7.2 Birthday puzzle
; Gan do
possessive pronouns say who objects belong to
2 a Jane has got some presents for her friends. Match the words to the things in the picture.
1 a. Jane Birch has a lot of friends. Match their
names to the photos. | |
Mrs Clark wears glasses. |
□ |
Davy has got brown hair. |
□ |
Tara is quite tali. |
□ |
Mr Clark’s got a grey beard. |
□ |
Gordon is bald. |
□ |
electric drill □ wrapping paper O trainersĘ] handbag O umbrella C
b Who are the presents for? Discuss. Give reasons for your answers.
I think the handbag is for Tara because...
b Add information to the descriptions in Ex. la. Then make guesses about each person’s job.
Mrs Clark’s got grey hair. I think she’s retired.
e CSS Jane went to work this morning. Her husband, Mikę, phoned and asked her about the presents. Listen and check your answers to Ex. 2b.