Major Cl Hormones
Thick linę indicatcs prinwry action
Thin linę indicates secondary anion
Hormon. |
Neuroendoc rim* Celi Typc and Location |
Stimulus for Secretion |
Primary Action |
Other Actions |
Gosom |
Gcell Stornach, duodenum |
Vaj$us, distention. |
Stimulate HCI secretion |
Inhibit gastric emptying |
Sca«nr |
Duódcnom |
Acid |
Inhibit gastric secretion, inhibit gasfrit ofoiiiily, and stimulate bile duet seuclion 0l>f»O and MCO | |
Cholecystokinin |
1 ccii Duodenum, lejunum |
Fal vagus |
acirwr ęells and contract the gallbladder |
Inhibit gastric motility |
GlP* |
K celi Duodenum, |ejunum |
Fat |
Inhibit gastric secretion and motjlity |
Stimulate insulin secretion |
Modlin |
M celi Duodenum, jejunum |
Incrcased motifity and initiates the MMC |
Figurę 7.8 Major Gl Hormones
The funcłion of Ihe Gl tract i$ controlled by both neural (primarily parasympathetic fibers of Ihe vagus nerve) and hormonal mecha-nisms. Fiv<? major Gl hormones have boen identificd. In addition, a large number of other “candidatc hormones/' produced by neu-roendocrine cdls scattered Ihrough the mucosa ot the stornach and inleslines, also play a role in regulating and coordinating Gl lra< l
funcłion (not listed). The primary, and some ot the other secondary, actions of Ihe five Gl hormones are summarized. The "migrating motor (or myoelectricł complcx" (MMC) occurs between meals wrth a period of 1 to 2 hours. It consists of a wave of peristalsis that serye1-to dean Ihe Gl Iract by moving residua! food particles drstally.