By JOHN TAINE "SEEDS OF LIFE is Science fiction of a high order, a novel involv-ing beiievable people in unusual situarticns.
THOUGHT cf the atomie bomb cna whct expcsure to its radia-tlcns might do has excited the imagination oi thinking men and women everywhere.
"John Taine" (who is Dr. E. T. Bell ci tho Caliicmla Institute cf Technology) has pernulted his imagination tc investigate scme of the pcsslbilities in a simłlar fasclnatir.g theme. Thls 13 not a stery mvolvmg the atomie bomb. howover. Atomie energy is part of the 3tory, but only an lncidental parł, as aro such unllkely mgredients as a blcck widów spider, a two-milllcn volt X-ray tubo, chicken eggs which hatch out reptillan mcnslers. and other equally strange plot threads. Dr. Eell has ogain aisplayed his usual ability to wrlte about the unusual.
When Dr. Ar.drew Crane of th9 Ertcknon Foundation tries to make a man cf Neiis Bork, his labcictory asslstont, he succeeds in a spectacular manner. Bork himseli contributes to the end result in hts bungling way, and there emerges Migueł De Soto, a superman in every sense of the word. His rato of thinking and perceiving has cccelerated many thousand times heyond that of any human being who has ever llvea. He is a partia!, Occidental anticlpation of the race man may be destinea to becorne in tho millenniums ahead.
SEEDS OF LIFE is written in the smoolhly er.tortcining style which characteri^es all cf Dr. EelTs work, includlng such weil-known fcocks as “The Magie Numbers," "The Forbidden Garden," "The Iren Star,” "Befcre the Down." "Mathemclics. Queen and Servant of Scienco," and his many "John Taine" science nove!s. And łt is adult reading faro, realistic, gripping and informative. Above all it is good enteitalnment.
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