76281 IMGR60

76281 IMGR60


And any athf EflfUah >ub>cn. b«Wag •kall ihrrcin. to ptacdcc ehe **c nora wIimu I rfer Paanac*. NcMmt Dklunaon nor Bocfccn Latd claiw «o    y and aMnagh no oacfbu

morda df batfaar fildara Zanuć yrr cowr to ligłir, ic aa hardly cradablr dw gdi landwr. do* h%hłf kahionablt nutcnal włiich waa ao widrly ad ma red. waa noc produecd ■« bgland wdi brferc itfoo.

In z700 a patent (No. zzti) waa pamcd co ^ft'«lltam Akiaoa lor *Maka« Spa—* ov Morocco Leachcr from horac bido*. In an advcrtucmrni of 1709 lor The Biur Paper Warchouic. Aldcrmtnbiary, London, tlwit appeared an ehe lite ofwara. 'Embrnird rąk in incitaeson od*Gildrd Leaihcr*.• fn fart. atrapa of rtnhnaard and jJrlrrt papa —erę uood a omaaiencal bor dera anaade ebe raara of Flrmnh harpaii hordt and mm bon cbr Ute

ainarench cenzury and ta Engltah wirgtnals by ebe id^ot. The brr tbat a papa iwżamn of rmboued gile Icacber waa bcing madę as ao carly a dace tndacaaca tbac wftaat waa urutated waa alrcady wcO e tra bliahod and aa an cara rai ple of ebe iaucacor. oidi an infćrior produci co oEer, anempnng to talie advancage of ebe tuccnr ofanoeber. highn padc product

Many yeara ago ebere waa diicovcrcd. in a ifaenb century hnntr an Friar Street. WorctMcr, a porcaon of naural Icacber3 of parucular interes* boeaoae tbe daugo. loaar ■ ii of being painsed. ta Jłockrd, an green and red, 00 ebe punchcd. gdi ground. Tbe dcaagn per ba pa indicam an carly sevcnteemh ceneury datę. In ebe S tlftuti Waldcn Murrum as a oomempocaay model cbair of ebe lace itvcnttenrh ceneury : cbis aa itpbolncrrrl wab htnd-acampcd gili Icacber on which. in procecccd placem, arc renumi of che pern flocked ground from which ehe gile rfcttgn ihonc out (Place 47). Tbe dratgn aa of a nrlicharactcr to chat of ebe Worccater cxampk mrndoncd above, buc ebe email womw of leaebcr rcqulred for ebe linie eh air could well bave bera cuc bom a dąsu sed panel of an earlicr period. From Ivy Home, tn Worccttrr. bas come a fragment of anoeber ununul and incercating wali hanging which cooaittrd of altem a te, tutical atript of gik leatber wah a wbite ground. and crimson Hocked wali pa per a bo htving a wbite gpound. rarb anp about 17 inches wadę (Place 41). X be Hocked paper calls 10 aund an utaipk dhattraard by Sugden and Edmondson and actribuced ao Net en in Schśnkcf. a prinacr of Oclfe who waa eacceutcd in z 5 Od.* The acrip of gile leaebcr bcara a design of a Drach typ* cwreuc ao ebe lace zycb ceneury (e£ Pflaaes si-19) but rendered an a limplified    urbacb tuy

mdtratc an Englńh penem moc for chaa paceacular batigtng In ebe resers-c oaSocnoo «f

ebe Rijkrnimum. Antan■ dam, aa ebe bałf of a leaebcr chasuble, tbe o which aa in red flocie on a acamped gale ground : cbaa aa pcobabły Dach. oud-araciMccncfi ceneury (Place a#}.

A V.

L_ d far| 4f


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