Udźwig: 1700 kg Prędkość jazdy: 6-85 m/min
Masa własn a: 3958 kg (z aku mu latorami) Powtarzałri ość pozycjom owania: +/- 0,1 mm
Akumulatory: 375 AH / 8 godzin pracy
Prześwit: 13 cm Wysokość podnoszenia: max. 8 m
Navigational Laser Updatcs Vehicle POsition 40 Times/Second
Recessed E-Stop & Start/Stop Pushbuttons
User Friendly Color
Operator Pendant for Manuał Control
Removab!e Covers for Lasy Access to Com|x>nents
Hydraulic Lift Control for Maximum Spccd
Load Detection Sensors Ensurc Safe Load Pick-Up and Delivery
Single or Double Load Handling Capability
Front Safety Bumper w/ Programmabie Fields to Manmize Safety
Side Safety Bumper for Protection During Turns
Safety Wing Provides Protection for Hntire load Width
Large Rear Wheels to Travel basily Over l.evelers & Expansion Joints
Rear Safety Bumper with Programmabie Field to Maximize Safety
Fork Side Shift for Accurate Load Posil ton i ng
SGV DockPro
Automuted Trailer Loadina System