to the following consonant its ability of being the nucleus of a syllable.
That is why we have a fusion rather than elision. Schwa can be elided in history or Trave!ling simply dropped. For this to happen, schwa must be followed by /n/
Or by a liquid /r or 1/ after which there must be an unstressed syllable in the same Word. Schwa must be preceded by a consonant which should not be an approximant. histeri -> histri, fedar9l->fedr0l
In some cases elison may happen when schwa precedes the stressed Syll^kłe as in: p9'lis -> plis
It is a process in which two or morę sounds become morę similar To each other by taking characterstics from other one.
Classified according to
The direction in which the borrowing is effected.
When sound is taking features from The following one, we have regressive/anticipatory assimilation.
When a sound Takes features from the preceding sound, progressive/perseverative assmiliation occurs.
Assimilation may also be classified
according to the type of features which is borrowed.
Place assimilation involves ałveoral stops which change their place of articulation To bilabial or velar depending on the surrounding sounds, or alveoral fricatives which may change to post alveoral or palatal consonant.
Alveoral stop regressive place assimilation Stop /t d n/ may become bilabial when followed by bilabial Consonants /p b m/ or become velar stops when followed by Velars /k g/ without altering their voicing. /t/ may become /p k/
/d/ - /b g/, /n/ - /m o/- daet maen - daep maen, dast ka: - <5aek ka:
This process can also affect an entire sequences of two of 3 alveoral stops,
So that /nt/ becomes /mp/ or /rjk/: kudnt bi - kudm bi
Alveoral fricative regressive place assimilation
Alveoral fricatives /s z/ may become post-alveoral fricatives without
Altering their voicing when followed by a palatal approximant /]/
Or a post-alveoral fricative // 3/. So /s/ becomes /// and /z/ I^J izji-i3ji
Alveoral syllabic nasal progressive place assimilation Alveoral syllabic nasal /n/ becomes bilabial /m/ or velar /r]/
When preceded by a bilabial or velar plosive in the same word
And followed by a consonant in the same or the next word or by a pause.
9Up0n - aupn - eupm
Alveoral plosives /t d/ merge with a following palatal approximant /j/
To become post-alveoral affrićates /t// and /d3/. Common when The plosive and approximant are in different words and approximant Is in a grammatical word. dsunt ju - d0Unt/u
Voice assimilation
/v/ becomes /f/ because the following sound /t k/ is voicless. This sort Ofvoicing affects /v z/. Assimilation of voicless to voiced sounds does not Occur in present RP. haav tu - haef tu