30889 ss 024

30889 ss 024

Postał Pupil A. Parkinson, Apollon Gołd Medallist,

writes: —

How can I thank you for the wonderful strengtli yóur system Has given me? 1 can bend 6-in. nails willi the bare hanrłs like bending wire, also I feel so strong I am going to try and break sonie lifting records. What bas aniazed me is the way my muscles are developing. Soon I hope to rank amongst the world’s best developcd and strongest men. Please find P.O. for another box of Enibrocation; it is wonderful stufF. T a iii always recom-mending your course to my fricnds.

Your faithfuł Pupil,

A. Parkinson, Mirfteld, nr. Huddersfield.

Reprinted from Health and S*renqth

One ot' my pupils of whom I nm very proud i'. Kroił Broailley. of Cleethnrpes. Liuoolnshire, ngod 13, not licea use of gaili* iii incasiirements but for this leason. Kor fifteen years Uroadloy luul lmd liis rigbt leg in iron suppnrts, for hc muld not walk nn imh witbout the supports. Ilis father lmd spent Ł4-1 in trying to nutkę liis sou walk. Ile lian been uuder sonie of tlie finesi duetu rs in the country but they failed to make bis leg strongor. After training on my course tlircc niontlis his father. the doctors and Brondloy are mnafced, bis leg beenine so strong thut at Inst be walkcd 160 yards witbout the siipport, and be begnii to hnvc bopcs of discarding the supports ahogether. To-day. after six moiiths’ training. hc can walk 400 yards. He has bogini to pile on inebes of imisele on liis prerimis puny frame, adding 2-Jin. on bis ebest. 2in. on biceps. 2in. on forcarms, 23in. on thighs. 15in. on eakes and gaining KUb. in weiglit. He wrote to nie the otlier day: “ Iłów over can \ thank you for what your fumuus system has tlone for me. you will always be my best friend. in uli my lite 1 shall never forget you. your gratefal pupil.” Kor his wtmderful succes* I harc awardcd pupil Uroadloy witli the Apollon sikor cup and medal.


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