17050 S5004005
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Series Editors
Wcndy Ashmore, Unruersity of Retmsyluania CIive Gamble, Unruersity of Southampton John 0’Shea, Unruersity of Michigan dolin Renfrew, Unruersity of Cambridge
Archaeology has madę cnonnous advances recemly, both in ihc volume of discover\es and in its charactcr as an inteilectual discipline: new techniques have helped to further the rangę and rigour of inquiry, and encouraged inter-disciplinary communication.
The a im of this senes is to make available to a wider audicncc the rcsults of these developments. The coverage is worldwide and extends front the earUcst hunting and gathering societies to historical archaeology.
For a Ust of titles in the senes please see the end of the book.
Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain
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