Alexander M. S.—Wifo deser-ter, 671
Aleiander O. F.—Falsc pre-tenceg, 075
Alexander Thomson, W.—Al
bert, &c., stolen, 296 Aleiander W.—Jewellery sto-len, 214
Alexeff V.—Miasing, 500; lo* catcd, 581
Alford Brothers—Cattle stolen, 400
Alfred Ah Sec—Attempt foug* gery; disehnrged on liecusu, 681
Alfred F., alias A. Flanders, . &c.-—Stealing, 17; dis-
charged, 429
Alfred TC. L., alias A. Flnnders, &e.—Stealing, 17; dis-
charged, 429
Alfred R. C., alias A. Flnnders, &e.—Stculing, 17; dischnrged, 429
Ali Mahonie d—Br cadi lnpuigra-tion Rcatrictiou Act, aee U. Mahomeci
Alicns, cx enemy—Noticc rc rc-moval of reslriction, 653 Alladin Industries, Limited, Sydney, 318
AUan and Company, 547 Allan & Co., Pty., Ltd. (Vic), 315
Allan O. G. T.—Break, enter, and steal; stcaJing, 164, 302 Allan C. T,- Falsc pretences, 263 ,
'Allan D. alias W. Boutli, Ac.— karcony; diacharged on li-cense, 477
Allan E. L.—Jewr-llcry, clotb-iug, &c., stolen, 282 Allan G,—Wateh stolon, 404 Allan J.—Straling, 97 Allan M.—Assaulted, 181 Allan M. C.— Wateh stolca, 303 AUan S. (known as S. Williams)—Diaobcy M.O., 545, 601
Allan 8. E.'—Falsc pretences— A. G. dociinc procoed—sco "Allen."
Allan W.—Stealing, 178 Albin W. J. R.—-Fałdę pre-. tcnccs, 84 Allen and Horton, 135 Allen A.—Wateh and albcrt sto-lei), 330
Allen A.—Canuilly kmiwn, 688 Allen E.—Jewellery stolon, 438 Allen £.—Girl ubscoinler, 108, 610
Allen F.—DUobcy M.O., 522, 549
Allen F.—Wateh, &c., utnie u, 24 Allen F/A.—Wateh stolen, 306 Allen TI.—Fftlsc pretences on, 27G
Allen Ii. O.—Attempt shop-brpaking, 518
Allen J.—Laroeny as bailec, 471
Allen J.—Asssault, 133 Allen J.—Disobcy M.O., 134, 300
Allen J.—Iiidecent assauli, 192, 264, 3X
Allen J.—Larcony, 231 Allen J.—Ibsohoy M.O., 049 Allen J A.—Mhrry withont eon-sent, 574, 047
Allen J. L.—-Wateli, &c., stoku, 02
Allen J.W.—Disobey M.O., 022, 038
Alicji L. H., alias L. U. De Annau, &c.—Stealiug; em-bezr.lemeul; diseharged, 351; f alse pretences, 510, 520, 521; brcach condińons rclcase, 676 Allen R. L.—Reg. letter stolon, $17
Allen (or Allan) S. E.—Falso pretences, 71; decllne file bill, 358, 371; stealing, 034 Allen W.—Falac nrctences on, 183
Allen W.—Larceny, 144 Allen W. —-Ring stolcu, 13')
Allen W. J.—Wateh, &c., stolon, 108
Allen W. J.—Disobey M.O., 013 Allia H. M.—Broach Iimnjgra-tlon Restrietion Act, 520 Allison F.—Property stolen (re-covered), 122
AllUou T. C.—Biga my, 41; di3-chargcd, 542
AK9op C.—Escopee (sec AU-sopp)
Allsop T.—Wateh, &c., stolon, 054
Allsopp C.---Stcaling, 390; cs-capc from custody, 554; fra udu lent c<mversiun; falsc pretences, Ul2
"AUwood''—Buspcctcd slcaliug, 406
AHwood T.—Boy absconder, 220 Alumn F. (hlrn.)—Chc<j[uc* drawn by stolon, G43 Almoud A., alias J. A. Hyland, &c. • -Falsc pretences, 408; Bench icarrant for failiag to appear for sentenec, 619; falsc pielencos, 064 Alphen A. II. L.—Misaing, 110 Alston S, li.—Disobcy M.O., 161
Al w nr d A.—Breaeh comlitions rcleaae, 50
Alw.ny F. M.—Ilaudbag and money stolen, 462 Amalgamated Socicty of Car-ponters and Joiners of Australia, 340, 341, 600 AinfiigaTiiflf.od Text.ilr*s. Lt.d., 192, 202
Amalgnnmtcd Wirclcss of Aus-tralasia, Sydney, 37 A mass 2*1.—Assaultcd, 68, 159 A mass W.—Assault, 08, 159 J., alias A. E. Downcs, &c. -Stcaling, 32G America—
L. L. Sattorwhito, cscaped prlaoncr, arrested in, 10
Flo/d Woocward, wanted in, 31
Murphy T.* alias T. Thomo-poulous—Wantud in, for relony, 119
Stern G.-^rWantcd in, for as-łjimlt and robbery, 119 Tliomopoulous T., alias T. Murphy—Wanted in, for f clony, 119
0’Ooilnor H., alias J. II. 0‘Connor—Wanted in, for assault wilh inlcnt murder and robbery, 133 0‘Com>or J. II., alias H. 0’Connor—Wanted in, for assault witli intent commii murder and robbery, 133
M. J. Owens—Wanted in for Iheft, 304
Reid W. J., alias S. F. Oroft, alias O. B. Morse, abas J. Black, alias L. O. 11 uff • laun—Wanted in, for for-gery and jumping bond, 304
Joe Tanko (correct nam*? be-dieved to bc Tankovitch)— ■ Wanted in California for murder, 365
C. B. McGloskcy- -Wantod in California for forgery and uttering, 372
J. Austin, also known as J. 1>. Austin—Wanted in America on chargce uaing mail to defraud; forgery and pt?rjury, ?.7z
J. B. Pa^en—Wanted for murder in California, 379
D. A. Dobsou, alias C. 8. Swanpon, alias Oflborno (correct name W. R. Caruel f), robbery—Wanted by Oakłand Police, California, 397
R. Lanagano, W. Jordon, and T. Carney, wanted in America for esoaping from Orcat Meadow Prison, 422 Harry Nelson - Wanted in for cacaping from Aubum Prison Road Cunip, 431 PHsquale De Martini— Wanted in for murder, 437 II. Sitomer, alias 11. Podsuń —Wanted in New York for robbery, 445
N. Aarona. D. Brown, A. Raff alias P.afferiy and J. 3*1. Camion alias JJ. Can-non—W«<I for murder in, 491
♦Piętro de Mario—Wanted for murder at Baltimore in, 501
Dr. Frcdk. O. Tutton, alias Baker; L. Boris, alias F. Rcgis, &cand J. W. Gough, alias Wilson— Wanted in for grand Jar-c.eny, 510
Knapp P. N.—Wanted for murder in, 613
E. Thompson—Wanicd for murder. iu. 603
J. Ryan—Wanted in. for escuping from 8ing 8ing Prison, New York 605 William Wood—Wanted iu for forgery, 634 W. J. Meinc-Chuek, alias W. W'. Marks, alias R. W. Strong, alia9 J. V&n Dyn —Wanted in Chieagd ror murder and robbery, 648 J. W. Smith and F. T. Hart —"Wanted for murder at Washington, 679
American E-Yprcss Ooiapany, Athens, Grecce, 119 American Fleet—Visit of, 419 A.M.L.F. Bank, Melbourne, 281
Amor R, abns 8. Amor-—Found in yard, inf.cnt steal. 600 Amor S., alias E. Amor -Found in yard, intent steal, 690 Amoa C.—Wateh, &*♦., stolen, 52 Athoy R. McD.—Shot at while attempting to apprehcnd ofTcndcrs, 375, 412, 498 Amour C.—Foal stolen, 460, 043
Amsb«rg*H Pnwu Office, En-morę, 510
Andersen H. A.—Break, ontor, and steal, 433
Anderson I. V.—Tudooently
asaaulted, 472
Andcr;;ob O.— Je woliery stolen, 227
"Anderson'’—Larctmy as bailee. 406
'•Andcreon" -Found drowned, left in company with missing man, 523
"Anderson,” alias 8. Burns, $:c, —Abductśon, 171, 177, 231 "Anderson," alias L. Haynca, &c.-—Stcaling, 275 "Andoiuon,” alias Ij. V<m-Bec.kum, &c.—Break, enter, and steal, 175, 192 Anderson A.—Money stolon, 92
Anderson A.—Cheąue <lrnwn by stolen, 153
Anderson A. E.—lting stolon, 578
Anderson A. F.—Non-paymcnt costs M.O., 457
Anderson A. W.—Money stolcu, 853
Anderson B.—Wateh Sjolen, 129
Anderson B., alias O. Webb, &c.—Indecent aeeault. on girl under 16; disebarged on Ji-
cense, 429 t
Anderson C.—Wateh, &c., stolen, 578
Anderson C., aliaa C. O. Love— fthopbreakiitg, 51 Anderson O. II. J.—-Disoboy M.O., 247
Anderson C. J.—Forgc writing on raił war consignment noto, 71, 302
Anderson' D.—Fraudt. ernsion payment taxi hire, 659 Anderson D. C.—Wife dcaerfcer, 112
Andersou E.—Bronch fetolen, 269
Anderson E. M.—Wa;ch and jeweller/ atoleu, 88 Anderson E. S.—Cheąue drawn Ly stolen, 281
Anderson Jr. N.—Chcque drawn bv stolen, 153
Anderson G.—Disoboy M.O.. 191, 223
Anderson G.—Stcaling, 511 Anderson G. A., aliaB T. Parker, &c.—Larceny; break, enter, and steal; dischargcd, 467; licensc rcvoke<l, 645 Auderson H.—Motor car ob-tnined from by fftlsć pre-tences, 98
Anderson H. A>—Break, enter, and steal; aequitted, 397 Anderson II. O., alias R. Mars-den, &e.-“Refuse pay for meals aud aecornmodation; falsc prnts., 97; disebarged, 658
Anderson II. P., alias R. Mara-den, &c.—Re fu eo pay for me.ah and aecom.; falae pretea., 97; diaebargęd, 658 Anderson H. S.—Wool stolen (see Yallaroi Pastorał Com-
Anderson H. S.—Disobey M.O., 686
Anderson J.—Stealing (sec J. Wuod)
Anderson J.—Diaobey M.O., 33 Anderaon J.—Attcmpted steal-ing from person of, 498 Anderson J.—BLcyclo etolcn,
Anderson ,T.—Wtlfully cipoac; peraon, 675
Anderson J., alias J. Keane, alias J. Scott—-Break, onter, and steal; attempt break and enter, intent steal; dis-, chargod, 15C, 178 Anderson J. R.. aliaa J. Ftncry, aliay Hollowuy, alias John-stone—Forgcr and utter, 623 Anderson M.—Dress stolcu, G8 Audorson M.—Uucontroll. child, 544
Anderson M.—Gi iev. bodily
harm on, 547
Anderson N. B.—Albert, &e., atolen, 439
Anderson O.—-Wife deser ter, 533
Anderson 1’. R,—Disobcy M.O., 572
Anderson R,—Stealing, 145 Anderson R.; alian F. Russell, &c.—Break and enter, intent ofenl; digeharged on li o miso, 595
Anderson R. J. A.—Wateh, &e., stolen, 438
Anderson B.—Cheąue uttrrcd. to, 446
Andergon T., alias C. Pratt, Ac.
—-Stealing. 221