outsidc wcre speedily copied and tumed out by the numcrous workshops. The Finns also deve!oped distinctivc forms such as Finnish knives in fine shcaths madę of leather fltted with bronze, numerous varictics of iron flints, freąuently with bronze handles and figural ornamentation, and needle hol-ders as well as a distinctive zoomorphic style of ornamentation. Active participation in the far-flung exchange and a plentiful supply of sought-after commodities allowed them to accumulate considerable amounts of precious metals and bronze. Finnish products were purchased by Scandinavians and merchants from faraway lands. In terms of economic dcvclopmcnt. From the 9th until he 13th century, the West Finns ranked among the leading Euro-pean communitics.
The Middlc Agcs were for the West Finns a period of establishing the foundations of their own ethnic culturc and defining its directions of development. Subscqucnt foreign political domination and the invasion of diversc influences reduced the opportunity for the continuation of independent culture-forming processes. Their earlier achievements Feli into oblivion. The only sources which help to reconstruct the culturc basis on the West Finnish peoples are to be found in the ground and in folk tradition. The study of this evidence allows the reconstruction of the specific naturę of West Finnish culture in the period of their relative 'independence. What is revealed is a rich poetic output woven on the basis of ancient beliefs and traditions and their unique pcrception of the world. Songs and tales stored in orał folk tradition preserve picture of the life of a pcople in the distant past and the set of norms of behaviour, rules and taboos dictated by the everyday observation of events. This picture is madę morę tangible by archaeological traces, objects recovered from settlcmcnt sites and burial grounds, demonstrating that the Western Finns, while maintaining wide contacts with the outside world successfully developed their individual style adopting outside forms to their tastes and adding their inimitable things of beauty and use to the heritage of mankind.
A closer look at the medieval West Finnish culture revcals that it formed the basis for the northern Russian folk art tradition. Also possible but still insufficiently researchcd is the impact madę by the Western Finns on the formation of Scandinavian and Bałt culturcs. Be as it may, one may not disregard their contribution to the generał risc of the European civilisation in the Middlc Ages.
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