


Growth Hormone

Increased linear growth


Decreased adiposity

Increased organ size

Increased lean body mass

J. Perkins


Figurę 8.7 Growih Hormone

Growth hormone's major physiological effect is to stimulate growth and devek>pment in children and adolescenls. It ałso plays an impor-tant role łn regulating overall body metabolism. Growth hormone produces many of effects through the generation, and then subse-quent action of somatomedins such as insulin-likc growih factor (IGF). Amino acids, glucose and FFA exert their effect on GM secre-tion via somatostatin. Amino adds inhibit somatostalin release linerease GH secretionl whereas glucose and FFA stimulate somatostatin release (inhibit GH secrelion). Abbrevtations: HA. Free farty acids; GH, growth hormone; CHRH, growth hormone-releasing hor monę.



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