Piotr Włodarczak
the loess areas in western Małopolska. A series of radiocarbon measurements from central Germany points to the years 3800/3700-3350 BC as the most probable (Muller 2001, 84). These dates coincide precisely with the period of the “classical” FBC in Małopolska (Bronicki et al. 2003; Włodarczak 200ób). Burial rites characteristic of the south-eastern group of that culture may, therefore, be expected to encompass numerous trends, corre-sponding to the well-known FBC polygenetism on the lowlands.
The presence of a FBC barrow in Kolosy may be regarded as probable. Nevertheless, another possibility should be taken into account: radiocarbon dated Graves 2 and 3 could have been a part (or perhaps the “whole”) of a fiat FBC cemetery that was accidentally covered later with a CWC embankment. Grave 1, completely destroyed by the 20th-century features, may have belonged to such a complex. The central barrow grave would then have been entirely destroyed by the modern digs. Such a development, though less convincing, is possible. It seems doubtful whether additional excavations of the area adjacent to the central part of the mound could resolve the uncertainty. Valuable insights, however, may be gained from new research on other burial mounds in western Małopolska, explaining e.g. the “round barrow” trend within the FBC and its relation to CWC cemeteries.
Translated by Anna Skucińska
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