With u magtaine like Analog, you would. of ćoursc. e.tpect us to uxe computrn lor handllng suhscriptiam.
The Irouble is—Computers ure vcry. very tup id. They need to he ttdd EXACTLY w hal you wam. in every detali. Or they gct neurotic. and you don'I get ntagazines. (Neurotic computcrt are known to have spit mlles of tape. and thousands of punched curth alt over the room bcjore they ci/uId be shut down.)
Like tłus:
So .. if you waru your magazine to follow you when you move, yon’ve Kot to do it the Computer
Altach the Computer dobę! from your old address to a ehange-of-addrea card. add your new address. and tend to: ANALOG Science Ficdon/Science Fact, Boa 2205, Boulder. Colorado 80302