67876 netter171

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Adrenal Gland: Structure

Inferior phrenic arteries Esophagus

Left inferior phrenic vein

Right interior suprarenal artery

Right superior suprarenal arteries

Right suprarenal vein

Right suprarenal gland

Right middle suprarenal artery

Left inferior suprarenal artery

renal artery and vein mesenteric artery

suprarenal arteries




Figurę 8.11 Adrenal Gland Structure

The paired adrenal (suprarenal) glands are retroperitoneal ductless    about 7 to 8 grams, Is highly vascularized. and consists of an outer

endocrine glands that are nestled above the superior pole of each    cortex and an inncr medulla (sec Figurę 8.12).

kidney and the overiying diaphragm. Each gland normally weighs



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