E. E “Doc" Smith s LENSMEN ser i es was the greatest science fiction' saga cvcr written. The incredible cx-ploits of these elitę guardians of the galactic empire havc thrilled generations of readers and inspired a
tradition that includesSft/r Trek and Sfor Wars.________
Now David A. Kyie, friend and confidant of “Doc” Smith, has bccn authorized by the Smith Estatc to continuc the astonishing advcntures of this intergalactic broth-erhood, as they search and destrpy the evil remnants of Eddoria.
An assassins attack has ncarly killcd Second Stagc Lcnsman TYegonsee, the brilliant tclcpathic intelli-gence chief of the Galactic Patrol. Thełr forces in disar-ray, the Rigellian super-brain and a rookie Tellurian Patrolman named D. D. Cioudd plan a desperate shell gamę to avert intergalactic devastation._
A. EVanVogton David Kyles THE DRAGON LENSMAN: “From the ftrst dramalicaliy WTittcn paragraph. the feel-ing begins—and stays—that ‘Doc* Smith is back!”