Gm* in thr Cky of Toledo on the 4th March 1529
(Signcd) A. Compostclanus - Liccndatus Aguinc Acuna Lic. Hcrnando Mcdina
I, Ramior dc Campo, pcnonal Clcrk to Our Majcstics, wiotc this Rcgulauon by Thdr Comnund and (bat of Their Council (stampcd)
Endorscd by Ximenez Anton Galio, CbanccDor.
(wkh a red wax ml)
Bccautc in ume changtt occur, k kas bcen (bund necoiary to amend somc of the abovc ordi-nances; espcdaDy it having bcen brought to our noticc that somcgu&tmtc&tTOi dkagreed with ccitain aspeets of (hem. Therefore afier many ddibcrauons and discussions, ccruin dames have bcen amended and we now order all men to observe and obcy the ttgulaiions with the following moderations, variations and intctprctations, it bcśng understood that it is not intended to change or innovatc (hem in any way but that the intention is metdy to improvc the tradc practices.
(1) Fintly, we (ind vety wise, and fully agree with, the dection ofa Master and two Assistants, and tberefore we dccrcc that this be condnucd as stated.
(2) Item, rcspecting the sccond elause, we dccrcc that the ocamination must bc taken by all, and that workshops ot suitablc płaco bc providcd in the City whcrc this can be done. The candiditcs must bc ablc to measure rtgulmc (the sizc and thape of) a hanging. to skeh it, (o decotate k, to samp k, to treat it in any manno that the Manet and (be Assisancs may ieque; be must be abk lo draw outknes in blach, m carminc,* in grten, whke, błue, in lny colour hc may be asked for, 10 control the coloun and mix them; be must be ablc to paint in gik (ydlow glazc), in carmine* (red glazc), green, in any colour reęuested, and to blend thoac coloun, to grind eaefa colour according to ks paracular nteds, to know how to burnish the red paro and all the othen uscd in the tradc, to know how to make a canopy with ks solance, and likcwisc how to make a cushion of whatenr size and style be may be asked for; chat the work be is asked 10 do bc must do himsdf, with his own hands, that is the cxaminer shall not be sarisfied wkh an orał eaplanatśon, but must watch him work and make the objeas in the house or place or worksbop appointed by the Master and his Assistants who may charge a sum of six mlaf as examination fre for cach candidate, this sum to be dividcd equally amoog the three of them. Thcre can be no cacmpóoos bom thk ocamination and even those established for a long (ime must take it. Furthennore, those who han opened a shop aficr the aOth day of August 1529. the ycar in which the Rcgulations wcrc prodaimed, and wish to conunue wkh it, must uke and pass the examinanon under the penalty spccificd in the Rcgulations.
* Sce notę •, page 92. t See noce *, page 91.