJ.— K:ilso protones on, 135

Newcastle Gay pud Ooko Company, 549

Nr-wenstle Post Ofttec.—rc mail bag robbery, 617 Newcombe J. Ił.--Celdiug sto len, 505

Ncweombc M.—Watch stolon, 24

Nowdonn A., alias Nnd<*nn, alias Peekham, alias Wingtlcld.—-Lar ceny, 122, 232 Newell B.' .Tcwellory stolon, 102 Newell S. O.—Naval dcffcrtor; warrant cancelled, 38

Newcy B. E.'—Atłempted carnnl knowledge on, 383 Newey E. M.—Bustiulity, 83. 139, 218

Newham J.—Jewellory stolcu,


“Newland," alias J. Gray, &c.— Larecny; discharged on Be-CU9C, 467; rcYokcd, 568: break, enter, and slcal; breach eonditious re]ea»-.’t 589, 084

Newland C.—Wntebos, ring and ulbert stolcu, 009

Ncwhuid J.—Bicyrle htolen, 503

Ncwlands E. A.—Marę wtoku, 505; reeovered, 516 Newlyn E. T.—Assault intent rapo, 513; iiulc-ccnl assault. 632    f

“Newman,•* alhws J. Lyon*. &<-.

—Forgcry u ml uttoriug, 354 Newman A.—Banglc 3tolen (rc coeered), 1S6

Newman A., alias B. Adams, alias A. Bon nett, alias A. Adams, alias J. Newman.— •SteaUng, 71; unlawfully on prom ises; uKsault, 412 Newman A., alias A. Neawnnn. —Btealing, 482, 588; acquit-ted, 635

Newman "Bluic” (sec J. Newman)

Newman C.—Escapc from law-ftil eustody, 498, 619 Kcwiunłi C. G.—N(iva! deserter;

wnrrant cancclled, 110 Newman G.—Wrist wateh stolcu; Ji^occrcd, 114, 130 Newman J. (or “Bluic").— Honscbronking, S3, 174; dis-ebatged, 542

Newman .T.—llnrnoss and skins stolcu, 454, 644

Newman J., alias A. Newman, &«.—^te.aling, 71; unlawfnlly on premises; assault, 412 Ncwmwn J. P., alias J. Miller. —Suspoctod assanl* and robbery, 167

Newman K. M.--Carnal1y known, 203

Newman R.—Je w i: Hery aloleiJ, 076

Ncwmarkct Hotel, Newcastle, 532

Ncwsomc J.—Bodily harm in-Htcfcd on, 181

Newton A. O.—Gt<*abng, 548 Newton O.—MiHtarv deaertor, 163

Newton G.—Complt. frauduhmt eva<Ie pajnieat faKi liire, 431 Newton «T.—Bieyclr. stolcu, 89 Newton .J.—Falao prctencca on, 588

Newton J.—Break, enter, and steal; sten ling (sec d. Newton, nlina Kaiuey. &c.) Newton i!., alias L. Newton, &c.—Fcund at night in OwcUing w:th intont, 13 Newton J. li.— Nav«1 desoHer, 94, 149

Newton T.., alias J. Newton, alias J. Uynu—Found nt uigJit bi dwclling will: inlcrit, 1.8

Newton 'J\ H.---Manslauglitcr.


Newton W.—Shot nt intwt gricvcous Iwnlil v łiarm ou. 459

Ncwlown fhiniislnng Goiojiauy


Newtowm J. (ot J. Newton), aljus Kaiuey, alias Turner, alias iT. Knluey, alias P. KaiiKią*—Break, onter, and skal, 510; stealiug, 633 Ncwtown W., alias W. Su11ivnn. &c.—Housobrcakuig    implo-

nicutfi tn pORsessioii; łjroyk, en ter, and stcal. 563, 583 Ncylon 1). A.—Forgery; F.O. disehirrged, 33S; not pay faro in troin; forgr ry by uUcriug ehofjuc, 344

Ng Hau Hin for No Il«:i Nin) —Prohihited imniigrant, 299. 560

NiWctt A.—Wcieli stolcu. 502

Nielml A. ft.--«tcaling, 172

Nicholas II. T. - Mis»iiig, 189, 523

Nicholas B.— 7*Hrc*ej:y on, 132 Nicholas K. J.— [mpiopctly use pul.dic mornys, 261; embez-7.1cnient, 307, 408 Niclmll A. B.—tttoalbig, 5ó8 NieholL A. A.-—Tbsobey magis-teriui order, wariant cnnecl-lod, 27

Nicliolls O. A.—Compt. rc chiid dcserliou, 191

Nicholls E.— Bing stokm, 296

NiclioHs O. U. Pcrjury, 14.8;

acquitied, 285, 558 Nicholls J.—Disobcy nmgis-terlal order; cscapc custoUy. 92, 139

Nicłmlls J.—Disolwy magisteria! order, 178. 223 Nicholls J. L.—AeiSfiult and conimit act indecei.cy, 063 NiehoHs L.--\Vutch stolcu, 607 NichnUs P.—Disubnying ;v magisteriaI order, 10S, 236 Nicholis U. A.— UneontrollabJc chiid, 521

Nich ols O. C.—Shecp n-norled stolen row>veied, 210, 259 Nichols J. (b—Sheop reported stolon i*ccoveiO(J, 216, 259 Nicholson A. V.-—Assatiltc<l und act oT jndcemu-y in prosenco of, 611

Nicholaon F..- -Larecuy, F.O., 583

Nicholson F. E.—Ansanlt ind commitring nets indcceney. 011

Nicholson O. K — Maliciously shooting inteac indiet grir-rc ona bodily hanu, 459; ae-quitted, 558

Nicholson »T.--Dwulling ontcred, 98

Nicholson J.—Watcii, &c.y sto len, 578

Niehohsmi L. -I.—Naval dezerter, 437; cancelled, 457 Nic.hohmu L. M.—Breakiug and er. tor i ng on, 290 Nicholson Jt.—AssauHed and act indeecncy in prcscncc of, 611

Nicholson R. W.—False prena ces; break, enter, u ud stcal. 164. 222, 301, 302 Nicholson W. E.—Pony gcK-ing stolcu, 352; revovercd, 397

Nicol J. V.-—llousebieaktiig on, DH

NicOl J. W.—Watcii stoleii, 66,8

Nicol P.- Gooda in custodc, F.O., 673

Nicolsou 11.—Jmpiiiy re missiug man, 142

Niold J. it.—Watob and nlWt siolen, 140

Nielsen W.-—-Complt. fraudulea: eva»ion jmymciit t;txi hiro,


Nieś K.—Impiiring ro missing man, (»5

Mightingaie J..    ,1.--Disobey

magisterial order, 292

Nimitybelle Polico Stutiu/i— Vaeancy at, 347, 391

Nisbet W. (>.- fheąues stolcu, 77

Nitcholl fi. J.—False pretenees on, 68. 94

Nicisoa J. A.-—-Wateh at.nlen. 552

Nixon P. JN—Rape, 212; ;ie qiT*iiot!, 409

Nixo» T. F., alias O. Ooi»»ilng-ham,    Lfiregny; wountl

intrui: procent laryful appre. hensioii; diseaarged ou lic* cnee, 542

Nixon 'f. V.—Complt. ste-iling, 30i>

Nixon W.—Assault with intent -*ob, 317; aeqoittedt -J42

Nixon W. J.—-Morem y, &c., stolon, 53

No Uuu Hin • • Probibitcd im-uiigraru (sec Xg Hau Hin)

Nnakrs K. J.—Missiug, 491

N'oake$, L. M.—Mi.ssing, 494

Nobb* A. B.—Compt. ro chihl dcaertien, 191

Noble V.—Property stdli-n, 116

Noble E.—Wristlet w.atch stolcu, 322

Noble. R.—Bioycle atoleu, 515 Nockolds A. K.—-Missing from W.A. (srte Whittlcton A. K.) Noke M. B. E. —Comjdt. falae lirctenecs, 326, 358 ‘•Nolan”—ciieque drawn by sto-len, 504

•‘Nolan,* alias J. Poolc, &e.— False pretenccs; Jaremy; (lis-chłirged ou lieense,. 369; be-lioced identieaJ J. J. Nolan, fulye pr^tenoes. 372, 435 Kolan C.—Mining (6ee Comp-fon)

Kolnu Y. .T.—Pisobey magisteria] order, 72

Nolan "H.—Hrnak, enter, and stcal, 472; break ufid eutes intent a toni, F.O.. 603, 621 Kolnu J.—S«speeted utwiJiug,


Noten J. J. (believed identical with J. Poolo, 6lh.)—Falae pretenoes (s<«* "J. Poolc";

Nolau ICitty--Missing (scB


Nolan M.—Watek stolon. 103 Nolan M. W.—Stealing, 135 Nolau lt. H.—Mon(«y, &c.; stolon, 141

Kolan V.—Compt. rc throitcu-ing wjrds. ICKI, 3.18 Noon Au (bco * Ah Noon") Noonan A., alias A. McGo-Asn,

alias E. Goiłby, .-ili.-is E. l):»r-

liny-—^Suspccted person, 32; E. GodJey, diseharged ca Iweime, 4U7

Noonan J. J.—Oisobcy magisteria 1 order, 27, 82 Noonnn J. W.—Break, enter, and titcal, 135

Noonan L.—Disobey niagisterial order, 146

Noonc J.—Assault, 159

Nor dcci) A., alias A. Pcckhan, alias A. Wiugfield, alia3 P, Winnchl, iilifis A. W. Pechom, alias A. W i n fioł d—Mar-do.r. 679

Nor de n A. Ii.—O.nnplt. cuiTieŁ-ziement, 619

Noriłvkc W.—Tie-pin stolra.


Norman and Bon, 454 Noinuui K. E.- lleifcr stolon, 468

Norman E. W.—Consptre to i-heat and defraud, 249, 371 Norman b\—Missing, 1 HO No lina u (nr Rudd) F.-Ab-seouder (gir!), 482, 497 Normy u Jl. (}.—Stm.liiiL', F.O,,

_ 073

Norman    Ił.—J cwel lory, &<?.,

stolon, 171

Norman R. V.—Break, enter, n nd «U*a), 435

Norman B. J.—Frnndulcnt eon-Yersion, 229, 344 Norquuy B.—Foigcry, 687 Norris A.—Disoboy magistcrial

oriior, 273

Norriii A., alias E. Norris— Hisoboy magisteria I order,

^ 274

Norris R. alias A. Norris-Disoliey M.O., 274 No.-jis J. —Bieyiic rftolon, 242

Norri.i N. .). -Btealing 396, 4!rt

\«jvris R N. (not Morris)— Fruud, 624

“North" Sydney—Registered hit tor stolon, 618 Norlh A., u lina A. Miller, alias A. C. NorMi-—Broak, enter,' unii stcal; dbirharged, 555 North A. C., alias A. Nert.h, Ao.—Break, enter, und ateal; disehji rgotl. 555

North Jlritliih    Sydney,



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41NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE JNDEX—1925. James J. W. (or .1.’ James)— Disolicy M.O., 386 J
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