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bad circulation and faulty metabolism—3uch as anemia, chilblains, diabetes, biliousness and most liver complaints. Furthermore, for the most common forms of indigestion (acidity, flatulence, heartbum, dyspepsia, nausea), gastritis, colitis, constipation, and dropped and dilated stornach, these trunk-bendings and twistings. combined with abdominal self-raassage and deep-breathing, are the only " special ’’ exercises.

The reason why the correct way of breathing during exercise is so important for the functions of the stornach, liver, intestines and bowels. is, that all these organs are moved and massaged inside, and thus toned up if the lower ribs are completely contracted and in tum fully expanded, and the diaphragm thus forced up and downwards to the utmost limits.

Sometimes the above-mentioned ailments develop if a nerve is mechanically atfected by same fault in the framework of the body— whether from birth or caused by an accident. In such cases an osteo-path should readjust the structure of the bones, as otherwise the fuli benefit will not be derived from the exercises.

Again, deep breathings combined with skin-rubbing exercises are the best “ special ” exercises to harden oneself agamst catarrh and prevent all diseases which may follow a cold, in that the power of resis tance against change of temperaturę, and the germ-killing ability of the blood, is highly increased.

If the bacilli get the upper hand because the person is weak or has for the moment weakened himself by overwork, too little sleep, too much alcohol, or other sins agamst Hygiene, and an acute illness follows, perhaps with fever, then the best thing is to go to bed immediately and send for the doctor. Under these circumstances, even if the patient is in the habit of doing my exercises daily. he must drop them for a little while. The advantage of having done them regularly lies then in the fact that all the body processes are so lively and the vital organs so active that the patient will recover in a few days' time, whereas it would take other people weeks or months.

Finally, let me once morę emphasize that there are no single special exercises for single special ailments. Only in a very few cases are some exercises morę effectual than others.

My exercises are so selected that the whole series is really “ special exercises ” for everv common chronic ailment or disability, because they make the whole body healthy, strong and perfect by improving all the vital processes, by strengthening every muscle and bonę, and by toning up every organ. Then any ailment, weakness or deformity will gra-dually disappear of itself. To make an individual healthy is to cure his ill, and in making the body perfect, fat people will become slender, thin people will become muscular and plump, those who stoop will become erect, and so on.


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