Pantheon, The
Tbe Mount. Araona
#ncrod<bte Hulk vol 2 •377 (January 19911
• Hulk $422-425
Durtftg ti*s trtaL Agamemnon summ The EncSms Knights to Uestroy tbo
Tbo Pantheon operated os a cosrart strike team. ptedged lo mantainog tbe stability of tlw wortd.
The PdMtheon had aeeets to high-tech weaponry
1 Pars 2 Ajax 3 Hector 4 Ulysses 5 Atalanta
The Pantheon is a farnily of long-lived superhiunans who style thcmsclves after the Greek gods of old. Centuries ago,Vali. tlieir patriarch, bartered with the alien race known as the Troyjans for the seeret ofeternal youth. Afterwards, now known as Agamemnon, he fathered several children and adopted others, creating an organization of superhuman opcratives bolstered by non-enlianced doctors, seientists and technicians.
Agamemnon feared chat niankuul \vould destroy or despoil the Earth. so he and his elan moved in seeret to preecnt potcnrial disasters before they could reach fruition.The Pantheons existencc fint became known to the world at largo when it movcd to reeruit Bruce Banncr, the incredible Hut K. to its ranks. At that time. the I lulks fragmented psyche had becn soinewhat restored. giving hiin the intellect of Banncr with the massive strength and power of the I iulk.Wanting to make amends for the destruction hc*d caused to the world while he was no morę than a rampaging brute. the I Iulk agreed to joining Agamemnon s cause, and eventually canic to function as the Pantheon s field leader.
The Pantheon at War
But things went wrong when the Troyjans returned to Earth, and the trutlt about Vali s deal with them camc out: in exchange for the seeret of bestowing his godly attributes and extcndcd litespan on his oflspring,Vali had promised to give the best of them up to the Troyjans to use as they saw fit. A vast battle ensued. in which the Troyjans were repelled and Agamemnon was taken into custody by the Pantheon. I le
tesponded by summoning the Endless Knights. massive zombie warrit whosc ranks induded undead former members of the Pantheon itself lommanding them to destroy the Pantheons base.the Mount.Thoug! Pantheon survived this attack, ils ranks were decimared, and the I lulk left, having gone through another psychological shift that changed the naturę of his transformations. Since then, the Pantheon has gone back underground. It is presumed to have returned to covertly mterfering in the aftairs of mail whcnever the futurę of niankind is imperiled. TB
NOTABLE MEMBERS ACHILLES Virtually mvuin«rable; his irwuinerabiiity is weakeoed by tbe preseoce ol gamma rad^aton AGAM EM NON Immortalrty: abiiity to project a bołographic reprosentatkjn of Nmself.
AJAX Mass»ve superhuman "H
strength and a childlike mtełiect. ATALANTA Fires energy arrows CASSIOPEIA Fires energy blasts fuełed by stariighi.
DELPHI Abte to soo glimpses of the futuro.
HECTOR Trarned fighter; can walk on air. cames a ptasma mace.
PARIS Possesses an empatbettc sense of those around fum. PROMETHEUS Dnves a armored vehicte.
ULYSSES Expert fighter. cames an enefgy sword and sbie4d
• Hulk *372-379
Tt»e Pantheon tHcrurtS tbo newty mldligonl Hulk Mo iliMf organizolKKi