Wtth u mafpaiH lite Analog. vou nould. of courte, e.tpecl U» to use contputrr* for handllng uikurlptimn.
The trouhle i»—computen arr V*ry, very ttupid. Thcy neeii to ht toU BXACTLY »luit you woni. tn tvery detali. Or they fet neumtic. and yoti dorTt get /imgazineA. INeurotk comptiter.% are łnon n to Inn e tplt mile* of tape. and thouutndi oI pitnched 1-ardt uli ovtr t\te room bcfotc they corrid be shut down.)
Altach thc computer-label front your old tulJrc.tr to a rhange-of-oJdreit card. c.Jtl your nr u aJdren. and i etui to: AN AIXH> Science Flet lort /Science Fact. Boa 7205. Bouldrr. Colorado