Other shapes can be described by comparing them with something, like letters of the alphabet:
You can describe the shape of an object with a noun or a verb:
It’s a rectangle. (noun)
It’s rectangular. (adjective)
Describing eguipment
1 Complete the table with the correct nouns and adjectives. Sometimes they are the same word. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.
a circle an ova!
IVs L-shaped.
2 How could you describe the following shapes?
a b c
1 aluminium
2 silk
3 cellophane
4 glass
5 cotton
6 leather
7 wool
8 Steel
a luxury items of clothing, mainly ties and shirts b cans for drinks
c designer bags and other smaller items such as wallets d designer knitwear e optical fibrę for telecommunications f clothing including socks, shirts and sportswear g packaging for mass-produced goods, e.g. T-shirts h kitchen eąuipment such as knives and saucepans
1 What should you do if you can’t hear the TV very well?
A(Turn it~up^ B Tum it down
2 What should you do if the TV is too loud?
A Turn it down B Ttirn it on
3 What should you do if you don’t want your mobile phone to ring?
A Switch it on B Switch it off
4 What should you do if you need to recharge your phone battery?
A Turn it on B Pług it into the mains
5 What should you do when your phone battery is fully charged again?
A Pług it into the mains B Unplug it
6 What should you do if the heater is working but the room is cold?
A Turn it up B Turn it down
7 What should you do if the heater is unplugged and the room is cold?
A Pług it in and switch it on B Switch it off and unplug it
6 You saw on page 29 of the Studenfs Book that we can use keep + -ing to talk about problems that happen every time you try to use equipment and need + -ing to say what must be done. Rewrite the following sentences in your notebook using keep and need.
1 The paper jams all the time in the printer.
The pOiper in łhe prin+er Keeps ^rnming.
2 Someone must change the toner in the photocopier.
3 The photocopier always overheats.
4 Someone must clean the Computer keyboard.
5 The buttons on the machinę jam nearly every day.
UNIT 5 Describing eguipment