
The series of syntheses and monographs, including the synthesis of the paleogeogra-phy of the Holocene of Poland, the map of the present-day relief-forming processes with the commentary, the monograph of the hydrological conditions and others, are expected to be prepared by the end of 1990.


In the above described MR 1-25 Programme coordinated by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences attended about 200 research and technical workers (including 50 professors and associate professors) who published over 150 dissertations and papers, and submitted for publication ca 70 papers. The six research group leaders coordinated the work of the groups and organized the annual report-meetings as well as the scientific conferences: professor Karol Rotnicki, associate professor Teresa Kozłowska — Szczęsna, professor Adam Kotarba, professor Jan Szupryczyńsk* professor Edmund Falkowski (working until the end of 1983) and professor Andrzej S. Kostrowicki.

The central office was located in the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Mountains and Uplands in Cracow. The main organizational work was done by the late associate professor January Slupik (until the end of 1982) and his successor dr Roman Soja with technical assistants: Mrs Teresa Mrozek and Miss Joanna Jankosz.


Alexandrowicz S. W., 1983, Malacofauna of Holocene calcarcous scdimcnts of the Cracow Upland, Acta Geologica Polonica 33, 1—4, 117 — 158.

Antczak B., 1985, Rhythmites on lower terraces of the Warta river, Poland, and their paleohydrologic implications, Quaestiones Geographicae, Special Issue 1, 31—43.

Banach M., 1986, Przekształcania brzegów zbiornika włocławskiego (Transformation of the banks of the Włocławek reservoir). Dokumentacja Geograficzna 5.

Baumgart — Kotarba M., 1983, Kształtowanie koryt i teras rzecznych w warunkach zróżnicowanych ruchów tektonicznych (na przykładzie Podhala). (Channel and terrace formation due to differential tectonic movements with the Eastem Podhale basin as example), Prace Geograficzne IGiPZ PAN 145.

Baumgart —Kotarba M., 1985, Different timescales of examining the river bed and valley lloor evolution (braided river Białka Tatrzańska as example). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho--Balcanica 19, 61—76.

Biernat T., 1985, Areas supplying weathered materiał and the mechanism of transportation of the suspended materiał in the Łososina catchment area (Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland), Quaestiones Geographicae, Special Issue 1, 61—73.

Błażejczyk K., 1983, Bioklimatyczna ocena i typologia uzdrowisk Polski (Bioclimatic evaluation and typology of Polish health resorts), Dokumentacja Geograficzna 3.

Bogacki M., Zgorzelski M., 1985, Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie natężenia współczesnej denudacji fizycznej w Polsce południowo-wschodniej (Spatial differcntiation of the intensity of the present-day physical denudation in the SE Poland), Manuscript in IGiPZ PAN, Cracow.

Borówka R. K., 1985, Późnoglacjalne i holoceńskie rozmiary denudacji młodoglacjalnych obszarów wysoczyznowych w strefie maksymalnego zasięgu ostatniego zlodowacenia. Studium metodologiczne (Magnitude of the Late Glacial and Holocene denudation of the young glacial upland areas in the zonę of maximum extent of the Last Glaciation. Methodological Study), Quaestiones Geographicae.

Breymeyer A„ 1984, Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation Geographia Polonica 50, 371-384.



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