34396 snowflakes

34396 snowflakes

lacy snow-PImkes

Trim your tree with these classic crochet snowflakes. They look intricate, but Lhey?re surprisingly ąuick and easy. Bet you can’t make just one!

wnat ycu'!t nneJ


AUNT LYDIA'S fss/w C:or.hrf Thrtad} Sue 5, isirh boli approx 3-Cvcs,'2?3i[ hm.•t<-irv'rr gtailicl 1 oal #410SSik'K-;Sil«vi l toli#lCSWu:e.,Siiw:* AUNT LYDIA'S Chssts Crochet Tbwjf aiia 10, Bach hall 6:j(ax iOtydsftćn-n (cotton!-' aall -fi Whhe

CPOCHET KOCK Sue 4 i'2.cn irn| steal crc:het fcaek

5izn 3 |:.fcl)mn:i Knel cracnot hcok cc a<iv siet: otitsta


.MOTIOMS Fabrię srifferit;.-Cardbcsrd ?l85tic kvr.jp

Rustproc: pins Piast c iJCAl Mcnofila riem

the yarn

CVakv Occtwt ^CbjCin Whlle

finished size

Large snowflake - 5X‘/13.5;’in ćiamcto: Smali snowflake = '"/Hrm riianrclor

3v Joycs Hcrrlstreot

SKUL LEVEL: easy gajge

Rounds 1-2 m lii.-jje sncwfaks lA‘32cm diarcc-r

Rounds 1-2 or smali stKiwflńke - V/2.6cm dian?ter. tfamemiw l'j disrk Q$vgo fos bast .'ssufts! A jjust llOOk siit if -iKcessaPi' to obtain corre:: Q3uge.


L'yj oue '1 toni: wfflisitu t thread rcr -5'92 S’iW/1 aks and ?.'» 8 hcok witli sira 10 threac for snęli siicwffafc3.


(make S from each thraad)

Ot 5; sl st in -irst cl pj Icrir a rirę Round 1 Ch 1, '3 ic in ring. nh 5; icptiat from * 7 t.hlfó mtre - 24 sc and 8 cl 3'as ,:oir wiń sl i'. fi rsi sl

Round 2 ‘S’ st in roxt sc Icerlec ss r 3 scjgrcupl, oh ?. wok-Isc. >.l 12. sc! ir noxt eh b Ip. ch 2. skip opj1 sc; fCpCOt fruir * arcund • 15 sc. B sl s:s and ?4 ca-2 sps. Jo n with sl si 1 bagiming si st.

Round 3 $ $: '1 ro.l ck-2 sp. rh 1.3 sc ii sahju 2*-2 sp. *|sl s: ir rcxt cl 2 sp [hetwesr 2 sc!; ch M.s st in Uiłi cfi from -ODk ipbot -hsjcIkJ; chi 8. si st h 6h oh frern I oa<-pcc: mecel; cli /. s: st in 7th nh frotr hoofcIpcot nadal. 11 E. s st h Gt" m fronr. noce. Ipicot niRds); cl i 'J. sl st ir Rtti ch *ibin hcok [pico: mF.dE) : st 1 su ij ch as sl sr st bose Ol I st nicot

stitch diaaram

l3ti ch of Ch 14), ch C,3 st in same Ctl-2 sc' spocę msr.fi**; i|3 sc in :iex: ch-? sp) W cc; 1 3pnat Irar * arcoud. arcing f rai itpoj. u; ’ *; 3 sn ir ne:»t on-? s d • 3 sprkes and ij sc. Juin with sl st 1 first SC Fasfen off. Weawe ir cnCs


Ccvf cć.-d.Tosrd with j astic v>rap. rr> ir sme I uricL-t nf ;ahric st f iru- ir plssric fccwl. nlec2 sncwflate 1:0 stitforer. csvering Hrtire srowflakc. and SCiuoJrb ou: escEss Lay sncrwllakE on crwEred crdboarc. stopa, sto p> i póints. A law to idry. Insert nemf. on.- il ihroupn nh-lp at top uf cnt poin: ani tie s knot lor unginc loop ■


R* C'eaive your «vDy •    ircco cn poq; far łwfp-ul ir^c anc irstructo


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