21575 system 86

21575 system 86

ol tlu* legs. I,usll\ .Iry the frct. liist one, mul tlien the ••rli> r. and you shouU habituate ymirself todóing tliis stand mg <m one lei; liko a stork, uhicll constitiites .1 vcrv goud lulitncing rtrtris>'    l'he soles of the feet

are best dried l»y taking one cml o( the towol 111 racli haml and pulling jt tow.ird-. you. willi cach li.nul .ilterniitely. and winie you are drytng lietwee 1 all the toes there is plenty of timc for thal rest your heol upon your klice. II you ouly set aside one ipmrter ol ,m hour for

Fig. r>3.

Ib. tub Autiior’s eldest sos. at tiie agb op -U vears.

physical esereise, you niust certainly not sit down upon a chair to rest during the linie.

1'eople who know how to dry themseh-es will perhaps consider thesc minutę direclions superlluous. Still, I have seen many stand and nddlc ahout with the towel for sever.il niinutcs without gclting properly dried even then. And 1 ani thinking, too, of all the pcople who havć. so to speak, ncver becn in the position of re(|uiring to dry theniselees after a bath, because they have hardly cver done such a thing as to take one.


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