This outstanding 160 station, OK1 ATP/Jardey, is in th« fore-front of dx working from Europę. The 1*8-21 MHs, 10-BO W home-bullt rig fncludes a 1S-valv« rec«iver and a three-valvo
convortor. Photo via W1BB
local radio socicty should bc sent. QSOs during the 1ARC CPR contest will not require QSLcards.
Stickcrs will bc issucd for working 60, 70, 75, 80 and 85 zoncs. Applications should be sent to: Harry Whiting, W2JXH, 20 Pocono Place, Holiday City, Tom*s Rivcr, NJ 08753, USA, togcther with 10 ircs. Thcre is no fee for blind applicants. For WCPR-50 stickers and for thc WACPR Award (sec bclow) QSLs for /MM contacts must be sub-mitted with thc application, and thcy must show the position of the ship. The award is to the operator and he may have madę them from any numbcr of stations or locations.
The WACPR Award
This award has the same rules as for the WCPR-50 Award and is for working all 901TU zoncs. The fee is 10 ircs.
The P-75-P Award
This is a simiiar award to the WCPR-50 but is issucd by the Central Radio Club, PO Box 69, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia. Thcre arc three classcs—1 for working 70, 2 for working 60, and 3 for working 50 zoncs (all sińce 1/1/1960). The fee is 10 ircs and a national society ccrtificd list (showing QTHs of stations worked) should bc submitted. The award is not availablc to listeners.
The WA Prorinccs Award
VRZA, PO Box 190 Groningen, Holland.
For two-way communication (any mode/s) with PA stations in each provincc. Thcse arc: Drente(DR), Friesland (FR), Geldcrland (GD), Groningen (GR), Limburg (LB), Noord Brabant (NB), Noord Holland (NH), Ovcrijsel (OV), Utrecht (UD, Zecland (ZL), and Zuid Holland (ZH). An amateur in Noord Oost Polder (NOP), may be countcd in place of any missing provincc. A certified list of QSLs and 10 ircs should bc sent to the address above. The award is free to blind and paralysed amateurs, and is also issucd to listeners.
The Munich Olymplc Diploma
For contacts with stations in Munich and DOKs C09, Cli, 02, 03, 08 or C30 betwccn 1/1/1970 and the day of the official cłosing of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.
Huropean stations (other than DL) cam four points per fonc QSO, and cight for cw/rtty contacts. Class I rcquircs 250 points, Class II 200 points, and Class III 100 points. Stations may bc worked once per band and per ycar. A list of QSOs ccrtificd by two licensed amateurs should bc sent (with 10 ircs) to: DJ8ZU, 8 Munich 13, Kcuslinstrasse,6 Germany.
The Fairytale Award
EDR Odense Divi$ion, OZ7XG, E. Hansen, 14 Sophus Hauditz Vcj, DK-5.000, Odense, Dcnmark.
. Rcquires ninc confirmcd QSOs (two way cw) with nine difTcrent OZ stations representing each OZ prefix OZI-OZ9, with at least thrcc of thc stations worked having been located in Odense. QSOs must have taken place sińce 6 Deccmbcr 1967 (the datę of Hans Anderson*s clevation to honorary citizenship of Odense). Contacts with /P or /M stations do not count and minimum report must be RST338. Send list of contacts, QSLs and six ircs to the address above.
The Hcltas Diploma
Radio Amateur Association of Greece, PO Box 564, Athcns, Greece.
This award is bcing issued to celebrate the 150th Anni-versary of Greek independence and will be sent to those who submit proof of contact with 10 SZO stations (on any or all bands/modes) during 1971. The QSL cards and three ircs should be sent to the address above.
The official report of last ycar*s cvcnt has just arrivcd and indicates that thc affair was most succcssful. In thc UK, 231 stations took part and beiween ihcm ihey contacted 254 Scout stations in 51 different countries overseas. Conditions were poor and as thesc figures are higher than last ycar’s this indicates a satisfactory incrcase in participation. The or-ganizers wish to point out that this is not a contcst and is primarily an intematiomi cvent and that far too many stations comc on in an unofficial capacity. The ideał station seems to be thc one which invitcs a few Scouts to visit an amatcur*s homc during thc weekend when dx conditions arc good. The UK organizer is L. R. Mitchell, G3BHK, 28 Darwcll Drivc, Ascot, Bcrks.
The aim of this club is to further thc wcll-bcing of amateur radio, and membership is open to anyonc who has proof of contact with not less than 250 countries as per thc ARRL DXCC list. Mectings are hcld four times a year (in Birmingham) and anyonc wbo is interested in becoming a member is invitcd to contact thc secretary, G3HCT, “Brooklands”, Ullcnhall, Solihull, Warwicks. Present membership includes G2BOZ (Presidcnt), GC2LU, G2LB, G3DO. G3s AAM, HCT, LNS, G4s CP, MJ, Ol, VK6HD, and your scribc.
Following their ZA5Z operation, Martin, OH2BH, and OH5SE will bc flying to Fernando Poo for two weeks of operation as 3C0EG. During this time an effort will also be madę to put Annobon Is on the air as 3C0AN, and if transport can bc obtaincd to make this 500-milc trip they will be