Adrenal Cortical Hormones
fe t-K Gonads i-»
Figurę 8.13 Adrenal Cortical Hormones.
The adrenal cortex synthesizes and secretes glucocorticoid hormones (c.g., cortisol), mineralocorticoid hormones (e.g., aklosternne), and androgens (e.g.. DHEA, androstenedione). Smali amounts ot circulaling (estosterone and estradiol are derived (roni ihe adrenal cortex. but the gonads are their primary source. Ali of the adrenal steroid hormones are deńved from cholesterol. Cortisnl secretion is under the control of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). which is secreted from tlić ante-tior pituilary in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone. ACTH also stimulates the production of adrenal androgens. ACTH is not the primary regulator of aldosterone secretion (see figurę Lł.10). Abbrevh lions: CYPI1AI, Side-chain cleavage; 3fi-HSD 2, 3/3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; CYP21A2, 21-hydro>cylase; CYP? JiH I l/?-hydmxylriM-CYP11B2, aldosterone synthotase; CYP17, 17«4iydroxylase; CTP17*.