♦ SCK— PortB. Bit?
SCK: Master Clock output, Slave Clock input pin for SPI chaiinel. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless ofthe setting of DDB?. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Master, the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDE?. Wlien the pin is forced by the SPIto be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTE? bit.
♦ MISO - Port B. Bit 6
MISO: Master Data input, Slave Data output pin for SPI channel. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Master, this pin is configured as an input regardless ofthe setting of I)DE6. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Slave, the data direction ofthis pin is controlled by I)DE6. Wlien the pin is forced by the SPI to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB6 bit.
♦ MO SI - Port B, Bit 3
MOSI: SPI Master Data output, Slave Data input for SPI channel. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless ofthe setting of DDB5. Wlien the SPI is enabled as a Master, the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDB5. Wlien the pin is forced by the SPI to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB5 bit.