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(i) hem, chac thould any tradesman trem clsewherc arrive in chis City to opeti a shop, nn if bc aa poduce a ccmficace taritying ihat he hu passed an ocaminauon in anodier place, be ■ afl nader an obligidon co uke che examination as spedfied above, in chis Cicy and (hc tupe pcnalty if he laik co do so; but should he be (bund able and skilful, che bcewr ouy bc pven co him wilhout che obligadon co pay che cxamination fee of iix mltj. preridtd be nn ihirnr authenuc ccsumony of exatninadon in some ochcr city,

(4) In, duć no nadesman, even alchough hc has passed the ejcamination, may work together wkh anocher min who hat noc been cjcamined, under a pcnalty of 1,000 mtwtJiirs for che fint orne, and 2,000 manefJiia for che sccond, and chat these penaltics shall apply co boch of chan j alio che man intending co open a workłhop, becausc he enters juto a partnenhip buc mil bas noc taken che examination, shall, following chis warning, be disqualilicd from working in che trade for a period of chree years, incutring chis pcnalty on che sccond eoiwicrion.

(5) Iccm, chat cboae who stan an appeentkesłup in (hc (rade musc compleK (he rimc char may be agRod and norii dm rime Iw passed they cannoc lcavc (he workshop or cease working fbr chor matm trnkss (bot a just atut, or by 2greement; and if a gńrcn appitnticc lcaves without having fulfilled bis rime and wńhouc the conscnt of (he master for whom he works, no other skmed man of (he (rade may engage him bccause ochcrwise it eould rcsult inthcladnoc laroing hismde pctfcctly. A pcnalty of 1,000 mśmtłba for the fint tnnev a,000 fbr the second rime and 3>ooo lor the tliird will be imposcd on anyonc breaking cha ordinance.

(6)    Itcm, inasmuch as clauK four of (he Regulations confums thii only the skin of ram, and nor efcwc, n ao be nsed in all wosk, we order (his co be obaerved and obeyed by all: owy dfon «s to bc madę co tnercast che number of skini awulable so chat no other skini such as lamb may have to be employed for fiułamttits or other work, under a pcnalty of 100 mttmUsu.

(7)    And inasmuch as the tifth elause of the Regulations contains a declaration chac che chinner skini nuy noc be cowicd wich s3ver (leaf) becausc ibcy may bc perfbraced when bur-nkbed chis 0 modifkd chos: chat to avoid defects chore noc good enough for silvering are noc co be thrown away, nor covered with tilvcr, in case the Icashcr is good enough 10 akr a colotu (paint) which n thidccr chan che $3vcr; no pcnalty is incuncd if they aw con-sidord suitabk (bc th» by the Master and his Assistants. In likc manner with whac is said abouc limę, if it is pcoven tbai due to k che piece is too ught. (hen and only (hm will the penaky beńnposcd and noc ochcrwise. In all odier respects chis elause rcmains unahered.

(l) krat, lapecring che sćufa cUutc, thii ii confirmed as ic stands bul in order chat ii nuy be bcoer obseryed. we order thai fiom now on no pacce chac has bem cut sideways, agaimc the prońsiuos of che law, shall be cither gildcd or silvered, in public or in sccrct: chis ptołnbiuon also applks co sluns of ewe or lamb, under a penaky of 2,000 t—wredw fot ebe fim oftncc, aad for a sccond offence (the culpric) 10 be depcńed of his liglu locMrciK the nade, and if bc has no snoney, to pay (he file, co be gwen thnty lashcs.



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