UlrunąwiiIiiiŁ with < materiał! frnm rm<ti western M of pat łype of finds conses Jrotn ihe cemetcry in KkOz. To bm> indude alraosi 40 vesscis from the aireatones 200 butals dated to the younger penod of*e Bronze a pan uf than occurrcd m the graves cootwning otber fonns Sod) t atuation was noted tn grave 482 (fig. 6:5-9), where widimarted neck and faccted riro occurrcd also a profied boni. E atnphon with bcłbed oect and a fragment of a second ves-
_Hb demem m thal gra\ e bdonging to the 1 usatiaT tradsnon
lM|||s«bdBConitoo wóh %roiTs tecdi' portem. wfcich was presened m 'Miltm.t mu il mi£iii i 1031 (fig. S: l,9).ltsioventtycon-vcwl a beibed vase decorated with horizontal flaka, aa aro-•2 bcftcd neck and a bowł with faccted rim. t\p*ca] of the transóise Vełanor-piflorasia. Whilc among the forms which madc a local demem we śodd menrion a double bodied vcssd dccoratcd with c'ł«flP panem and an S-profiled pot Another example of tbat land of in-ntpR 1120 (fig. 3: 4, 5: 7) where the following objects were (bund t^^^^^Hboeled rim. a fragment of the second vessd of thal kmd. sa^^^BBilow carinadon point decorated with fludng and a hrmuphrrical a óiMBaM ha\ e (be val ue of a cufrural determinant. and an S-protiled pot ts^paMptom kloca) tradition Most of the vessels refening to the Dkoabe ccawd »i* m graves 475 (twxi vases with a belhed neck) 1003 (a double-: taili mi » pmfiled bowi with fluting in the run pan) and 1267 (a bowł with •aadacdlared vase).
*aa»«fa We mmber of the closed complexes containing vessels reprc-ittlwinil ggnrrii it is impossiblc to State, wbetber the phenomew peaee of the grat es with the preponderance of the "southem" eicmems *4aah to the cetnetcry m Kietrz. As it seems, the possibtiity of swe fre-oMMt of such sóuation *• may be supported by the obsers auons front
'WflpMli mas be noted also in the spetial anangement of the gnr»es 'i poners. whtchi referred to the Middle Danubian Urnfield cułtun: at Ihe "> n Kietrz (Fig. 8) Among 24 objects belongtng to that group. 10 oc-**PAMMeAełuster ofbnrials. situating m ós outsktrts and flaming a htde ^panfcTbe rcmaining objects are located in the enstem outsktrts of tte ^(■ftfptyH from the younger period of the Bronze Age and west of t«a«hcrtflK grav es occurrcd less densely. Seveml objects were also i i|l but der of the part of the cemetery. włuch was rehtied to the ^MgNie Bronze Age.
BMcntcd abovc altów a supposition. that - at leatt in Ihe i| Kietrz - among the popuUtion utilising ó, mdi-
■ ii Km
cołtared vtMi od occurrcd m the