Tobin L. J.—Aasaulted, 317 Tobin V.—Watch, &c., stolcu, 628
Toby A. T. A.—Naval deserter;
wt. caucelled, 110 Todd 1). S.—Make falsc entry in book of accounl, 68, lii? Todd E. T.—Chequc in fnvour of. stolom 479
Todd J. Ti.—Frond t. tnisap-}irn.; acąuittcd (son L. ,T. Todd)
Todd L.—Falsc protcnces, 215-6, 373
Todd L. J. (or J. L.)-- • V r:i udt. inisapproprintion,
145; nc.quitted, 621 Todd N.—Bicycle stolon, 1;M, 21:5
To Her J.—Je woliery stolen, 152 Tofts C.—Griev. bodily harm ir.flictcd on, C36 Tolhurst If.—Jewcllory stolen, 240
Tullcrlon G. W.—WaLclics slu-len, 552
Tolley F. G. -Misappropu.
prov. war raut cancelled, 94 Tolley G. E.—Jcwdlcry, eloth-ing, A/1.., stolon, 297 Tolnicy 1>. H.—Forgcry (sec P. TI. T. Bcnnctt)
Tom E. W. H.—Falsc protcnces on. 561, 664
Tom (Jer—Asjwui 1 ted nnd robbed (SCC (Jfft Tom)
Tonialin D.—Ring etolcr., 668
Tomki Shirc Couneił, 606 Tomkin R. D.—Wallot, &c.; sto len, 99
Tu Olki u sen TT.—Steal ing from, 285
Tomlyu D. Jc woliery slolcn, 30
Tompkins II. H.— Common ns-suult; dischgd. tm licensu (sec II. L. Toinpkins) Tompkins II. L, (or 11. 11.), alias II. L. Tonkir.s—Indcccnt assaul:, 357; ccmmon assaulf, 384, 509; dischgd. on licease, 556
Toms C.- Gclding stolcu, 79 Toms O. C.—Dlsobev M.O., 6-19 Toner C.—Goldlng stolon, 595
Toner R. S.—Wateh stolon, 668 1’ong Mmig—Bitach linuiig. Ileś. Art, 356
Tong Shęit Po w—Watch, &e., stolcu, 210
“Tonk/’ alias H. A. Tonkin (supposeil Idcftlicu) willi V. li. Wcarne, 145, 177) "Tonkiii’*—(Joinjit. refuaal pay for mcala and acconunodation, 63
Ton kin H., alias AL TI. Wcar.-ic, Ac.—GtenHng, 145, 147; steal-ing, larceny ;is bailco, 434, 05o; no bil), 563 Tonkin II. A., alias Tonk (sup-pnscd idcnticul with V. H. Wcaruo, 145, 377)
Torkias C. M.—Forgc Bank notes, 41
Tonkins H. I/., alias II. I/. Tonipkius. &r.—Ttulucciil a$-aar.lt, 357: coinmon assnult, 384, f>99; diycligd. on licc.nflo, 656
Tonkins J.- For go bank notes and huve samo i u pos^.^słiiuji, 41, 85
Tonko H. P.—Ring stolen, 638, 067 (or Tanko)
Tonson N. II. .1.—Disobey M.O., 38fi, 411, 522, 539
Tonzeli G. F.—Tudccent assault on girl ituder 16 yrs. age; dischgd., 324
Toohcy H. E.—Wifo dosertion, 391,' 252
Thompson W. IL, alias W. S. Croaslcy, &c.—Jndcccnt C3 sault on mało, 389; dischgd., 383
Tlioma E., alu.s F.. Thomas— Break, onter an<l steal, roeeiv-ing, 234, 302
Thonta H.—Watek, Jta.» stolon, 433
Thomson A.—Jcwcllory, &,<•,, sto-1 eh, 341, 389
Thomson K.—Uompt. rc non* payment for meals and ue.com-módatinn, 132
Thomson I.—Bungie, &<*., stolon, 269
Thomson J. A.—Ooiuplt. fr.audt. convci3ion, 431
Thomson K., alias Jv. B. Thom-sou--TYuvdl. Uppm„ 344 Thomson K. R., alias K. Thomson—Kraudt. apprn., 314 Thomson M.—Jewellery stolen, 680
Thomson P.—Disobey M.O., 112
Thomson K.—Watch stolcu, 488 Thomson R.—Watch and ring stolon, 669
Thomson T. O.—Miswiug; lo-rafccd, 65, 270
Thomson W. A.—Motor-car hirc cbtaincd from, by false pre tcnces, 9$
Thomson W. A.—Albert, &c., stolon, 29fi
Th ot bu rn K.—Complt. stcaling, 410
Thore&by R. 1T.—Assaultod and lobbed, 347
Thorlcy W., alia* 6. Wilmoit— l)rive incdor-oar withoiit li-CCTlso; false prctcncca; lor-gery and uttoring; diachgd. on lieonse, 64C Thorn aml Collins, 333 Thorn O., alias S. O. Thorn— Stcaling as co-partncr, 353 Thorn E. II.—Disobey M.O., 69
Thorn M\—Slealing, 17 Thorn 8. O. alias C. Thorn— Stcaling aa co partner, 353 Tliom T.—Feifers stolcu, 128
Thorn T.—Watch and ulbert stolen, 56G
Thornber W.—Forgery and ut* tering, 80, 149
Thorncroft H.—Falce pro
tenues on, 563
Thorne P. Fi.—Disobey M.O.,
Thorne P. II. Falsc prctences on, 097
Thornes D. M.—Uncontrollabie rhitd, 458
Tbomhill L. A.—Stealing, 460; etcal in dwclliug, 402; F.O., 494
Thorning T.—Money, Ac., sto* len, 141
Thornley A.—Gelding stolen, 38, 72
Thornley H. K.—False prctences on, 158, 318
“Thornton,” alias W. Franklin, &c.—Conspiraey, 94 Thoraton A. A.—Watch and al-bert stolon, 1K
TT om ton E.—Abscondrr from apprenticesbip, o30 Thoruton I.— Scll )iquor without license, 388
Thorpe B.—Bicyeie rceoveied, 104
Thorpe E.—FTaval deserter. 497 Thorpo E. -Stcaling, 543, 597 Thorpe Eliza—Money stolon, 543, 597
Thorpe F.—Stealing; illegftl custody, 83; riotons beb&Yi-our; diacbgd., 441
Thorpe II.—Propertr stolen, 204
Thorpe*s Limited, S4 Thrall H.—Falsc protMUOS on, 458. 510
Throaby A.—Ohcquo drawn by, stolen, 250
Throsby-Yonng G.—Rings stolon, 514
Thurgar J.—Missuig; loe&tcd, 14
“Thurgood,” alias J. QuigJey, &c.—Gathcr alms by falsc yrotenees, 434
Timrgood G. B.—Assaultcd in* tent. c.Mnii lly knmv, 003 Thurgood L.—Bargle stolec, 426
Thurlow II.—Clothing, Ac., stolcu (sce “Therlow”)
Thurstón E.. alias G. Vcrnon, alias E. J\. Thur3Lon, alias W. Phillips, alias G. Johnson. alias Mason, alias Edwarda, alias Williams, alias E. Yernon— Falsc prctcr.ccs; larccnv; diachgd. on iiccnse, 646
Thurstón E. E., alias E. Thurs* ton, Ac.—Falsc pref.onrca; larccny; dischgd. on liccnsc, 040
Tibeauda L.—Sloaling, 41U Tidmarsh »S.—Coat dumuged,
Ticrncy J.—llouscbrcaking cn, 124
Tiorney P. J.. alias J. Harris— Break, entor and steal, dis-charged^ 284 Ticrncy T.—Stealing, 202 Tighc J.- Suimnona iasncd at i na tan cc of; forgery iufent defraud, 422
Tighe P. E.—Forgcry, inlent dcfrnud, 422; conspiraey, 473; forgcry, 507, 543, 08,> Tighe W.—Ueldings stolon, 38 THloraga Statlon, Bullarah, 332 Tilletl .T., alias A. AUkcn, Ac. -• -Fu 1 sc pretenccs; dwcbfi rgc' I on liccnsc, 493
Tilley A.—Money stolcu, 229; complt. Oarccny as a bailce, 484
Tiincke E. W.—False nrctcnccs on, 280, 385
Timmins C.—Bieyele stolon, 653 Timmins J.—Chequc drawn by, stolon, 057
Tiimniss J., alias J. Dnvjs, Ac. —Break, euter and steal; dischgd. on liccnsc, 407; rc* vokcd, 507
Tiuwon Ti.—Altemoted imircTer of, 627
Tindall A. S.-Break, enter and steal, 222
Tirigcombc G. L.-~Enii»czzlc-rnent, OH; wifc deser! i on, 585 Tiniter II. A.—-Watch and al* bert stolon, 680
Tiukcr F.— Believed idcntical with mon using indccent, lan* gimgo aml assault conshalde, 175
Tinslw A. E.- -Disol>cy M.O., 559
TiiLsloy II. U. (or Miicł.cll)— Gupposcd in company offender M. Uoldsmith, 31 Tip Kio (5wk* Kie Tip)
Tippuig N.—(Jompll. ul lor i lig, 340
Tirrell D.* Frnudt. njipropria-tion on, 123
Tislikin W.—Ring stolcu, 2IO
Tohoa G.—Falsc pretences on, 597
Tobin J. G.~Falso pretences, 133
Tobin J. J.—Embczalemcnt; F.O., 120
Toohey ,T. H.—Murder, 347;
mauslaughter, 384 Toohcy J. K., alias R. Toohcy —Reeeiyiug; disebg. licoase, 351
Toobc.y M.—Slmi‘p snpposed stolen; hors*: stolen, 105, 155 Toohey K., alias J. R. Toohcy —Receiving; discharged on
liccnsc, 351
Toohey W.—Tools stolen, 290 Toolan W. H., alias W. A.
Henry, &e......Found at night,
&.C.—Discharged, 106 Taonibs F. A.—Child deBcrter,
Tt.omcy W. JDisobey M.O., 469
Toomlan W., alias W. A. Henry, &c.—Found at night, &c*.; discharged, 106
Toon Hino Wing ~Prokib. iai-mig., 323
‘'Tooth,” Sydney—Reg. letter stolen, 618
Tooth G.—llousebreaking on, 33
Topey J.—Stealiug, 385 Topham O .11.—Brooch stolen, 70
Topham G. V., alia3 G. V. F. Topham—Eaibozzlcmcnt; dis-chargod, 157
Topham G. V. Fr alias G. V. Topham—Embezzlemenl; discharged, 157
Toppla R.—Watch, &c., stolen, 180
Toreno E.—Property atolen, 637 Toiton b\ G. (Dr.)* Baker —(/rond Inrecny (Arncr.), 510 Toulby Woolahcd, nr. Dennawąn,
Tourres R.—Soli liquor without liccnsc, 84
Toussard l*i.—Assaulted, 229 Touzcll G. i’.—Indeccnt as-Bault, 131
Tovoy A.—Brooch stolon, 37, 291
Towcl! 13.—JiTwfllcry stolen, 336 Towcrs G.—Missiag, 034, 560 TowJo M.—Assault, oceasioning bodily harm. 932, 562, 613 Towncy K.—Girl abseonder, 1L9 ToAvns E. I.—Aliasing 121 Town3 W.—Stealiug from, 285 To\vn3cnd A.—Forgerr and ut* ter ing, 354, 562
Towiiscnd A., alias R. Spicer, xkc.—Susperlcd atealing, 480 Townacnil E. Sb C.—Imposi-t.ion F.O., 494
Town!?cnd G.—Missing; Iocatcd,
Towuscnd Cr.—Clot.hing, harness, <ic., stolon, 454, 563 Townseud G. li.—Chequo pur-ported drawn by, 354 Towuscnd 31.—FuLv probuices on, 80
Townscnd 11.—l)isobcv M.O.. 469
Townscud J. A.—Break, euter and sleo), H06, 408 Towuscnd AV.—Falsc pfe-lencc,? on, f>i
Townson and Heaellp, Kin-gnroy, Queiuislaml, 146, 220 Toxtet.h 1.—Wristlet watch .stolen, 3T2
Toycr G. T. -Albert stolen, 2S1
T«vz«'r G.—W:iteb, &c., stolen, 52
Traccy TI. F.—Complt. steal-ing. 357
Triioey .7.—Goldlng stolen, 210, 230. 243
Traccy J.—Assawlted And bodily harm on. 573 Traccy T. JT.—Disobey M.O.^ 460