Window cul in longiludinal muscle Orcular muscular layer
Main longitudinal muscle bundle passing upward and ventrally to altach to middle of posterior surface of aicoid cartilage
Lateral mass of longitudinal musde
Main body of inferior constrictor musde of pharyn*
Ciicopharyngeus musde (part of inferior constrictor)
fibroelastic membran es with sparse musde fibers
The esophagus lies posterior to the traehea and extends from the oropharynx to the stornach. It propels food and fluid to the stornach by perislalsis. The muscle of the upper third of the esophagus is skeletal, the lower third is smooth muscle, and the middle third is mbced skeletal and smooth muscle. The muscular walls of the esophagus form an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer.