37080 jow02 05

37080 jow02 05

Ho neoded it. łfature ćonandod it* Tlioro waa a lot to repalr and a -Toat doal to o boro up bo Toro ho ewoko*

Conaoąuontly you oan soo the rai u* of haring aound hoalthy suacular lunga*

Lungł that oan do thelr atuff nigbt or day.


La tor on In your courae you will tato anothor oourao en oho ot bul ld Ing bu eh noro Tigoroua and progroisiwo*

That will be the tino whon I will toach you tlie true conatruotion of ycur choat. 7hia ia the firat eta go.

Sloep vlth your windowa oper. top and bottoen.

If tha nlght be oool, nako the adjuetneat with an cjctra ooworSr.g*

\7hen aw* koninę ln tho norning, lio a few ainutoa bo for« arielng.

If you como homo tirod out, do not noęloct your exereiaoa* That la tho tiao when you ahould exerolse*

Kot ao ooaplotoly aa on ordinary oocaeiont, but auffloiant to ati&ilato your blood atrear. and ęet rld of tho fntigue poison*

dow»t mon nas.

Alwmya romcmber that ałeep la tho great roanperator* J\uit boeauao you feol fuli of pop la no roaaon why you ahould ima gin* that throo or four hcmr» of "laep ie enotifh#

The troublo la that wo do not pay for theoe thinęo whllo we fooi "uU o ' but ln the yeare that folio*. Juat whon we fbol that our foot aro on ho loddor of auocoea.

Ther you elip*

Pollotr out tho ino truć tlona of to turo.

Sho donanda at leaat aovon houre of sloep.

Lon»t try to fool hor, KO GHT ETE2 DIB.

It lo Juat *e aaay to liro rlght and happy aa not* It le all in the way that you order fchlnga.

Goodbye for thle wtok and looklnę forward to tho noxt.




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