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14366 img008 (49)

Numbers on the llaps:

Blue cohwr * number of the Qłven piece Red colour«number of the piece, to which the Rap is glued The procedurę of the construction itsetf is quite unusual Rrst ol alf. compose the baseptate • parts la, 1b, 1c. from which you must separate the inserted pieces. Stiffen the whołe base with cardboarl Vou can ampiify holes in the mtddies of parts 1b and 7c Tfco to part 7 a for easier maniputation later. After that, put part 1 astde.

1 Further, prepare part 2, which agam consists of several parts (2a, 2b) • it is again necessary to separate the inserted piece. Create the etevated brims of the square section on the edges of the composed parts (atways g)ue the flap from undemeath and rangę the short guidelines with the first bend - see drawing).

The biggersecondcourtyardis composed ot part 3-paving-and dosed with wafls 4a 4b. Rrst glue parts 4a and 4b together using one of the flaps. In the upper part of the wali mark 5 mm from the rear printed skle and make a guideiine aU along part 4. Above the gate cut an aperture for the bafcony 9, which will be inserted immediately. Cfose the walls together with the area of the courtyard. Position the fmtshed parts 5 and 6 onto the set places. Insert the unit from beneath into the b+gger hole in ? and gtue it so that the measured 5 mm part overtaps.

Now prepare part 11 • it is again composed of two parts • and altach it as a unit to the overiapping edge of the wali and to pat 2. TWs wid again create an etevated brimof toe square section,

Now compose the smali first courtyard. Part 12 creates its surface. Prepare pats 14 and 15 (put together) and the peripheral wali 13 (again measure 5 mm from the top, such as in the bigger courtyard). Glue the wali to the yard by kKfińdual flaps and gradually gum in also parts 14 and 15. insert the courtyard into the respective openmg to part 2 and compiement it with the e)evated brim 50, in manner skriar to the previous yard. Both courtyards are Interconnected with a flap on the paving and part 16, which you will attach according to the description on the flaps. The long part of the pawng teading from the smali yard is also roofed over with part 17.

At this moment, the last aperture is gaping in part 2. It is possibfe to fili it in such a way that a partial inslght into the interior of the chateau is discovered. but it is possible to simpłify the structure as weH. The basis of the interior is the staircase hall 23. Those who will choose the simpler procedurę, will compose the part and glue it from undemeath by means of three flaps into part of the aperture in piece 2 ctoser to the courtyard (the other, morę distant part stfll remains open) only to stiffen the structure. The morę compfex procedurę dwetts in cutting out the marked Windows for galleries and adding staircase 24 into the haiL Proceed with gluing by aftach tng the staircase with one flap first to the wali, from which the ftoor of the room issues, then with another flap to the ftoor and the graduaity dose and glue the room. After compieting the gafleries, Wind them from behind with five parts No. 25 (formed by the ftoor and three waks). One of those fhe parts is dtmnsted and marked ^53. It is to be placed in the rear of the egualty marked gakery. The bigger version of the piece woukf stand in the way later. This unit wili now be glued to part 2, the same way as in the simple procedurę. The rest ol the aperture in part 2 wid be fiiied with part 78-ltwill be again inserted from undemeath; with the etevated edge it locks onto part 2 and juts out. the lowered edge is tumed toward the staircase. At this moment prepare also the extension which wili cover the stairway. Its basis is part 19, which will be glued, and the dosed part 20 will be sunken into the roof aperture (flaps down - they wffl be glued later tram inside lo the ceiling ol the staircase room of part 19). From the aslope roof, the edge of part 20 just out now• glue part 21 onto thal from outside (chose between the two variants ot the part • the paper one for the prevkxts simpłe procedurę and the one printed on a transparent foif aiowing Ihe insight kito the stairway hal). The edge of part 20 and flaps of part 21 wkl be masked from outside using part 22. The compteted wkl be put aside for the moment.

The key part ot the structure is the construction of the peripheral walls. Begin with wali 26, in which an aperture for baicony 57 wkl be cut; buBd and glue the balcony in immediateły. This balcony is part of a jutttogmut tower, the base of which is formed by piece 58 and the upper part by piece 56. Both parts wid be put together, as wek as another piece 55 and alf three ot them will be foted to part 26 so that alf bottom edges matcbed and the flap stayed free. Part 27 is an octagonal tower of the chapel - the reguired shape wil be reached through retntordng it with piece 28 in the upper part of the wali. Match the compteted gallery 29 to the footirtg ol the chapel and attach the whołe chapel to pan 26. On the other side. pal 30 locks onto the chapel, both its etevated edges betong to the octagonal towers. The bigger tower is retnforced on the top with part 52, the smaller one wito part 53. It is necessary to compiement the connedlng wali between both towers with flap 32 on the top. Another part of the periphera! wad is piece 31. First, cut a hole for toe entrance gate in it and place the oriet 67 abcwe #. Now btrikl the gallery and smali rampart above the entrance gate and both side towers (such as in the previous part, retoforced with braces 52, 53; the connecbng wali is (itted with flap 32). Part 31 can be attached to the aiready built part ot the peripheral wali. Contmue wito part 33. The big "jag’ in toe higher halł of its upper part wiH be compłemented wito the insight to the interior. This pal cannot be teft out even by those who do not want to discover this view later. it is because the interior part wili rekiforce the whołe structure. The four rooms are arranged in a partial perspective. Connect the Big dining hak 34 across toe partition wali 35 wkh the Smak dtntng hak 36: that wkl lock upon another hall 39 over the wali 36 and toe last room 40 isdMded by the wali 37 Ali four compteted rooms wkl be glued from behind into part 33 and attach that to toe aiready casting peripheral wak. Attention - whtłe gluing piece 33, do not match it as far as the bend ot toe flap, but only to the three short gauge knes marked on the flap. Conbnue wito toe rear part ot the chateau, represented by the octagonal tower 4/, reinforced wito part 5f. and pieces 42 and 43. Part 43 wik be fitted with three oriets 54 first. and then attach it from undemeath to the compteted part 42 (ki this part create an etevated edge ol the sguare section, such as in part 2 glue the part 43 so that it were ranged with its edge to the fuli linę. not wito the short gauge lines - see drawing). Attach the connected parts 42 and 43 to the tower 41 and lock thś comptex to toe peripheral wak, to piec* 33 and part of the interior.

Attention - fet toe wide flap of toe tower 41 marked with sign *netepif (Do not glue!) gap freeły. It wkl be used later. to slide the wak, which cowrs toe view ol the interior onto it The major part of toe peripheral wali is firkshed and now start to connect it in toe order in which it was constructed (from part 26), to toe base of toe roof 2 (but you must first fit it in the marked płace wito part of toe sguare tower 66).

Proceed caretulły, by indhńdual flaps, until you get to part 31; you must not forget to glue from wtthin the corridor leading from toe kttie courtyard to the entrance gate. Where piece 2 bas the ełevated edge. rangę it according to the drawing; where it has not (in the part of the wali wkh toe interior), rangę it to the edge of piece 2. After having connected both structures, there shoułd be only one aperture tett ki toe peripheral wak to insert the round tower Ot is in toe płace of toe semidrcte ‘jag’ in piece 2). Now use toe left-off baseptate 1 and attach the whołe structure to it by flaps. The aperture cut prewousty in part 1 hetps us with the manipulation (it is possible to ampiify it behindhand). When the baseptate is attached, toe hardest part of the construction work is cwer.

At this moment you can proceed wito toe round tower 44, wito which you wili fili toe hofe in the peripheraJ wali. Słit toe barreł of the tower in toe marked (kace tor the immediate nserboc of the balcony 45. Piece 44 is rekiforced on toe top and bottom wito round spurs 46 (with an aperture-always glue that first) and 47 (we recommend to stiffen both of them). Fit the top of the tower with the ełevated battlement 46. which you w® tum kito drde shape (with the cut-out ‘jags* downward) and the roof 49. (Sue toe firkshed tower kito the marked place.

Now start to compiement the buflding with other structural etements. An oblong oriel 59 wito three toe walls locks onto the chapel on fhe left side. The smali towers next to toe entrance gate have galteries wito battlements in the tower part The left tower locks onto the base of the galery 60 wito the surface of gallery 67 and battlement 62 (first glue the pieces 67 and 62 together, then fix them onto part 60 and glue toto complex to the set place). A minor image of tfas gaflery, constsbng of parts 63, 64, 65 locks onto the right tower. The wak on the sides of the entrance is reinforced wito buttresses 66.

The foltowing part of the construction is the dominant of Hlubotó - the main tower. Rrst of ak, attach the rekiforced brace 74 to its barrel 73 in its upper part, and through a maniputation aperture fasten also the brace, wtkch is part of piece 73. Glue the base of the tower to toe set place so that toe free tower part slops over to the great courtyard of toe chateau At this moment you can compiement toe courtyard wito buttresses 7 and 6 and match also the baicony 10 between them wito toe marked horizontal gudefine. To cołumns 78 are attached from above to the supports piars; sbc morę of those supports issue from toe roof 2. The galery on toe mam tower is formed wito the ftoor 75. sofft 76 and battlement 77 (see drawing), Attach ił to part 73. The superstructure on toe very top is format by toe barrel 79, socte 80 (it is rSsconnected by toe door), battlement 87 and Httte roof 82. After attacfkng to the gakery, toe maki tower rs compiete


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