Bonę matrix deposition
Sebaceous hypertropby <acne)
| Smali
I contribution I to gonadal \ cffect on I development I ot phallus l al puberty
l.aryngeal * enlargement
Ficure 8.15 Actions of Adrenai Androgens_
The adrenal androgens, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione, do not have major elfects in males, where ihe actions of testosterone predominate. In lemalcs. the adrenal glands are the primary sourcc ol circulaling androgens. These adrenal androgens are responsible for the growth of both pubie and axillarv haii. In both sexes, adrenai androgens play an important role in
puberty. In early puberty, the adrenal androgens contribute to dcvcl-opment of the external genitalia and other secondary sexual charae-teristics—a process termed adrenarche (see Figurc 8.25). The generał ettects of androgens arę anabolic, leadmg to increased muscle mass and bonę formalion. They also cause sebaceous gland hypertrophy, hairline recession. and growth of facial hair.