League of NationsTreaty Series.


notice by Germany or Poland, and by the latter also on behalf of the Free City of Danzig, in so far as the Free City is concerned as a Contracting Party.

The same provision shall apply to the right to demand at any time a revision of the stipulations of the present Agreement.

In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the said Agreement and have thereto afhxed their seals.

Done at Berlin, November the twenty-hrst, one thousand nine hundred and thirty.

Drawn up in triplicate, each copy in German and in Polish, each Contracting Party receiving one copy. The German and Polish texts are identical in substance and shall be eąually authentic.

F. Moskwa.

Oscar P. Trautmann. Karl Scholz.


On signing the present Agreement, the Plenipotentiaries agreed as follows :

I. Ad Article i.

The present Agreement shall in no way affect the legał situation arising out of the Convention of April 21, 1921, between Germany, Poland and the Free City of Danzig, concerning freedom of transit between East Prussia and the rest of Germany. The signing of the present Agreement cannot be interpreted as prejudicing, for any of the Contracting Parties, the interpretation of the Convention of April 21, 1921 ; nor does it affect the Warsaw Convention of March 26, 1927, between Germany and Poland, regarding the facilitation of International raił way trafhc.

II. Ad Article 6.

It is agreed that the Polish State Railways shall co-operate, as one of the Administrations concerned, in the tariff unions relating to the trafhc provided for in the present Agreement, and further that the tariff rates prescribed for trafhc between East Prussia and the rest of Germany shall apply to such trafhc, and that the Polish State Railways shall receive, for the transit sections, the same proportion of the tariffs as in the trafhc between East Prussia and the rest of Germany.

In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed this Finał Protocol.

Done at Berlin, November 21, 1930.

Drawn up in triplicate, each copy in German and in Polish, each Contracting Party receiving one such copy. The German and Polish texts are identical in substance and shall be eąually authentic.

F. Moskwa.

Oskar Trautmann.

Karl Scholz.

No. 3220



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